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mysql insert slow large table

Then run your code and any query … It didn’t take long to break. How often do you upgrade your database software version? This did not seem to speed it up any. So rank 1 through to rank 500,000. > However, my dealings with InnoDB have made me think that unless you _need_ > transactions, foreign keys, etc, MyISAM is still the way to go for speed on > large tables. Things just don’t work for a year, and then break overnight (Well, turns out they do!! (forget duplicating data as this is cheap enough) I want speed. So the difference is 3,000x! Update: I’ve been running this in production for more than 6 months now. First I split the searchable data into two tables and did a LEFT JOIN to get the results. Do you have any thoughts on this? Store a portion of data you’re going to work with in temporary tables etc. Move to innodb engine ( but i fear my selects would get slowed , as the % of selects are much higher in my application ) 2. ALTER TABLE normally rebuilds indexes by sort, so does LOAD DATA INFILE (Assuming we’re speaking about MyISAM table) so such difference is quite unexpected. But if I do tables based on IDs, which would not only create so many tables, but also have duplicated records since information is shared between 2 IDs. We have aprox 14,000,000 records using over 16gigs storage. Just an opinion. Then I merged the two tables and tested it with 35 million records with no performance problems. * and how would i estimate such performance figures? And update the current status on the blog itself. I’ve read SHE-DBA’s blog on using MySQL as a data-warehousing platform and where it _can_ be used as such provided the design is good and the queries are optimised. Peter, I have similar situation to the message system, only mine data set would be even bigger. Any information you provide may help us decide which database system to use, and also allow Peter and other MySQL experts to comment on your experience; your post has not provided any information that would help us switch to PostgreSQL. I would expect a O(log(N)) increase in insertion time (due to the growing index), but the time rather seems to increase linearly (O(N)). ic94695: slow concurrent inserts into large table Fixes are available DB2 Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows DB2 Version 10.1 Fix Pack 6 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows I wonder how I can optimize my table. Great article. I’ve used a different KEY for the last capital letter column, because I use that column to filter in the table. row_insert_for_mysql_using_ins_graph(unsigned char const*, row_prebuilt_t*) This function must have some explanation but I already covered many things on this post. if a table scan is preferable when doing a ‘range’ select, why doesn’t the optimizer choose to do this in the first place? Can anybody help me in figuring out a solution to my problem . What queries are you going to run on it ? I was having indexes almost the size of the complete table (+/- 5GB), which made the whole table around 10GB. I have several data sets and each of them would be around 90,000,000 records, but each record has just a pair of IDs as compository primary key and a text, just 3 fields. Seems like we’re going in circles with these. If you need to search on col1, col2, col3 then create an index(col1,col2,col3). SELECT,,, FROM t1, t2 WHERE ORDER BY LIMIT 0,10; When we move to examples where there were over 30 tables and we needed referential integrity and such, MySQL was a pathetic “option”. ALTER TABLE and LOAD DATA INFILE should nowever look on the same settings to decide which method to use. Obviously, the resulting table becomes large (example: approx. It can be happening due to wrong configuration (ie too small myisam_max_sort_file_size or myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size) or it could be just lack of optimization, if you’re having large (does not fit in memory) PRIMARY or UNIQUE indexes. And what if one or more event happens more than ones for the same book? Please correct me if I am wrong. For in-memory workload indexes, access might be faster even if 50% of rows are accessed, while for disk IO bound access we might be better off doing a full table scan even if only a few percent or rows are accessed. Any hope that this issue will be fixed any time soon? How long does it take to get a SELECT COUNT(*) using the conditions used in your DELETE statement? I have the following issues: when I click on small value pages e.g. Been a while since I’ve worked on MySQL. This way more users will benefit from your question and my reply. I tried using “SELECT COUNT(id) FROM z use index(id) WHERE status=1” but no hope, it was taking to much time again. Removing the PRIMARY KEY stops this problem, but i NEED IT.. Any suggestions what to do? The site and the ads load very slowly. My query doesn’t work at all Any solution……….? SELECTS: 1 million. Ok, here are specifics from one system. I am running data mining process that updates/inserts rows to the table (i.e. I must admit I am getting desperate now. Yes my ommission. OPTIMIZE helps for certain problems – ie it sorts indexes themselves and removers row fragmentation (all for MYISAM tables). my.cnf file contains the following information. (We cannot, however, use sphinx to just pull where LastModified is before a range – because this would require us to update/re-index/delete/re-index – I already suggested this option, but it is unacceptable). Some operators will control the machines by varying the values in the plc board.We need to collect that values from those machines via wireless communication and store that values into the database server.We need to observe that ,the operator operating the machines correctly or not at server place.Here problem is how we have to create the database for dynamic data. SPECS of SETUP A: OS: Windows XP Prof Memory: 512MB. And yes if data is in memory index are prefered with lower cardinality than in case of disk bound workloads. That’s why I’m now thinking about useful possibilities of designing the message table and about whats the best solution for the future. I have a project I have to implement with open-source software. My Max script execution time in PHP is set to 30 Secs. Also, all partitions will be locked until insert ends. 1) LOAD DATA CONCURRENT LOCAL INFILE '/TempDBFile.db' IGNORE INTO TABLE TableName FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\r'; Notice here that Im doing a concurrent insert and using the IGNORE keyword to make it faster. Whatever post/blog I read, related to MySQL performance, I definitely here “fit your data in memory”. 2) I know the memory can affect the performance but why has it not affected MS SQL much compared with MYSQL? The server is a very large sql server with several physical disks. Only with 5.1, I think. old and rarely accessed data stored in different servers), multi-server partitioning to use combined memory, and a lot of other techniques which I should cover at some later time. Proudly running Percona Server for MySQL, Percona Advanced Managed Database Service, Top most overlooked MySQL Performance Optimizations, MySQL scaling and high availability – production experience from the last decade(s), How to analyze and tune MySQL queries for better performance, Best practices for configuring optimal MySQL memory usage, MySQL query performance – not just indexesÂ, Performance at scale: keeping your database on its toes, Practical MySQL Performance Optimization Part 1,,,,,,,,, PostgreSQL High-Performance Tuning and Optimization, Using PMM to Identify and Troubleshoot Problematic MySQL Queries, MongoDB Atlas vs Managed Community Edition, How to Maximize the Benefits of Using Open Source MongoDB with Percona Distribution for MongoDB. All in all, pretty annoying, since the previous query worked fine in Oracle (and I am making a cross-database app). I periodically need to make changes to tables in mysql 5.1, mostly adding columns. There is no environment change and I have checked the server performance and the server is neither CPU or IO bound. Nothing to be impressed by. I repeated the above with several tuning parameters turned on. Percona's experts can maximize your application performance with our open source database support, managed services or consulting. Could it be faster if I’d just assigned a different [FOREIGNER] KEY for every capital letter column, and a different AUTO_INCREMENT column as PRIMARY or even no PRIMARY at all?! I may add that this one table had 3 million rows, and growing pretty slowly given the insert rate. What gives? This is where I sometimes spill my ink on topics related to Network Automation and Architecture. As older tables were deleted, their data would be summarized, and shared to another summary table with lesser resolution. It's not a perfect solution, but it can encourage MySQL to write the data to the disk when the database is idle. MySQL, I have come to realize, is as good as a file system on steroids and nothing more. The solution was to partition these tables – but in such a way, that the data-inserter would only need to access the newest few partitions to load a file, and hence the keys loaded into RAM would be minimal. Also, is it an option to split this big table in 10 smaller tables ? This one stored roughly 3 Terabytes of data . 4MB each: CREATE TABLE files ( fragmentid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’, data mediumblob NOT NULL, pid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’ ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; The “fragmentid” species a part of the file (data), and the pid specifies the id of the relating record in another table with some meta data. what changes are in 5.1 which change how the optimzer parses queries.. does running optimize table regularly help in these situtations? The slow part of the query is thus the retrieving of the data. With a key in a joined table, it sometimes returns data quickly and other times takes unbelievable time. Every large database needs careful design, and the solution for two different databases, might be completely different. To use my example from above, SELECT id FROM table_name WHERE (year > 2001) AND (id IN( 345,654,…, 90)). So long as your inserts are fast, I wouldn’t worry about it. is supposed to work faster in this scenario (and which parameters are relevant for different storage engines)? A count will always take more. This database had a high number of concurrent writes. id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE stat range dateline dateline 4 NULL 277483 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort 1 SIMPLE iplist eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 vb38.stat.ip_interval 1. Partition my tables ( i.e. Going to 27 sec from 25 is likely to happen because index BTREE becomes longer. I was on a windows server with mysql and get faster and moved to a linux machine with 24 G of memory. Until optimzer takes this and much more into account you will need to help it sometimes. As I mentioned sometime if you want to have quick build of unique/primary key you need to do ugly hack – create table without the index, load data, replace the .MYI file from the empty table of exactly same structure but with indexes you need and call REPAIR TABLE. I need to delete all 300,000 records found in one table from a table that has 20,000,000 records, and neither the subquerry i wrote nor the join i wrote give me any result at all in over 12 hours. break my table data into mutliple smaller tables , but this would make thigs very difficult for me to handle). It might be a bit too much as there are few completely uncached workloads, but 100+ times difference is quite frequent. It seems to be taking forever (2+ hrs) if I need to make any changes to the table (i.e. The problem is that this also disables the use of indexes … What could be the reason? The problem started when I got to around 600,000 rows (table size: 290MB). Try minimizing the number of indexes while running a big process like this one, then reapplying the indexes afterward. Now the Question comes “How can improve performance with large databases.“ See this article Does this look like a performance nightmare waiting to happen? any help is very much appreciated thanks, Need help! It does help, cheers. On a million record table I get this is a 1000 steps but it might beat the 1million*X join, “This especially apples to index lookus and joins which we cover later.”, Typo? For example, if you have a star join with dimension tables being small, it would not slow things down too much. that should increase the speed dramatically. Should I split up the data to load iit faster or use a different structure? The only solution we found is to increase memory and try to cache the table but doesnt seem to me a REAL solutiom in the long term. The more indexes you have the faster SELECT statments are, but the slower INSERTS and DELETES. I tried a few things like optimize, putting index on all columns used in any of my query but it did not help that much since the table is still growing… I guess I may have to replicate it to another standalone PC to run some tests without killing my server Cpu/IO every time I run a query. I’m currently working on a web project using MySql, Apache and Php. Dropping the index is out of the question, since dropping them and creating them takes far too much time, being even quicker to just let them be. We should take a look at your queries to see what could be done. adding columns, changing column names, etc.) Under such a heavy load the SELECT and inserts get slowed . If you are inserting many rows from the same client at the same time, use INSERT statements with multiple VALUES lists to insert several rows at a time. No problem. Now I have about 75,000,000 rows (7GB of data) and I am getting about 30-40 rows per second. So in my application, I decided to write either a program function or a stored procedure that takes small dataset initially and then utilizing the individual records from that dataset to further expand searching in other tables. What is often forgotten about is,  depending on if the workload is cached or not,  different selectivity might show benefit from using indexes. This table stores (among other things) ID, Cat, Description, LastModified. The things you wrote here are kind of difficult for me to follow. Anyway, in your specific case, the weirdness may be coming from ADODB and not only the database. Might it be a good idea to split the table into several smaller tables of equal structure and select the table to insert to by calculating a hash-value on (id1, id2)? But that would just postpone the problem. Up to about 15,000,000 rows (1.4GB of data) the procedure was quite fast (500-1000 rows per second), and then it started to slow down. The rows referenced by indexes also could be located sequentially or require random IO if index ranges are scanned. My real world tables and query are more complicated, but this illustrates my issue well enough. So we would go from 5 minutes to almost 4 days if we need to do the join. And if not, you might become upset and become one of those bloggers. Performance is very important with any application.If your database tables have millions of records then a simple SQL query will take 3-4 mins.but ideal time for a query should be at max 5 sec. Even storage engines have very important differences which can affect performance dramatically. Data has since quadrupled, and the database is keeping up with the data its fed! The table spec is the follows: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TableName ( A INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, B INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, C TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, D TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘1’, E TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, a TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, b TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, c TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, d TINYINT(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, e TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’, PRIMARY KEY (A,B,C,D), KEY (E), CONSTRAINT key_A FOREIGN KEY (A) REFERENCES ATable(A) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT key_B FOREIGN KEY (B) REFERENCES BTable(B) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ) ENGINE=InnoDB; The capital letters are INDEXes and some reference columns in other tables, and the small letters are just data columns that are returned but never used as filters (WHERE/JOIN/ORDER CLAUSEs). 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