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when to bulk and when to cut reddit

He'll be able to bench 225 for 10 reps, squat 315 for 10 reps, and deadlift 405 for 5+ reps. (His starting bench press was likely to be about 150 pounds for a single rep. Maybe even less.). But maybe the 10% Lyle and Martin were previously referring to is a 10% classic measurement, like hydrostatic or calipers, which might not look and feel so fat on taller guys or guys with better genetics for fat distribution. Bulking is more about training eating the right amount of calories than proper macronutrient ratio. Then cut. But he'll be strong as fuck, too. From the starting point of a beginner an untrained individual could lift weights relative to what you are calling "intermediate" without having put on significant muscle mass. First and most importantly, a good mindset to follow is a quote from John Berardi, PhD's article series "Tailor-Made Nutrition" - "To… or to bulk? While all your meals are important, special attention should be paid to your post-workout meal or shake. I don't do any ab exercises and I have a 6-8 pack. All you need to do is figure out if you’re carrying excess body fat, then apply the golden rule. Having said that … Depends on how hard you bulk and how hard you cut. How to go into a cut from a bulk? I have been really wanting to get ripped lately as I have been bulking since about 140lbs. 3. 2. I can't offer any real medical advice on how to be happy, but not being fat doesn't mean instant happiness. This will allow for a metabolism reset, allowing you to cut/maintain at higher levels than before. On my most recent bulk attempt I was gaining at 2 pounds per week, I gained too much fat and had to stop. I'm getting crazy indecisive on what the best course of action is. As daunting as it might be, get some second, third or even fourth opinions to put you at ease or to be blunt with you. Here’s how I’ll be structuring my nutrition. And if he drops down to 200 or so, then he will look amazing, compared to his starting point of 175. ", https://www.facebook.com/officialleangains/posts/1033573196751082. Assuming a 50/50 muscle/fat gain. Everyone is welcome! He's never trained before. To maintain a lean bulk, you’ll need to eat at a calorie surplus that consists of extra protein and wholegrains, without containing too much fat. What Is A Mini Cut? Before digging in to the guide on making this decision, there are two meta topics to cover. This is when you eat whatever you want, and as much as you can, to gain weight as fast as possible. Cutting and bulking properly is the most effective way to gain significant amounts of muscle over time. Slow cut isn't going to do anything better. It is still the most effective way to start out. The lower body fat you can start your bulk, the better. How tall are you, what are your goals? So what am am saying is if you bulk/cut according to the weather, don’t let the bulking phase get out of hand. system. Completely cut out saturated fats. You'd need to be more specific to get an in depth answer but if I presume one has cut to skinny then bulked to intermediate strength standards then it's unlikely one will have (being presumptuous) the physique you think you will. but that seeems like a reeeeallly long time. You probably could not manage a daily bulk, cut, bulk, cut, but you could do something similar to this. Your body doesn't really react to much in a day, but over a long period of time. Just as the name implies, a “mini cut” is a brief fat loss phase that is performed during a bulk in order to strip off some of the excess fat you’ve accumulated. Undergo a long term lean bulk that lasts several years, then attempt a cutting diet to get rid of any extra fat. I know there is a collective wisdom here (led by tonty) to make sure not to cut to skinny without any muscle to show so bulk/get strong first. So I'm thinking about doing a slow cut, (.5 pounds a week to lose the pudge.) Depends on how trained you are. In both cases, they'll get sub-optimal results and was… Members. Unless you bulk up and cut the right way, you will end up with results you never expected or wanted. December 14, 2015, 5:25pm #4. Totally agree but I use my work shirts as my gauge. As I’ve said, you need to bulk for at least 9 months to make it worth it. For example: I was able to improve my squat by 30 kg in 6 months following a linear progression program and my nutrition plan: deadlift improved for 32.5 kg and bench press for 15 kg. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Yes and no, it depends on your goals. Cut 10-15 pounds of fat, and then begin a long term lean bulk that will last several years. Entering the bulk too soon - people end their cut at 10% instead of reaching 6% which is a much better starting point and just an extra month of cutting. Adding supplements like creatine monohydrate (5 grams) and glutamine (5-10 grams) to your post-workout … You probably could not manage a daily bulk, cut, bulk, cut, but you could do something similar to this. The real problem is that everyone is starting from a different point, and 10% looks and feels different on different people. Before making your plan to cut weight, get lean, and get shredded read the answers to our 5 most asked questions for a better cut and perfect shred. You … Additionally, eat healthy fat, like those in fish and nuts, to give you energy for your workouts. Your strength should stay the same during a cut, maybe slightly reduced on bench/ohp by maybe only by a few pounds. So you are going to be building muscle no matter your diet. This entails eating an amount of calories that causes a caloric deficitto exist so that a mode… No Full Nudity. Consistency and a strict adherence to either bulking or cutting will net you results. After that you go back into a cut, which needs to be two weeks long to reset the hormonal balance and then bulk again. CUT YOUR CALORIES. Although with such a plan you'd only be bulking half the year, you'd be able to bulk at a much higher surplus, making it more efficient than bulking all the time at a very low surplus. For example if you're bulking at +300/day then cutting at -500/day, you'd only need to cut ~3 weeks to lose the fat gained in your 2 months of bulking. However, many people often bulk for about 6 months and then begin a cut to look good in the summer. The Bottom Line on Whether You Should Cut or Bulk. If the weather is cold outside, I bulk. Personally I was lean and deadlifting 400lbs and didn't really look that good. And your workouts and nutrition choices should work synergistically to help you reach those goals. Let's say you have Generic Jon, who is 5'8" and weights 175 pounds. 104. Cut Cutting is a term used to describe a fat loss phase. Any time you eat in a calorie surplus in order to maximize muscle growth, a certain amount of fat gain is inevitable. My own view would be if you've got that far then keep going, what's the point in going on a diet when you could get twice as strong in another year. For example, “bulking” to one lifter might mean gaining 30 lbs in 6 weeks, whereas to another lifter it might mean gaining 6 pounds in 6 weeks. A skinnyfat novice does not need to, and probably shouldn't, cut to 10% before bulking. If you want to build muscle and lose fat, there are 3 options for you to choose from: Bulk The question of whether or not to cut or bulk first is a very common one with no clear-cut answer as it varies so much on your experience, goals, and current body fat level. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. Beginning of dialog window. However, I don't have enough muscle mass on me, so my only option is to really continue trying to slowly bulk. Cut or Bulk? For example, you might gain too much excess body fat while bulking. i.e. The first time, I took 4th place—and I used a diet to cut up. I personally maintain that anyone could deadlift 100 kilos with a few weeks effort, but they aren't gonna look like a physique model like. That it could basically be done at the same time. Bulging biceps and strong, sleek abs -- you have the upper-body strength and definition, but not the strong legs to go with it. There’s really only one way to find out. would hitting intermediate strength standards be a good point to start cutting to sub-10% and not look skinny? Seems obvious, but many people fail to do it.For example, you see people trying to out-train a bad diet when their goal is fat loss. When you've cut enough, then bulk. For most people, it’s not a bad idea to start by just reducing some body fat. It’s only 3 months long, and you may end up losing a lot of fat in your stomach area and love handles. But most people don’t bulk and cut the right way. Thirdly, when you are no longer fat, but aren't happy with your muscle mass then it's obviously time to bulk, and you simply have to get over a fear of getting fat again. Bulk for several months, cut … I think the point is more that once you're at a reasonable level you don't have to label or define phases with such specificity. You need to calculate whatever the difference between the current calorie intake value during the bulking phase and the value of calorie intake that would be recorded at the starting point of the cutting phase. Your training and diet should reflect your goals. This is where the old bulk-and-cut routine fails you. When you cut or bulk, do either at about 4 to 6 week intervals, then switch to the other phase. If your body fat % is lower than 20%, can you bench 225, squat 315, and deadlift 405 for reps? If you feel fat and are fat, then I'm afraid you probably are fat and need to keep cutting. Let’s go over each bulking and cutting and explain the best dosage for both of them. For most people, it’s not a bad idea to start by just reducing some body fat. Thanks I didn't know what either of those meant. 33.2k. The question of whether or not to cut or bulk first is a very common one with no clear-cut answer as it varies so much on your experience, goals, and current body fat level. As you gain fat mass, insulin sensitivity decreases, making it harder to build more muscle. This simple rule makes it easy to determine whether we want to bulk or cut - if you’ve got a decent amount of excess fat mass, it’s more productive to cut. At this point, he can consider cutting. If you have nothing important coming up, then spending some solid time on a long bulk might be the more viable option. On my most recent bulk attempt I was gaining at 2 pounds per week, I gained too much fat and had to stop. For this article however, we will discuss how you can properly implement bulking and what type of bulk you should go for, given certain factors. You're experienced and optimizing for low body fat/aesthetics over strength. 10-02-2011, 03:38 PM #11. fukyourhuge. Is it Possible to Bulk and Cut at Same Time? Created Apr 29, 2013. Long Term Lean Bulk, Then Cut. Do you have a set or rough amount of time you tend to bulk and cut? You do need to eat more overall to increase your body mass. Bulk properly and you won't. The last thing you want to do when you are skinny fat is cut, because this will make it nearly impossible to build muscle and could lead to increased cortisol levels and other health issues. He should BULK, and attempt to add 2 pounds of bodyweight per month for 2 years straight, adding up to 48 total pounds gained. As you bulk and cut, your muscle fibres are just inflating and deflating. Bulk vs Cut vs Recomp. The fact remains that in order to ‘bulk’, you need to be in a calorie surplus, in order to ‘cut’, you need to be in a deficit. Is your body fat % greater than 20? I was about to start a thread but this seems appropriate. Once you get past the slightly nonsensical terms, deciding whether to cut or bulk is actually pretty straight-forward. Bulk when you're comfortable in your own skin, cut when you feel like a fat ass. I've tried to rewrite this in a way that makes it as helpful as possible, honestly I mean no offence to anyone but the votes indicate this has struck a nerve so here goes. In that guys study though he was advocating doing a 800+ calorie deficit for those 2 week cut. So now I'm in the process of learning how quickly to bulk\cut. 4. But when I got to 500 things really started moving. Sometimes it makes more sense to start off with a cutting phase, and other times it makes more sense to start off with a bulking phase. Skinny legs are an opportunity for you to build bulk and muscle that helps you appear more proportional. Although a compound like LGD 4033 would be better for bulking, you can do a great bulk with Ostarine as well. When starting bodybuilding, you have two paths both lain ahead of you, start with cutting or bulking.. Each are equal in their own special way. I always feel fat and am never comfortable in my skin. Repeat this process until you’re happy with your size at 8-9% and then maintain that condition. 12-11-2010, 10:51 PM #2. koreanpride. And once you've done that, follow the guidelines below so you know when to flip from cut to bulk and vice versa. 2. Should I bulk or cut? What I’ll Be Eating to Lean Bulk on Keto OMAD. In order to bulk effectively you need to take it slow and don't think you have to over eat all of a sudden to gain the muscle weight you want. I used to cut 12-16 weeks and bulk the rest of the year. If your body fat is fairly low, then you probably want to start with bulking. I say you give the 12-week cut a try. If you are underweight, you should bulk. The Final Word. To cut in bodybuilding, you'll need to reduce the number of calories you eat while continuing your weight-lifting routine to maintain your muscle mass. How many pounds are you losing during a 4 month cut? Mirror is deceiving to yourself. Bulk: 8-12 months. Have I missed something? Before we get any further I’d just like to say that the old-school idea of gaining as much weight (generally fat) as possible and then cutting to see what you’re left with is not what I’ll be referring to or recommending here. Or follow my jeans method for bulking & cutting. would hitting intermediate strength standards be a good point to start cutting to sub-10% and not look skinny? In any case there's no need to cut for as long as you bulk. At that point you can get leaner and bring your cut-bulk range to 8-11%. You may be thinking "oh but Martin is this, and I'm that. You need to drop weight for a competition. If you want to build muscle, you’re going to have to accept two irrevocable facts: It’s going to take a long time [as a natural] There will be some amount of fat gain. The process is quite arithmetical. The Bottom Line. What should Jon do if he wants to look amazing? A lot of Generic Jons are not willing to do this. Your bulk up plan will work even better, however, if you get down to where you can easily see your full abdominal wall (which is around 6-7% body fat for most people) as when you increase calories in this state, your body will be more primed to gain most of the weight in the form of muscle mass in response to the low calorie period that came before it. I'm a few weeks into my first cut and it's gone really well, can see clear progress. Also, when you literally aren't fat, remember why that is. Rather than trying to bulk and cut at the same time, you’re better off working on one after the other. So this year, I took my reverse slow and am bulking for close to a total of 2 years before i cut, and my strength is immensely grown so far(1 year). Cut or Bulk? You've been bulking for a while and are gaining an uncomfortable amount of fat (i.e. 9. Bodybuilding is the use of progressive resistance exercise to control and develop one's musculature (muscle building) by muscle hypertrophy for aesthetic purposes. Need advice, to cut? It is meant to be a way of body recomposition - losing fat and gaining muscle/strength the most effective way. #5: Cut the cardio. Achieving Bulk then Cut? Well, if that’s the case, check out our article on How to bulk and cut – Training periodization. Before making your plan to cut weight, get lean, and get shredded read the answers to our 5 most asked questions for a better cut and perfect shred. Are there situations where you should stick to bulk/cut? Pictures required in post. A fairly common question and one that I’ve gotten a number of times is whether or not you should bulk or cut first. So, here’s how to answer the question: “Should I bulk or cut?” Here’s a great article on finding your own body fat percentage: How to Accurately Measure Your Body Fat Percentage. Now I'm I was going to aim for a slower bulk, but I'm reeeaaaallly not happy with the stomach pudge. Online. So yeah, I guess I haven't really given an alternative to either Martin's prior suggestion or his new one, but I think it's something between "don't bulk until you're down to 10%" and "don't bulk until you feel lean enough". Good afternoon all, I'm new to the board and was looking for sound advice.I am currently on the start of week 4 in my cycle and feel as if I come across a mental fork in the road, ill explain after I write my stats. In general: aim to cut for at least one month at a time, and to bulk for at least three months at a time. I know that I need to cut to 10% DEXA to feel lean and mean, but I still feel fat as fuck at 10% hydrostatic (15% DEXA). Nowadays people bulk when they already have the size for an appropriate cut, and they cut when their already lean enough. Heh. Aside from that, there's no I can't find any evidence showing that long term bulk/cut cycles (like 6 month bulk/ 2 month cut) are in any way more efficient than slightly shorter cycles like yours or even longer cycles. Your body doesn't really react to much in a day, but over a long period of time. Martin's advice: "Fuck the percentages. Even if you're a total noob to lifting, cut in this case - you'll still gain muscle for a while. He's about 15% bodyfat, and not much muscle. Final point, Martin mentions this in a great article too, think it was the "secret of being lean" one. If you are just starting to workout, recomping is not too hard. Repeat. You aren’t going to look how you wish to look straight off your first bulk. It's a beautiful thing to be able to cut/maintain at more relaxed cal levels. He lifts this and I'm only lifting that." In order to cut down on calories, eat lots of high protein foods, such as eggs, grilled meats, and cottage cheese. Base your muscle building on strength changes, not the mirror. Or, when wanting to build muscle, they train with extremely heavy loads, low volumes, and they avoid carbs. Going on a bulk is much riskier. (all though I regained the lost cut muscle and then some.). There is probably a level of leanness that would make bulking optimal. If you feel fat and really aren't fat then that could be indicative of a deeper problem. So if you fuck up bulking you have first hand evidence and experience in how to cut again if you need to. You fuck wearing two sweaters and a coat? there is evidence to support that a 2 week aggressive bulk/ 2 week aggressive cut cycle might be the most efficient way to build muscle. That way, you can bulk for longer before you need to cut again. For every 100 calories I go over maintenance, I have a crippling fear that excess cals will be stored as fat. If you have the discipline and patience to slowly whittle away the fat until you’re around 6-7% before you start your bulk, then do it. Then reverse. As I’ve said, you need to bulk for at least 9 months to make it worth it. To achieve this kind of micro-lean-bulking and recomposition, I’m going to be fasting the majority of this experiment and eat very sparingly. To get the physique you really want, you’re going to have to learn how to cut and bulk, and know when to do which. This gives us the recommended range to stay between when cycling cut and bulk phases. Other/META; Cut - progress; BoC; Bulk - progress; BF% Estimate ; r/BulkOrCut Rules. Sure, it’s fun to eat everything in sight, and it can be effective, but there’s a big difference between effective and optimal. In any case there's no need to cut for as long as you bulk. (all though I regained the lost cut muscle and then some.) LeanGains is a diet/workout methodology based on intermittent fasting (IF) and lifting heavy weights. So this is my basic philosophy for bulking. On my first cut I was dropping roughly one pound per week. If you lost too much muscle you weren't eating enough protein. Don’t try to do both simultaneously. Discuss please! If you bulk for an extended period of time and find your body adapting to the higher calorie level, try raising them a bit higher to see how your body handles it. DIRTY BULK. The second competition, I took 1st place and never changed my diet. If you’re pretty lean, then it’s more productive to bulk. Is it an aesthetic? How to transition from a cut to a bulk . The good news, though, is that if we push deeper into muscle growth, we can add more nuclei to our muscle fibres. How to Bulk Up Your Skinny Legs. Assuming your goal is to commit to a focused bulking phase after your cut is over, your fat loss cycle should simply last however long it needs to in order to achieve a body fat percentage of about 12% for men and 18-20% for women. Skip to how to cut for beginners Bulking for beginners Eat at a caloric surplus. This is a serious sub for anyone that wants to know whether they should bulk or cut for cosmetic appearances, general health, and/or fitness goals. Are you looking to bulk then cut on same training schedule? But the average lifter wants to look good all year long. Consuming too much fat - go through bulking logs of people on forums and half of them are chugging peanut butter and ice-cream like crazy, only to end up with 50% of their bulk as pure extra fat. I now weigh 185lbs with 13%bf.Do I weigh enough to finally cut? Press J to jump to the feed. To maximize muscle growth and recovery, a post workout shake consisting of whey protein and a fast-acting carbohydrate (like dextrose) is ideal. Long Term Lean Bulk, Then Cut. Short Term Bulk, Then Cut. My physique is exactly the same as yours, and I can escape skinny fat. Interesting. Bulking dosage + example cycle. A popular question I'm asked from beginners is "how do I go from a cut to a bulk" I've got good news for you- it's dead simple. The question of whether to bulk or cut first should be looked at on a case-by-case basis rather than following one concrete guideline that every skinny fat guy should follow. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. So for me, it's 10% DEXA. Now, being able to SEE your abs, you need to cut fat, period. If he's training smart (using the principles outlined in Practical Programming for Strength Training), then a lot of that 48 pounds will be muscle. Short Term Bulk, Then Cut. Unfortunately, “body recomposition” just doesn’t work once your “newbie gains” have been exhausted. One definable goal eg put muscle on or stop being fat is helpful in many ways. Despite what you may have heard, reverse dieting is completely unnecessary for 90% of you. User photos only. Depends on how hard you bulk and how hard you cut. Filter by flair. I'm fat by 'standards of the fitness community' but though I'm 'relatively lean' otherwise - no belly, in somewhat decent shape. At this rate I think another 5 weeks will do. 1. If you can’t stick with it for that long, then the potential results you can reap will be significantly hindered. This doesn't help. Yes and no, it depends on your goals. The goal here is to gain muscle mass while keeping gains in body fat to a bare minimum. You are severely overweight or obese. Bulk Bulking is a term used to describe a muscle building phase. On there, we discuss why it is optimal to periodize your gaining & shredding goals, instead of trying to achieve them all at once. There’s really only one way to find out. The two are different things and they need to be done separately in phases to achieve the best results. But then again if you want to end up leaner than before the bulk, it's a viable option. It's a beautiful thing to be able to cut/maintain at more relaxed cal levels. I competed twice at the amateur level (through the NPC). Is a 2 month cut/bulk cycle like this very inefficient for building strength and size? As for size, I will not be able to completely tell until I cut. Going on a bulk is much riskier. If you ask others, you would most likely be bombarded with so many different answers that will make you fall to the floor and cry like a little girl. Protein is the main nutrient you need when building muscle. However, there is evidence to support that a 2 week aggressive bulk/ 2 week aggressive cut cycle might be the most efficient way to build muscle. Especially if you're not sure whether to bulk or cut or you're a skinnyfat noob who has never touched a barbell before. This entails eating an amount of calories that causes a small caloric surplusto exist so that a slow rate of weight gain occurs. Hey guys PayPay here and today I just wanted to make an informational post. As well as cutting 2 months gets you pretty lean, but cutting 3-4 will make you be able to grate cheese on your abs, all about what the goals are. If you truly feel unhappy in your own skin, whilst being lean helps, I found it really doesn't solve all your problems. In this article, we’ll determine whether you should bulk or cut first, and we’ll also figure out if losing fat and building muscle at the same time (aka doing a “recomp”) is something you should try instead. When you bulk and cut the right way, you successfully build muscle and lose fat over time, and end up as lean and muscular as you intended to be as quickly and effectively as it can realistically happen. The only difference is I'd become heavier during my bulk.. NOT CARE ABOUT WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE FOR 2 YEARS. But most people don’t bulk and cut the right way. It allows you not to care as much. Second time i did it, i practically stayed the same, and third time pretty much the same. It is unclear whether someone who bulks from 12% body fat will have a calorie partitioning advantage over someone who starts bulking at 18%, but there are clear aesthetic advantages. Bulk until your regular jeans you wear every day start to get too tight for comfort and then cut until you need a belt to keep them where you want them. These are realistic cycles and reasonable expectations, its also believeable from someone who sounds experienced. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. View Profile View Forum Posts Registered User Join Date: Aug 2010 Age: 29 Posts: 331 Rep Power: 156. because different factors come into play. The decision to "bulk" or "cut" is often a very difficult one for trainees to make. Post-Workout Nutrition Is Vital. So you’d bulk until you hit 11-12% and cut until you hit 8%. How Long Should You Cut Before Bulking? I cut for 14 hours and bulk for 10. 2. But it became clear to me I wasnt putting on much muscle mass anymore. An individual who engages in this activity is referred to as a bodybuilder. Start out lightly with the calories and basically you just want to eat barely enough so that you can up your lifts week after week slightly. Recommend only one day of cardio per week while bulking then he will look amazing, to... Not CARE about what he looks like for 2 months in time for a September holiday who engages in case... Starting from a cut from a cut from a bulk s really only one way to gain weight fast. 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Lean '' one, being able to see how well my own body fat while.! One after the other hardcore competitors mainly want to bulk and cut the right amount calories... How hangry I get during the cuts not a bad idea to start to... He will look amazing for size, I took 4th place—and I used diet... Stay between when cycling cut and bulk for at least 9 months to make when their already lean.... Could do something similar to this then that could be indicative of a deeper problem week cuts -50... You are skinny fat quickly to bulk\cut see how well my own body to... Look that good bulk, but I when to bulk and when to cut reddit that. used a to. You bulk and cut – training periodization energy for your workouts and nutrition choices should synergistically... Consistency and a coat covering them 20 %, can you bench,... And had to stop like for 2 months in time for a while bulking optimal of weight gain.... ; BoC ; bulk - progress ; BoC ; bulk - progress BoC! Though I regained the lost cut muscle and lose fat, and begin! Cut '' is often a very difficult one for trainees to make an informational post the weather is outside. Personally I was lean and deadlifting 400lbs and did n't really react to much a... Fat is helpful in many ways they train with extremely heavy loads low... With your size at 8-9 % and not much muscle mass while keeping gains in body fat stores can used... Case, check out our article on how hard you bulk and cut at the same a.

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