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sermon on rejoice evermore

I will show you a company of swine all feeding upon husks. Rejoice Evermore! Rejoice evermore. Beloved, why do your faces wear those gloomy colours? God grant that it may be so, for Jesus’ sake! Not for the good people. Have you exercised faith? Simpson: And again I say, Rejoice, sermon index) [Pictures Mine] Lord, teach me to rejoice in Thee, and to rejoice evermore. Secondly what it is to rejoice evermore. This is “good news of great joy for all the people.” Joy … When we read it, we feel that the time of the singing of birds has come. Only the Man of Sorrows and his chosen apostles can teach for a precept such a word as this— “Rejoice evermore.” Happy people who can be thus exhorted! { 1Th 5:16 } 1. From the material point of view we cannot rejoice evermore. The Christian may be tempted; but little impression is made upon him by the pleasurable bait, if he is happy in the Lord. We can take to ourselves the wings of eagles, and soar beyond the stars; but we are not condors, and cannot always fly: we are more like the sparrows which find a house near the altar of God. “Rejoice evermore.”— I Thessalonians v. 16. “Bring hither the minstrel.” Often does holy music set the prophet going. Begin with the first of them— faith. I thought a passage of God’s words, “In the Bible are the words ‘Rejoice ever more. Delight in him as man suffering, sympathizing with you. There are some persons who rejoice, and it would be well if a faithful hand were to dash the cup from their lips. Pray then without ceasing for the ability to rejoice in the spiritual even when the physical is very painful. mainly to know with Paul who … JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 14, Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore, Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia, Missions, Sister Churches, Christian Schools. I am sure, brethren, that we make a very great mistake if we get like Martha— cumbered with much serving; for that cumbering prevents our serving the Master well. Surely despondency is excluded. Homepage The ... A Sermon for Lent and for Florida By This All Will Know: On Boats and Love My Father and Yours God Does what He Says Unexpected Wine Infant Fire The Torah … Go to the Sunday-school class, and tell the dear children about Christ. 17 Pray without ceasing. Our text is set in the midst of many precepts. It cannot be an unsafe thing to do what we are commanded to do. var addy_text5da3461648b1bf605ccb36b3243d84e7 = 'Stated Clerk';document.getElementById('cloak5da3461648b1bf605ccb36b3243d84e7').innerHTML += ''+addy_text5da3461648b1bf605ccb36b3243d84e7+'<\/a>'; © 2014 Protestant Reformed Churches in America. Because Jesus has suffered, we are encouraged, commanded, and enabled to rejoice. If you cannot get joy either out of hope, or faith, or love, then go on to patience. Spare not, stint not, when rejoicing is the order of the day. What can the devil offer the joyous Christian? 1 Thess 5:16 Rejoice evermore. SittingDull Recommended for you. God helping us, we can always rejoice in God. Glory be unto the God of happiness who bids his children be happy. Even the calamities of life, and the sense of his own unworthiness, must not make the believer permanently cease to be happy. Hear the dynamic teachings of Reverend Terry K. Anderson, Senior Pastor of Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church and experience A Call To Joy! I will not say it harshly; I should like to say it as softly and tenderly as it could be put: but it must be said, and I must not take away from the force of it by my tenderness. Yet they dream that there is a gate, and that gate is shut, and across it is written this word, “Presumption.” They are afraid to feed where God has made the best grass to grow for them because they are afraid of being presumptuous. Rejoice Evermore post date: April 28, 2008 After our unplanned visit to the cemetery (see below), my mind drifted back to a scene from the final episode of the John Adams miniseries on HBO. But I go a step farther, and that is, that it is a sin not to rejoice. When Paul tells us in I Thessalonians 5:16 to "Rejoice evermore," he means that we should rejoice in what Christ has done for us, and is doing for us. At the house of the happiest knocks the hand of death. They are in such a state of mind that they cry “hallelujah” at anything or nothing, for they feel ready to cry, or shout, or jump, or dance. He does not know their mirth, even as they do not know his rejoicing. Giving Thanks During a Pandemic. Pray for that joy, and your joy will move you to thank God for the gifts of His grace. Hold not back through shame or fear. I do not envy them: I am not inclined to dive into their element. Though there are many more, let me point out eight reasons believers can “rejoice always.” 1. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 King James Version (KJV). A Sermon Delivered By C. H. Spurgeon, At The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. (A.B. Thanks :) Doug Wildman (5/3/2014) from Canada “ Pray Without Ceasing ” Thank you. addy5da3461648b1bf605ccb36b3243d84e7 = addy5da3461648b1bf605ccb36b3243d84e7 + 'gmail' + '.' + 'com'; I would that every one of us had the heavenly anointing on our wings, the divine perfumes of peace, and joy, and rest; for then others would be fascinated to Jesus, allured to heaven. You are sharing with us the services of the First Baptist Church in Dallas. -- PHIL. It is learning contentment and reflecting on God's goodness in our lives. Rejoicing ever more, is this easy to achieve? Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” So says our Lord. “Rejoice evermore.” Our text is set in the midst of many precepts. Sermon … because they will change. My soul swims in a deep sea of bliss as I think of God.” The devil will speedily quit such a man as that; for the joy of the Lord is an armour through which he cannot send the dagger of his temptation. This is the Pastor bringing the morning message entitled Rejoice Evermore. 16Rejoice evermore. 22 May 2016 AM – 1Thessalonians 5:16 – 1Th2016 – Scott Childs. It … We Rejoice … . Fill life’s sea with joy up to highwater mark. Only the Man of Sorrows and his chosen apostles can teach for a precept such a word as this— “Rejoice evermore.” Happy people who can be thus exhorted! Read verse fifteen: “See that none render evil for evil unto any man.” Children of God are apt to have evil rendered to them. … You shall never be able to fold your hands for want of some holy task or other; but be not worried; be not fretted by what you have to do; on the contrary, take up the sacred duties with alacrity, welcoming each one of them, and entering upon them with delight. Run out to your full tether; sweep your largest circle when you use the golden compasses of joy. The fact is that they ought to shake their heads about themselves for getting into so sad a state while this text stands on the sacred page, “Rejoice evermore.” It cannot be a wise and prudent thing to neglect this plain precept of the word. If you are resting in Jesus Christ, though you have only lately begun to trust in him, the whole covenant of grace with all its infinite supplies belongs to you, and you have the right to partake of that which grace has provided. Remember … var addyecd55b07425c5975a4e3fb9263b07d64 = 'billlangerak' + '@'; And now, just for a minute or two, I desire to speak upon THE QUALITY OF THIS REJOICING which is commanded in our text. 14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. 17Pray without ceasing. We ought to rejoice that there is a command to rejoice. O thou forlorn one, cease to judge those whose eyes flash with exultation. In everything give thanks.” – 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 “Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, as indeed you … Rejoice! Turn this book over and see if there be any precept that the Lord has given you in which he has said, “Groan in the Lord always, and again I say groan.” You may groan if you like. { 1Th 5:16 } 1. April 28, 2008. 17 Pray without ceasing. Think of thy final perseverance. If the foundation of a man’s joy be anywhere on earth it will be shaken; for there is a day coming when the whole earth shall shake, and even now it is far from being a stable thing. Again, dear friends, I feel bound to add that it must not be a fanatical joy. document.getElementById('cloakf1ad8aa402fe6bdcb8e0df6cb600013d').innerHTML = ''; And, therefore, since He never changes, the Bible says, "Rejoice evermore… Then muse upon the covenant of grace; think of redemption by blood; think of divine sovereignty and all that has come of it in the form of grace to men. This shows you what kind of joy could not be with us always. We ought not to want arguments to persuade us to be happy. A Sermon Intended For Reading On Lord’s Day, May 23, 1886. He loves to see those who serve in his house of a cheerful countenance. var addyf1ad8aa402fe6bdcb8e0df6cb600013d = 'laning' + '@'; THIS is a sunny precept. The joy of the Lord will be your strength in all these matters; therefore, “rejoice evermore.” Close at your hand will lie the weak who want supporting, and you may be half saying to yourselves, “We wish that all God’s people were strong, that we might unitedly spend all our strength against the foe, instead of having to use it at home for supporting our own weak soldiery.” But be not dejected on that account: while you are supporting the weak, still “rejoice evermore.” Your rejoicing will be a great support to the faint; your ceasing to rejoice will be a terrible confirmation of their sorrow. What sources of joy are these! We find, for instance, that a very large portion of the joy which he declares fills his … A Sermon Delivered By C. H. Spurgeon, At The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. Kansas City, Missouri 64118, © 2017 The Spurgeon Center and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Glad-heart, deal not roughly with the sorrowful. Build not on the floods; and what are outward circumstances but as waves of the changeful sea? Who can be sad, or silent, when the voice of the Beloved saith “Rejoice evermore”? The joy that will abide for ever is the joy to be sought after; but joy which a man cannot justify never ought to be thought of as enduring for “evermore.” Is your hope fixed on what Jesus did for sinners on the tree? “Rejoice evermore.”. “When we read it we feel that the time of the singing of birds has come. “Rejoice evermore.” No, Miriam, no, not always the timbrel. addyf1ad8aa402fe6bdcb8e0df6cb600013d = addyf1ad8aa402fe6bdcb8e0df6cb600013d + 'prca' + '.' + 'org'; If, when you run with the footmen of common self-examinations in time of health, they weary you, what will you do when you contend with the black horsemen of dark thought in the hour of death? He would have his children wait upon him with a light in their faces which is the reflection of his own. It is to be “constant but intermittent”: so one good man says. Go on to love God more and more, and to love his people, and to love poor sinners; and, as you love, you will not fail to rejoice, for joy is born of love! As you are patient towards all men, let your patience have a flavour of joy in it: however great the provocations that you endure, still “rejoice evermore” As it is written, “With all thy sacrifices thou shalt offer salt,” so let it be thy settled purpose with every other duty to offer rejoicing. Oh that God would help us to be faithful to our own experiences: then we shall not criticize others, but judge ourselves. If you had been a Christian a hundred years you might perhaps begin to think it possible that you were saved; but to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ right straight away like a little child, and at once to rejoice in his salvation, seemed to this dear old Christian woman to be an act of such shocking temerity that she could only shake her dear head and prognosticate all sorts of horrible things. Here is the link to thousands more sermons from Pastor Anderson: ... John Adams, "Rejoice evermore" - Duration: 2:40. “Rejoice evermore.” With such a God you have always a source of joy. All days are not holidays: there was a day when Job lost his cattle and his children, and yet blessed the name of the Lord. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 17 Pray without ceasing. (2) Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Pray without ceasing for rejoicing evermore in spiritual blessings which assure that your body and soul will one day be in the glory of Christ's kingdom. In attempting to lift them out of the waters you may, perhaps, be almost drowned yourself; your deliverance will lie in the sweet word, “Rejoice evermore.” You will lose your power both to warn the unruly and to comfort the feeble-minded, if you lose your joy. 2. That is a miserable business. PRC-Related: RFPA, Standard Bearer, Reformed Witness Hour, Etc. The rejoicing Christian is not the kind of man that wants to spend his evenings in a theatre. Scripture: Rejoice evermore.— "Be alway rejoicing in the midst of your trials and afflictions, knowing that you mayhave always the reconciled and approving presence of your God and Saviour, from which you may … ; and rejoice in the Beloved saith “ rejoice always. ” 1 the glad the moment I a! Not envy them: I am afraid that I could deliver the true believer from this evil influence blessing! 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