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Shift workers can party and look sharp too! The above questions all relate to having stress. The big difference is that during the night, or our day time, everything in our bodies slows down or changes. I’ve been doing 16:8 fasting for about a month, and have dropped 10 pounds. Thanks for you post. I stopped fasting and felt a little better. Thanks for your comment and good luck. Does this tradition continue safely because it has a structure or do Muslims have some kind of superpower that allows them to last that long without food? You may also need to have a day off fasting between nights and days… Keep tweaking your eating window to see what works for you. For those working nights who still wish to intermittent fast utilizing the method by eating at the same time everyday may be the way to go. For example, studies show that exercising while fasting favorably affects your metabolism and muscle biochemistry. It can be tricky to find a routine which works so don’t be scared to shift your eating window slightly. Don’t rush or compare yourself to others, it may take you longer to adjust and that’s okay. If you’re new to IF try having a shorter fasting period to see how you it feels. Is it safe? link to Healthy Meals for Shift Workers (with Recipes and Videos), link to Vegan Snacks to Satisfy Any Famished Night Shift Worker, The National Academies of Science Engineering Medicine, 6 Quick and Healthy Night Shift Breakfast Meal Ideas, Organifi Green Juice Review – What Nobody Tells You, 15 Best Foods for Weight Loss on Night Shift, Does Shift Work Make You Fat? Therefore, if you were to extend the fast doing it after being off for a few days would be the way to go. It seems there is actually no difference to our bodies if we consume protein in a smaller period of time compared to eating over the course of the day. Read – Is Night Shift Bad for You? Click on each of the links below to explore more. However, just remember it’s also important to relax on your “weekend” or on your days off, so don’t let your fasting/eating routine get in the way of enjoying yourself. I understand the challenges of fitting in exercise, maintaining relationships and getting enough quality sleep, but I'm excited to show you that it’s possible to do shift work and still thrive. If we explore the structure of fasting for a second, here are a few popular ways people set up intermittent fasting: The 16/8 method is one of the most common, and safest methods because it doesn’t result in a reduction of muscle mass and the easiest to implement for those starting out. Keep up the good work and we’d love to hear how you progress over the coming weeks. I hope you can find a fasting method which works for you while on night shift. Whether or not to work out on an empty stomach is a heated debate, and the difference from a weight loss perspective is going to be minimal if anything. Dr. Axe (an online health expert) suggests that drinking carbonated water from something like a SodaStream or purchased from the store, helps regulate your blood sugar, neutralizes your bodily acids and is a much healthier alternative to soda. I work 7p-7a, 3-4 nights a week. While talking about not getting sick, we recently published titled, “How to Work Night Shift, Stay Healthy and Not Get Sick” which is full of easy to implement strategies which have saved my butt on numerous occasions! Typically, if you are working night shift a day you are not working will be less stressful than the day you work. So if you don’t exercise, even a little bit while fasting, we can lose muscle mass. Tapping into Body Fat. I am guilty of judging what I eat based on the clock. Of the five years I worked the night shift I incorporated intermittent fasting (fasting for 16-18 hours a day) for about three years. This means I have a calorie surplus on the days I train and a calorie deficit on the days that I rest. 7 pm – Again, start of ‘eating window’ (enjoy a meal with your family or friends), If you want to give this thing a shot, I love this quote from Nerd Fitness when trying to figure out your fasting period, “maximum efficiency and minimal discomfort”. 16 hours seems to be where the magic happens and maybe aim for this but don’t stress if your window is a tad shorter. *IF* you are using what I like to call “strategic eating”. Emma. If you are looking to eat at more reasonable hours on your days off ending the fast a few hours early on your first day off will be the easiest option. Not fasting, not carbohydrates, not cutting out a certain food group. The results showed that those males who went through intermittent fasting experienced no decrease in muscle mass. If you need milk or cream in your coffee to survive, I’m not going to stop you, but you might be surprised the changes in your taste buds and waistline after changing these habits. If you were someone who said yes to three or more, focus on the quality and quantity of your nutrition rather than when you’re eating. Is Night Shift Bad for You? If you suffer from low blood sugar or have issues with blood regulation, If you have a history of eating disorders, If you have issues with your gall bladder and or thyroid. My question is about what to do with IF times on days off please? If you’re keen to still train, this study concluded that people who used the 16/8 method we spoke about earlier, in conjunction with resistance training, ‘could improve some health-related biomarkers, decrease fat mass and maintain muscle mass.‘(1). Do you stick with the same window on your days off? Which is the dream, right? Raw veggies sticks dipped into hummus and soups I find are really great on night shift. So just this past week I decided to go back to IF. The type of IF that I've found to work best for losing body fat and maintaining muscle is 16/8 intermittent fasting. People engage in IF to reap the many benefits to health, fitness, mental clarity, or because it feels good. Having previously worked night shift for 5 years, a common question I get asked is, “How do I intermittent fast while working the night shift?” I believe this question is prevalent amongst night shifters because of the difficulty to access healthy food in the middle of the night. I’ve been experimenting on/off with IF. Question, I work 10pm to 8am and I’m wanting to try this keto diet along with the IF was wondering if when I start should I start out right away doing the IF everyday during my shift or is the IF just for a few days out of the week? Cortisol is pumped out in large amounts during the fasted state. The solution? CICO will be optimized this way. We are glad you did some Googling too! We also strongly recommended wearing blue light blocking glasses before bed to help you sleep. The reviews for both of these books are pretty mind-blowing and worth checking out. The benefits of working out are not diminished because you’re practicing Intermittent Fasting. What other strategies did you use? Tips For Staying Regular, Shift Work While Pregnant: Survival Tips From 46 Busy Moms, 8 Survival Tips For Single Shift Working Parents. Eat only high protein, low-calorie snacks if you get hungry. So because of this, your days off could be a good time for a “break,” but it’s totally up to you. 7 pm – Enjoy dinner with your family or friends, 12 am – 2 am – Start of ‘eating window’ (or start at first break), 5 pm – 12 am – (the following day) – skip ‘breakfast’ and continue fasting, 7 pm – Start of ‘eating window’ (after you’ve been the gym/walk/done a few jobs), 3 am – Finish eating window (make sure you have had your break). When I focused on my health and got down to a 1 or 2 on the about quiz (previously a 4 out of 5) I felt a substantial positive difference. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. What works in sync with what you’re already doing? Hi Alissa! Also, what is your ‘eating window’ on days off. Some say that during times of fasting, our bodies are actually really good at preserving muscle. You’re doing a great job. I practiced this routine for roughly six months while exercising a minimum of four days per week. Be careful though not to go too severe as your body is relying on a different fuel source now. Working out strengthens your muscles and bones. Just because you’re purposefully skipping a few meals doesn’t mean you can go crazy down the candy aisle. I know the effects of night shift stress from personal experience. Intermittent fasting using the 16:8 method could be an effective way to simplify eating on night shift by eating over an 8 hour window and fasting for 16 hours. Saturday (Day Off Normal) 1p.m.- 8 p.m. feeding window, Sunday (Day Off) 4p.m.- 10 p.m. p.m. feeding window, Monday (Work) 6 p.m.-12 a.m. feeding window, Tuesday (Work) 6 p.m.-12 a.m. feeding window, Wednesday (Day Off) 1 p.m.-9 p.m. feeding window. This was supported by a study done in 2016 which tested the 16/8 method on healthy 20 something-year-old males who had been weight lifting for about 5 years. I find eating a small and warm meal/snack when I get home like oats and a tea (such as chamomile or a sleepy tea blend) takes away the chill. Intermittent fasting, a dietary plan that restricts when you can eat, is a popular trend that supporters claim helps you lose weight and perform to your full potential. As with any modification to a lifestyle, people will see the initial brunt as paradigm-shifting. What struck me as interesting but also sort of obvious, is that any diet without exercise will (should) result in weight loss of both fat and lean mass, with the latter being everything besides fat, including muscle. No, you don’t, but Dr. Thank you for fighting the good fight and keeping us safe in tough times! My take away is that skipping meals at random can be dangerous because your body becomes used to a particular routine and glucose hit. For example, Oranges are packed with 88% water content whereas Strawberries are a whopping 91% water. Learning to eat well is more like learning to drive or learning to play an instrument than it is like finding a secret rule. Our metabolism and the way our body processes foods are all on the go-slow leading to disruptions in our circadian rhythm, which is associated with an increased risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. How do I structure it to still ensure productivity during nights, lose weight and feel great? Just because you’re not eating, doesn’t mean you cannot be social. It’s called the crescendo fasting method and basically means to only fast for a couple of days week, or even ONE day a week – definitely not every day! The benefits extend beyond physical health too. I know we are still confusing our body clock due to the whole sleeping thing not actually happening, but at least we can cut out the eating and know we can still survive…. Remember this means fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8. Consequently, it may increase insulin sensitivity and enhance glucose metabolism. In my experience this strategy was the easiest to be consistent with and is the one I used. Studies show that working out releases endorphins, which in turn make you feel less stressed and happier. But if IF fits into your schedule, go for it. Do you stay up after your shift on your days off? Working night shift and not having any sort of connection to your body’s natural circadian rhythm is alone very stressful. Hi, I’m so glad I came across your website. Losing 46lbs in 2 months. So much good stuff in here. As I shared in How the Body Burns Fat, your body needs energy, which it gets by burning either sugar or body fat. This is a place to share success, support each other, ask questions, and learn. But how much protein should we actually be eating? Your daily schedule. We hope you enjoyed this read about intermittent fasting while on night shift. Should I Eat on Night Shift? Therefore, this shouldn’t be a reason to not try intermittent fasting. If you are new to intermittent fasting…Small steps. To make this process simple you could ease into it by fasting for a few hours longer the day before you work then a few more the day you go into work. Hi Laurie, Why? Let’s dive into answering all of these questions. Yeah, I know I’ve got work to do…. I work 7 shifts (11 PM – 7 AM) followed by 2 nights off and then another 7 shifts and then 3 nights off. I have been making fruit/veggie smoothies for about 2 mths now and having those, as well as adding in some nuts or some cinnamon to spice them up. Help regulate your body’s sugar levels by stopping so many dips and spikes – even in those with diabetes. Hi Rosette, Changing your eating window (8 hour period) could be something to consider too. If you’re feeling like your 9-to-5 is really getting you down, you don’t have to feel alone. 10 Energy Boosting Beverages. When do you stop eating? Seems silly but you know how we get chills on night shift around 2-5 am when our body is preparing for sleep? Try around 4-5L while fasting to adequately get rid of all the nasty toxins. Support a healthy inflammation response by allowing your gut to ‘have a break’ from constant digestion of foods, Promotes your heart health by lowering your ‘bad cholesterol.’. In the beginning, you may feel super hungry, because you’ve upset you hunger hormone ghrelin. Fasting is an additional stress you would be putting on your body and the benefits you would receive from intermittent fasting would not outweigh the cost of the additional stress added. See their website here. Question, do you need to be on keto diet too on your eating window? Yes. But if IF fits into your schedule, go for it. Intermittent fasting: Morning Workouts & Eating HEY SQUADIES! Females bodies are super sensitive to that ‘starvation state’ and will naturally increase the production leptin and ghrelin, our hunger hormones. Or has your body got used to the pattern? This link explains it pretty well. , Hey Frannie! It’s hard to give one definitive definition because there are so many ways and structures people all around the world are using intermittent fast. Just keep in mind your “weekends” are meant to be a time of relaxation and R&R, so don’t let your fasting/eating routine get in the way of enjoying yourself. Published by Ian Hart on August 30, 2019 | Leave a response. When will I enjoy a meal with my family? Intermittent fasting (IF) involves organizing your eating around the time of day, eating normally for certain hours of the day (or days of the week), and fasting for others. Good question. So to many, skipping meals seems like a viable solution. Just drink lots of water with lemon in it? Secondly, when your body is in a fasting state as we explain in the Keto Guide for Shift Workers post, our bodies look for alternate energy sources and this results in a higher volume of damaged components and toxins in the body. Daily intermittent fasters restrict eating to certain time frame you stay up after your start... – 9:45 PM during my work week indicating a list of frequent health issues for those working the graveyard?... 16 hours suggestions that drinking sparkling mineral water can help you ease into ketosis quicker but ’! In 2011 indicating a list of frequent health issues for those working the graveyard shift us safe in tough!... For easy access I hope you can find a routine which is working for you sensitive... Or individuals a little practice I was thinking of midday to 6pm, everyone! Need to drink alcohol while fasting favorably affects your metabolism and muscle biochemistry through this,... 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Up between 8 and 9am and your body ’ s recommended to eat a keto diet during shift.

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