usage. Therefore, search engine optimization is a very good reason to use semantic markup. Semantic HTML is also important for accessibility, especially as the number of smart devices keeps growing. While in case of semantic elements of HTML5, the name clearly defines what kind of code it is holding, and it is for which part of the website. Can't call an item from my array using index - Javascript, Browser: Identifier X has already been declared, Problem with creating two components from one in react.js. They tell us nothing about their contents. HTML provides many elements that are designed to give meaning to content, including elements for headings and paragraphs. 2 comments. Section Article Chances are you’ve visited this page before and it still doesn’t make sense to you. Semantic HTML: Why Use It? Why Do You Need to Use Semantic Tags? Do you use one over the other? No probs! For you fans of linguistics, it’s the study of the relationships among signs, signifiers, and signifieds. Using semantic tags will bring a sense of meaning to the page. Heck reading that again, it is confusing to me as well. An intro to semantic HTML, Use of more appropriate elements instead of the div element leads to better accessibility for readers and easier maintainability for authors. On the flip side of this equation, tags like and are not semantic, because they define only how the text should look (bold or ) and do not provide any additional meaning to the markup. For the semantics they provide. HTML5’s semantic elements help structure the code we create, making it more readable and easier to maintain. HTML has grown increasingly complex over the last several years, and it can be tempting to keep using div elements with class and id attributes, but the accessibility and interoperability promise of semantic HTML5 tags is reason enough to embrace these new semantic elements. The
element defines section in a document. what is semantic Html? DEV © 2016 - 2020. #4) Modern form elements like date, time, week, email and many more are launched. So, on the Internet, you HTML5 semantic tags define the purpose of the element. Also class or id doesn't change the semantic meaning of the tag, div with id or class of footer will still have generic semantic. For example, we no longer declare italic elements with an for “italics,” (which is a purely visual change, without intrinsic meaning) but with an , for “emphasize.” They are all block level elements, so they will render the same, but from an accessibility point of view you should use the most appropriate element (e.g. However, html5.1 specifies a
Tag to identify the body content. for example, a

tag indicates a paragraph. an ul list of internal links is most likely some kind of page navigation. Many web sites contain HTML code like: