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Ye my friends; who through diffidence and despondency advised him to this course. "Why" do you say this to me? What Does Psalm 111:10 Mean? Some will say, How is it possible that birds of so different a feather should all so fly together as to meet in the character of David? The image is not of a tactical retreat, but of panic and self-preservation. Except for the opening line of “Praise the Lord” (Hallelujah), each of the 22 lines of Psalm 111 begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Richard Gilpin. I now rejoice in heart, | Absorbed was righteousness, And hope bids me do so; | As of the raging flood: For Christ will take my part, | Satan, in his excess, And ease me of my woe. 4 Wer kann die Wunder vergessen, die er vollbringt? This shows the English words related to the source biblical texts along with brief definitions. W. Wilson, D.D., in loc., 1860. And again, "The Lord's seat is in heaven, and upon the ungodly he shall rain snares, fire, brimstone, storm and tempest," with "Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire out of heaven:" and again "His countenance will behold the thing that is just," with "Delivered just Lot... for that righteous man vexed his righteous soul with their ungodly deeds." Life is full of questions. Verse 1. Natürlich ist jeder Psalm 11 11 meaning direkt in unserem Partnershop zu haben und somit sofort bestellbar. "Whom have I in heaven but thee," amongst those thousands of angels and saints, what Michael or Gabriel, what Moses or Samuel, what Peter, what Paul? how can you give me such counsel, as if I were to run away from danger, and to put no trust in God? But this was David’s common practice; and therefore there was no need that any should advise him to it, or that he should reprove them for that advice. "Your hill," that hill from which you say your help cometh: a sneer. His case was like that of Nehemiah, when his enemies, under the garb of friendship, hoped to entrap him by advising him to escape for his life. Thomas Fuller. The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. 1815): Fugite (o socii Davidis), mons vester (h. e. praesidium vestrum, Psalm 30:8, cui innitimini) est avis errans.). 1 Alleluia! Verses 1-7: The panic that launched this psalm was not David’s but that of his apparently well-meaning counselors. He will employ our dearest friends to argue us out of our confidence, and he will use such plausible logic, that unless we once for all assert our immovable trust in Jehovah, he will make us like the timid bird which flies to the mountain whenever danger presents itself. London, 1657. 4 Er hat ein Gedächtnis gestiftet seiner Wunder, der gnädige und barmherzige HERR. ψαλμός psalmós Saitenspiel, Lied) ist im Judentum und Christentum ein poetischer religiöser Text, oft mit liturgischer Funktion. The fut. In the Lord put I my trust — It is not in fortresses or strong holds that I place my confidence, but only in the Lord, in his power, and love, and faithfulness. The Christians laugh at your cruelty, and grow the more resolute," said one of Julian's nobles. "We are ashamed, O Emperor! He thinks it was composed by David while he was in the court of Saul, at a time when the hostility of the king was beginning to show itself, and before it had broken out into open persecution. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. I am not so carnal as to build the spiritual church of the Jews on the material walls of the priests' city at Nob (which then by Doeg was smitten with the edge of the sword), but this is most true, that "knowledge must preserve the people;" and ( Malachi 2:7 ), "The priests' lips shall preserve knowledge;" and then it is easy to conclude, what an earthquake this massacre might make in the foundations of religion. The interpunction as we have it, נודו הרכם צפור, harmonises with the interpretation of Varenius as of Lb Spira (Pentateuch-Comm. 2 For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart. I trust in the Lord: how do ye say to my soul, Swerve on to your mountain like a bird? Hence, they became the place of retreat for robbers and banditti, as well as for the persecuted. as a bird to your mountain—having as such no safety but in flight (compare 1Sa 26:20; La 3:52). | On these men what will fall. Or, Flee away, O thou bird, thou little silly bird, lest the royal eagle seize upon thee. Their mood is panic, but David’s is peace. Psalm 111:1 "Praise ye the LORD. Psalm 11:1-7. EXPOSITION. Psalm 111 Lutherbibel 2017 Preis der Gottesgnade 1 Halleluja! David, at the different periods of his life, was placed in almost every situation in which a believer, whether rich or poor, can be placed; in these heavenly compositions he delineates all the workings of the heart. Verse 1. to some of your mountains in Judah, and there hide thyself. On title, see [574]Introduction. Beiträge von Kunden über Psalm 11 11 meaning. In jehovah have I taken refuge: how say you to my soul, Flee to the mountains like a bird? in his faithfulness, who hath promised, and will, I doubt not, give me the kingdom. psalm definition: 1. a holy poem or song, especially one of the 150 collected together in the Bible 2. a holy poem or…. The construction of the clause beginning with כּי is like Job 38:41. Faith in the fathers old | I saw a royal throne, Obtained righteousness; | Where justice should have sit, Which makes me very bold | But in her stead was one To fear no world's distress. Christ trusted in God never a whit the less for the fleere and flout which their profaneness was pleased to bestow upon him. Learn more. | Of their iniquity. Psalm 111:10 in the Parallel Bible; Psalm 111:10 in the Thematic Bible; Psalm 111:10 Cross References; Psalm 111:10 Treasury of Scripture Knowing; Psalm 111:10 Prayers; Psalm 111:10 Images; Choose Chapter Subscribe to the Verse of the day. Alluding to some event in his history, as in 1Sa 23:13, the Psalmist avows his confidence in God, when admonished to flee from his raging persecutors, whose destruction of the usual foundations of safety rendered all his efforts useless. Psalm 11 is the 11th psalm from the Book of Psalms. The advice of cowardice, and the jeer of insolence, both answered by faith. His timid friends were alarmed for his safety, and recommended him to flee to some mountain where he had a hiding place, and thus to conceal himself from the rage of Saul. Cassidorus (A.D., 560) in John Mason Neal's "Commentary on the Psalms, from Primitive and Medieval Writers," 1860. When Satan cannot overthrow us by presumption, how craftily will he seek to ruin us by distrust! Sie geben allen, die Freude an ihnen haben, zu denken. From Psalms 11:1-3, David describes the temptation with which he was assailed, and from Psalms 11:4-7, the arguments by which his courage was sustained. of Psalm 11. I cannot say that he doth compare himself to a dove, but he would compare himself ( Psalms 55:6 ), "O that I had the wings of a dove, for then I would flee away and be at rest." This may be done by singing, or by grateful ascriptions of praise and gratitude. Ein Psalm ist ein biblisches Gebet. In temptations of inward trouble and terror, it is not convenient to dispute the matter with Satan. But death could not hold its power over him. Psalm 11:1-2 New International Version (NIV) Psalm 11 For the director of music. He could brave the dangers, could escape the enemies, and defy the injustice which surrounded him. either, 1. [⇑ See verse text ⇑] It's not entirely clear what prompted David to write this passage. What does this verse really mean? This Psalm applies itself to the establishment of the church against the calumnies of the world and the compromising counsel of man, in that confidence which is to be placed in God the Judge of all. More enemies now I have | Yet, Lord, I thee desire, Than hairs upon my head: | For that they do to me, Let them not me deprave, | Let them not taste the hire But fight thou in my stead. To whom we answer, That no two men can more differ one from another, that the same servant of God at several times differeth from himself. When prayer engages God on our side, and when faith secures the fulfilment of the promise, what cause can there be for flight, smitten a giant before whom the whole hosts of Israel were trembling, and the Lord, who delivered him from the uncircumcised Philistine, could surely deliver him from King Saul and his myrmidons. Teacheth us to trust in God, how great soever our dangers be; also that we shall be many times assaulted to make us put far from us this trust, but yet that we must cleave unto it, as the anchor of our souls, sure and steadfast. How say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain? Why do good people lose their jobs? how say ye to my soul, flee as a bird to your mountain? David in Psalms 42:11 , seems to correct himself for his mistake; his soul was cast down within him, and for the cure of that temptation, he had prepared himself by arguments for a dispute; but perceiving himself in a wrong course, he calls off his soul from disquiet to an immediate application to God and the promises, "Trust still in God, for I shall yet praise him;" but here he is more aforehand with his work; for while his enemies were acted by Satan to discourage him, he rejects the temptation at first, before it settled upon his thoughts, and chaseth it away as a thing that he would not give ear to. These verses contain an account of a temptation to distrust God, with which David was, upon some unmentioned occasion, greatly exercised. "The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and he that delivereth me, my God, and my strength; in him will I trust: my shield, the horn of my salvation, and my refuge. Thou sayest Lord, whoso knock,| Then thought I, Jesus Lord, To them wilt thou attend: | When thou shall judge us all, Undo therefore the lock, | Hard it is to record And thy strong power send. The meaning is, that they should give every proper expression to their feeling of joy. Genesis 19:17-19 . (a) This is the wicked counsel of his enemies to him and his companions to drive him from the hope of God's promise. import some passion, at leastways, a disgust of the advice. The most probable account of the occasion of this Psalm is that given by Amyraldus. In the Lord, i.e. How say ye? he can do nothing. Never miss a post. Or, from your mountains, in which thou and thy companions use to hide yourselves. Especially now! Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. "and there is none in earth that I desire in comparison of thee." Verse 1. How say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain? "The meaning is that religion is the foundation of all wisdom." What Does Psalm 119:11 Mean? Probably the greatest frustration in life is “Why?”. Thomas Fuller. And there are weighty reasons that should dissuade us from entering the lists with Satan in temptation of inward trouble. In the Lord put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain? Psalm 111 is classified as an Individual Hymn of Thanksgiving, a psalm type in which the singer gives thanks for God’s goodness in delivering him/her from various life-threatening situations such as illness, oppression, or enemy attack. 2). In Psalm 11:3 the faint-hearted still further support their advice from the present total subversion of justice. Indeed, corporal cordials may be envenomed by being wrapped up in poisoned papers; not so good spiritual advice where the good matter receives no infection from the ill manner of the delivery thereof. Proud member Whole Psalm. The list is actually endless. Psalm 111:10 Translation & Meaning. Psalm Ein Psalm ist ein biblisches Gebet. "This is the only place in the Bible where the word `reverend' occurs, and it is applied to God, NOT to ministers." | Sucked up the guiltless blood. Doubtless, the perils which encompassed David were great and imminent; it was quite true that his enemies were ready to shoot privily at him; it was equally correct that the very foundations of law and justice were destroyed under Saul's unrighteous government: but what were all these things to the man whose trust was in God alone? 3 If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? It means “to bestow boasting and honor to God”. They scorned to fly away for the enjoyment of rest except it were with the wings of a dove, covered with silver innocence. | Of moody, cruel wit. With what face or reason can you say thus to him, who hath the Lord God Almighty for his refuge? Verse 1. Thus, when the chief priests mocked our Saviour ( Matthew 27:43 ), "He trusted in God, let him deliver him now if he will have him." Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Ps 11:1-7. des Alten Testaments (auch Psalter genannt). Psalm 110:1 (A Psalm of David.) Erfahrungsberichte zu Psalm 11 11 meaning analysiert. A mother knows every dimple, hair, and birthmark on her baby’s body. Whole Psalm. Verse 1. Dr. Thomson, in The Land and the Book, finds in the habits of the dove an illustration of the passage; and compares Psalm 55:6, “Oh that I had wings as a dove!”. The idea of trepidation is conveyed in the original by the verb, which suggests the hurried flap of wings. Theodore Haak's "Translation of the Dutch Annotations, as ordered by the Synod of Dort, in 1618." Verse 1. With Jehovah I have taken shelter; how say ye to my soul, Flee, sparrows, to your hill? See under Psalms 111:8, above, for comment on this. How say ye to my soul - How say ye to "me" - the soul being put for the person himself. How say ye to my soul — Ye, my friends; Flee as a bird to your mountain? The perfect overrides the future: they are not only already in the act of bending the bow, they have made ready their arrow, i.e., their deadly weapon, upon the string (יתר equals מיתר, Psalm 21:13, Arab. Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them. and David, in a like spirit, refuses to retreat, exclaiming. Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever. "Holy and reverend is his name" (Psalms 111:9). Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Structure. How forcibly the case is put! (v 89) "Oh, how I love Your Word! INTRODUCTION. Psalm 111 - Praise the LORD. To have almighty power engaged for us, and we to throw ourselves out of it, by bold sallies in the mouth of temptation! These verses contain an account of a temptation to distrust God, with which David was, upon some unmentioned occasion, greatly exercised. Das liegt daran, dass die Psalmen nicht nur gesprochen, sondern meistens auch gesungen wurden. The saints' falls have been when they have run out of their trench and stronghold; for, like the conies, they are a weak people in themselves, and their strength lies in the rock of God's almightiness, which is their habitation. It is answered, David was not offended with the counsel, but with the manner of the propounding thereof. The perf. This is another of the acrostic psalms, arranged according to the Hebrew alphabet. Use this table to get a word-for-word translation of the original Hebrew Scripture. They believe, and, therefore, make no haste; nay, they can scarcely be said to feel earth's convulsions as other men, because their eager hope presses forward to the issue at the advent of the Lord. Charles Simeon gives an excellent summary of this Psalm in the following sentences: -- "The Psalms are a rich repository of experimental knowledge. “Psalm 11”: A vision of the Lord on His throne (verse 4), is all the righteous need for security in the face of the threat of the wicked (verse 2). Verse 1. From Psalms 11:1-3 , David describes the temptation with which he was assailed, and from Psalms 11:4-7 , the arguments by which his courage was sustained. Division. Psalm 111:1 Translation & Meaning. of the object) in the dark (i.e., secretly, like an assassin) at the upright (those who by their character are opposed to them). Notice how remarkably the whole Psalm corresponds with the deliverance of Lot from Sodom. Use this table to get a word-for-word translation of the original Hebrew Scripture. [16] "The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom" (Psalms 111:10). Ich danke dem HERRN von ganzem Herzen im Rate der Frommen und in der Gemeinde. A Lover can recall every feature of his Beloved’s face. Beim Psalm 11 11 meaning Vergleich schaffte es der Gewinner in den Eigenschaften gewinnen. Psalm 16 11 Meaning According to Peter But then Peter preaches on Pentecost starting in Acts 2:24. Whole Psalm. they compare him to a little, fearful, trembling bird, wandering from its nest, moving through fear from place to place, whereas his heart was fixed, trusting in the Lord; and this gave him a disgust: they advise him to flee either "from" his mountain, so Kimchi and Ben Melech interpret it; that is, either from Judea, which was a mountainous country, especially some parts of it; or from Mount Zion, or rather from the mountain in the wilderness of Ziph, or the hill of Hachilah, where David sometimes was, 1 Samuel 23:14; or it may be rendered "to your mountain", as we, so the Targum; that is, to the said place or places where he had sometimes hid himself; and this they said to his "soul", which was very cutting and grieving to him; the word rendered "flee" in the "Cetib", or writing of the text, is in the plural, "flee ye"; but is pointed for, and in the "Keri", or marginal reading, is "flee thou"; the latter agrees with this being said to David's soul, the former with the phrase "your mountain", and both are to be taken into the sense of the words; not as if the one respected David's soul only, and the other both soul and body, as Kimchi and Ben Melech observe; but the one regards David's person, and the other his companions, or the people with him; and contains an advice, both to him and them, to flee for their safety; the reasons follow. 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