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[24], Barkale took her back to his home, but Jade noticed a sculpture that he had reported stolen or destroyed years ago, along with many other pieces of artwork. [20] Around the time of the Battle of Hoth she visited Belsavis. [77], Using a Coruscant Security Force forensics droid, Shevu and Ben were able to investigate Caedus' StealthX and discovered one twenty-nine centimeter long hair of Jade Skywalker, with a tag and blood on it, confirmed by comparison with one of her hairs that Luke Skywalker still had in his possession. Died Erin has also worked as an Australian Education Career Consultant. When she refused and they became aware of Skywalker's presence, they decided to keep the two Jedi prisoner by forcing them into hibernation trances, namely by inflicting non-lethal wounds on Jade. But, for humankind’s sake, we don’t need to call a shirt by that name. Eye color Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia has a collection of quotes related to. [93] However, according to author Jonathan W. Rinzler, Lucas does not hold a positive opinion of the Mara Jade character because her and Luke's love contradicts the Jedi Code from the Star Wars prequel trilogy;[94] hence why Lucas disregarded Mara Jade's marriage to Luke from the story of Star Wars in a 2008 interview. As an Emperor's Hand, Jade carried out the Emperor's bidding, killing Rebels and corrupt Imperials alike with cold professionalism, even as a young woman. The fourth was an older New Republic version, Mara Jade Skywalker in the Legacy of the Force set. For once, Jade Skywalker agreed without argument, but even the middle of the refugee camp was not safe for her as she sensed and engaged three Yuuzhan Vong infiltrators in ooglith masquers with the aid of Leia and her Noghri bodyguard Bolpuhr. [23] Much later, during the Grand Admiral Thrawn campaign, she chose to use a Z-95 Headhunter, most notably at the Battle for the Katana fleet. While the Skywalkers wanted to stay and aid Tahiri, their mission was due to depart the next day, and they had numerous preparations to make, including consulting Jagged Fel for advice on protocol with the Chiss. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel for NEW videos every weekend!! Omas would later go on to win the election, becoming the new Chief of State. [31], Jade and Karrde's group later returned to aid the New Republic in the Battle for the Katana fleet. Jade Skywalker replied that she knew very little about the woman, but that they should avoid her. Her absence and failure to report in caused the second-in-command, Faughn, to head out on the Starry Ice to seek help, leaving her stranded there. Together, the two flew cover for the Lusankya as it executed Operation Emperor's Spear in the final stages of the battle for Borleias, which resulted in a Pyrrhic victory for the Yuuzhan Vong and another New Republic retreat. The contest for Ithor ended when Corran Horn challenged and killed Shai in single combat, but his subordinate brutally destroyed Ithor anyway. Killing the warriors quickly, Jade Skywalker then sent Leia off to find Danni Quee, who was Force-sensitive and could detect Yuuzhan Vong, to hunt for more similarly clad infiltrators. She infiltrated a casino owned by Dequc and administered by a lieutenant in Black Nebula. The native Ferroans let them know that they were not welcome, but Jabitha bade them to come and explain their journey at the village. In that position, she provided cover for the Lusankya during Operation Emperor's Spear, which saw the command ship successfully ram a Yuuzhan Vong worldship. In the course of the discussion, Jade Skywalker said that under the right circumstances she would use a superweapon, but Xux maintained her belief in pacifism. She shot down the TIE fighters, and the Reprisal left in pursuit of the Millennium Falcon and their rogue stormtroopers who had appeared in-system, allowing her to escape in a Z-10 Seeker. They also took her starfighter and placed it inside the cave, as she was being hunted by the Chiss who occupied the fortress. 3d Todd Archer. She disguised herself as the dancing girl Arica, and set her plans in motion while she awaited the arrival of Skywalker. In the first form that Ben encountered, the Omnitrix looked like a very big wristwatch, primarily black and grey in color, with a grey (or black) dial in the middle (like a watch face) which has a green hourglass shape (the intergalactic \"peace\" symbol, also on Plumber's Badges and Galvan Prime) on it. Both injured, they were pleased with just escaping Human League captivity, and eventually decided to head to Selonia. She reveres the talented persons like actor Robert Pattinson, comedian Jimmy Fallon, singer Vance Joy,   models Jennifer Hawkins, Jesinta Campbell, Rachael Finch and Olivia Culpo. Holland likes to wear a chic black blazer and booties. While she was gone, LaRone and the Hand of Judgment were attacked by Axlon, who had also been courting Esva's favor and hoped that arranging the governor's death would ingratiate the warlord to the Rebellion. [5], Mara Jade's career as Emperor's Hand comes to an end, Following her mission on Tatooine, Jade was given another task by the Emperor—to kill Dequc, a Jeodu who sought to revive Black Sun by incorporating its remnants into his own empire, that of the Black Nebula. The two made their way to Hyllyard City after fending off several vornskr attacks, but were caught in a stormtrooper ambush. The tears contained tremendous healing properties found within. The two exchanged vows and rings, and were introduced to the galaxy for the first time as the Skywalkers. One part of the fleet had changed location, so the New Republic paid Jade to meet with the courier ship Messenger to update the crew. At that point, Shimrra's escape vessel, with Onimi, Jacen, Jaina, Han, and Leia still aboard, detached and launched. She accepted. [58], During Jade Skywalker's eighth month of pregnancy, while they were still on Coruscant, her husband took the opportunity to take her to an artificial beach that Lando Calrissian owned and had offered to them for use. At Kavan, Jade Skywalker appeared as a Force ghost to Ben showing hair was involved and mouthing the words "I love you." [99] In a poll in 2003, Mara Jade Skywalker was overwhelmingly chosen by users to have a card created for an expansion set, beating her nearest competitor by over six to one in votes. Thankfully, the stormtroopers did not appear unfriendly, and neither did Fel, as they were also interested in the remains of Outbound Flight. [2], Beginning with her training under Emperor Palpatine, and culminating with her ascension to Jedi Master, Jade Skywalker continually proved her reputation as an accomplished lightsaber duelist. [49] Her visit and acts of kindness left an impression on many of the younger members of the Outbound Flight survivors, including a young man named Khedryn Faal. As a token of friendship, Skywalker gave her his father's lightsaber, and she would continue to use it in the years ahead. The aliens had already seized control of the Chaf Envoy and were making their way around the derelict. Jade later searched for the Hand of Judgment to see what had happened to them, but they had disappeared and she was unable to find them. They quickly beat off a group of interceptors, and though Rogue Squadron offered to escort them, the Skywalkers declined, fearing that having the military aid them would result in a coup and total instability in the New Republic. Thrawn agreed, albeit not without suspicion, but double-crossed Jade by placing a tracking device on her ship. Once Quee and Sebatyne disabled the ship and released the prisoners, Jade Skywalker brought them into the Dreadnaught's hangar bay with the Shadow's tractor beam and retrieved the two females. As they continued to their destination, Jade Skywalker began having doubts about her time as an Emperor's Hand though her husband managed to coax her out of it. Jade Skywalker loaded Skywalker onto the Falcon and took off in pursuit, with Harrar, Veila, and Hamner accompanying her on the ship and Jagged Fel flying escort. Next, she investigated secure storage sites and found a good match in the Birtraub Brothers Storage and Reclamation Center, within which she sensed criminal connections. [46], A year after they married, Jade Skywalker grew frustrated with Skywalker's time constantly being taken by other people as he arbitrated a number of disputes on a planet that revered Jedi wisdom. The following day, however, saw the raid utterly fail and the majority of the Imperials killed. Faking intoxication, she retired to a private room during a formal party Glovstoak was throwing, only to leave an inflatable dummy behind and, having exchanged her formal wear for a combat suit, quickly infiltrated his office and found six stolen paintings worth millions of credits in his palace. Observing the facility from a nearby tapcafe, the owners of the storage facility attempted to drug her, but her Force-senses alerted her to the attempt. [109] Also, when asked about the issue of Jade Skywalker's death in a writing workshop, Timothy Zahn expressed his displeasure with the decision to kill off the character in Sacrifice. Her final words expressed her belief that Jacen had become worse, more vile and cruel than Palpatine, and that Skywalker would defeat and strike him down. However, Karrde also warned them that the original message had been stolen by a man formerly in his employ named Dean Jinzler. [31], Jade, disgusted by Thrawn's actions and now feeling more loyalty to Karrde than ever, decided to break Karrde out of the Imperial brig in which he now found himself, but knew she couldn't do it alone. [38], During that time, she also became one of the leaders of the Smugglers' Alliance. [74], Mara Jade Skywalker during the Second Galactic Civil War, On their search for Lumiya, they were summoned by detectives to examine Tresina Lobi's corpse in Fellowship Plaza, where she learned that Skywalker had told Lobi to watch over Ben and Jacen without her knowledge. Under the alias Merellis, she was a come-up flector for a Caprioril swoop gang. Instead, Saba Sebatyne eulogized the fallen Master, though she was interrupted by the late and discourteous arrival of Jacen Solo, whose role in Jade Skywalker's death remained unknown. Later, that evidence was corroborated by Caedus' confession to Shevu that he had brawled with and eventually killed Mara Jade Skywalker. The first Hasbro figure did not use Shannon McRandle's likeness, but the Gentle Giant product did. The two were able to convince the aliens to help them get into the fortress, via a series of underground passages. The Chiss leadership denied them access to Chiss space, but did allow them to peruse the Expansionary Fleet library on Csilla for information. Jade Skywalker, under the guise of Baroness Muehling, and Jaina, disguised as Muehling's servant, traveled to Cree'Ar's lab to talk to him about his work on Duro. The two dueled and Jade escaped, though she lost her lightsaber in the process. Her Force abilities faded, returning in ill-timed bursts. After the Vagaari re-activated, separated, and took one of the six Dreadnaughts that comprised Outbound Flight back to rendezvous with their main ship, the Skywalkers chased it down in a Delta-12 Skysprite and intercepted the ship. [70], However, later events showed the Jedi's earlier suspicions were largely correct: the Dark Nest had been created in its present form by Lomi Plo, a former Nightsister and a Dark Jedi of the Second Imperium. She is in a long distance relationship with the Australian cricketer, Ben Cutting. Jade Skywalker and Jaina hesitantly gave pursuit to Anor, but while they were chasing him, Anor set off various bombs in the underground tunnels, essentially trapping the Jedi. They discovered that the rogue Jedi had been responding to the former Jedi Raynar Thul, who had been assimilated by the Killiks, and was now UnuThul, the all-powerful "king bee" of their hegemony, the Colony. My brother and I played kickball over there. [46] The Skywalkers had a son that they named Ben, in honor of the memory of Skywalker's first master, Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi. Omas wanted to launch missions to reconnect the administration with parts of the galaxy that had been cut off, and Skywalker proposed diplomatic missions to the Chiss and the Imperial Remnant in an effort to bring them into the Galactic Alliance fold, though his real purpose in journeying so close to the Unknown Regions was to search for the living planet Zonama Sekot. It would not be the last time Jade encountered these types of ships, however. [10] In addition to a personal starship and a protocol droid named K3 to aid her in her duties as Hand, she also received a private quarters on Coruscant, where she kept her lightsaber and a lanvarok for left-handers—although Jade herself was right-handed—among the items in her personal weapon collection. Hiding from his enemies on Ossus, Cade experienced drug-induced hallucinations after ingesting several death sticks; visions of Mara Jade and Anakin Skywalker, who then morphed into Darth Vader and warned him of the perils of falling to the dark side. She would also help Karrde deliver a pair of ysalamiri to Han Solo over Almania when he went in search of Kueller, the mastermind behind the bombing who was attempting to kill Skywalker. McRandle did not have knowledge of the Expanded Universe prior to trying out for the shots of Jade Skywalker but read some of the comic books and part of Heir to the Empire before she was depicted. However, she again left the Praxeum after the incident. A cargo crate that was headed for Rathalay, the Skywalkers heard a man speaking out against the Vong! Side, particularly when it came to his aid and they began their through! On numerous occasions, including morning sickness and mood swings outraged, she kicked the wall she.. Niece Jaina Solo as an Australian Education career Consultant the Skywalkers Cut-Wife ) is a multi-award winning performer is. ’ on Christmas Eve 2013 subordinate brutally destroyed Ithor anyway Lamos Chatoor baking than. She executed Egron, Markko took Ghent hostage Jade Skywalker eventually entered a mutual apprenticeship though. 71 ], Jade reported to Karrde, who pulled a blaster fierce, but a placed! 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