wallace fard muhammad disappearance

Master Fard taught his followers about a period of temporary domination and persecution by white "blue-eyed devils," who had achieved their power by brutality, murder, and trickery. Some blame the police, the FBI, or rival leaders within the NOI. A variety of other claims emerged; that he went to Hawaii, New Zealand, and even to the Middle East. He arrived in Detroit in 1930 with an obscure background and several aliases, and taught an idiosyncratic form of what he considered Islam to members of the city's black population. J. Edgar Hoover would not have dropped something of this magnitude in a year's time. WebThe FBIs FOIA Library contains many files of public interest and historical value. But none can be verified and he is almost certainly long dead now. This would suggest he was, in fact, diabetic. WebMaster Fard's mysterious disappearance in 1934 led to an internal struggle for the leadership of the Nation of Islam among several contending factions. In 1934 he disappeared without a trace. He taught a unique form of religion which was based on Islam to members of the city's African-American population. But his strict culinary concerns may have emerged from elsewhere: it is said he carried packets of sugar in his coat pocket and is said to have bled easily. Fards First Temple of Islam included the Fruit of Islam, a military-like organization of black male converts, a Muslim Girls Training Corps Class and a University of Islam which, despite its name, was mainly focused on elementary and high-school level education. 1, List of people who have been considered deities, "Wallace D. Fard American religious leader", "Nation of Islam at a crossroad as leader exits", "Louis Farrakhan says billionaires 'paying off' black preachers, politicians", "Nation of Islam resonates in Detroit as it returns home for convention", "The Nation of Islam could be Chicago's savior", "Coverage Of "The Voodoo Murders" Mythic Detroit", Appendices: A. [27] "Harris had no standing in the order and was not regarded as a leader. Free maps of USA towns - printable, unique, stylish, souvenir maps for download now! "[26] Wallace Fard Muhammad loved the black people of the United States of America. Almost everyday we would have conversations (actually friendly debate) about his faith. Although there is only one known picture of "Fard", there are a few known photographs of "Ford", mostly police mugshots: https://zaidpub.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/walaace-fard.jpg. "[37] The FBI took note of the article written by Erdmann Doane Beynon, and it conducted a search for Fard using various aliases including the name "Ford". But over time his ideology began to shift. The FBI were confident that Wallace Dodd Ford was, in fact, Wallace Fard Muhammad. The FBI file on Fard provides both dates for individuals suspected (but never confirmed) to be Fard. On the draft card, "Ford" is written in parentheses in a different hand. Reyes | Finn exhibit brings together more than 150 Detroit artists, Taurus Burns embraces his zebra stripes in Created Equal, Four queer, Black women explore the aftermath of heartbreak in Detroit art show. I taught him some lessons. This is my own personal theory and it is out there so this is a fair warning: I believe that Ford was a FBI plant sent in as a cointel agent to gather intelligence on the civil rights movement that would getting traction in many inner city's and southern States. "[58], Beynon also wrote: "The prophets message was characterized by his ability to utilize to the fullest measure the environment of his followers. He taught a unique form of religion which was based on Islam to members of the city's African-American population. Legends soon sprang up about this mysterious personality. Master W. D. Fard founded the Nation of Islam, or the "Black Muslim" movement, in a Detroit ghetto called Paradise Valley in July 1930. He provided no known place of birth for his parents nor his date of immigration. The other was Wallie D. Ford of California, arrested by Los Angeles police on November 17, 1918, on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. The FBI officially claims this: Fard got into hot water when in May 1933, one of his followers performed a ritual murder as a sacrifice to God. [25] In 1933, he began signing his name "W. F. Muhammad", which stands for "Wallace Fard Muhammad". He could very plausibly be Maori from New Zealand trying to pass as an Arab, or he could genuinely be Arabic. We must give up the slave names of our slave-masters and accept the name of Allah (God) or one of His divine attributes. The past History shows that the ALMIGHTY ALLAH sends Prophets and Apostles for the people's Guide and Example, and through them HIS Mystery was Revealed. He arrived in Detroits Paradise Valley on July 4, 1930, in order to achieve this goal. [24], According to Beynon, Fard's followers grew to approximately eight thousand. He told his followers that they were not Americans and therefore owed no allegiance to the American flag and could refuse to serve in its military. Ford/Fard lied about his background so many times that it's hard to tell what's true and what's not. He declared that we were without the knowledge of self or anyone else. With growing prestige over a constantly increasing group, [Fard] became bolder in his denunciation of white people and began to attack the teachings of the Bible in such a way as to shock his hearers and bring them to an emotional crisis. "[25] He went on to state: "Why is Stress made to the Muslims to Copy, the Minister, Elijah Muhammad's Answers? This new movement, known as the Temple People, identifies the prophet, Mr. W. D. Fard, with the God, Allah. Four years later, in 1963, they issued another story to a Los Angeles-based newspaper that claimed Ford and Fard were, in fact, the same person. Through his friendly manner he was able to gain access to the homes of poor African Americans and began to teach about their "true religion," not Christianity but the "religion of the Black Man" of Asia and Africa. They must clean themselves up both their bodies and their houses. She is employed despite her ethnicity because the managers are desperate for someone with a working knowledge of silk they rationalize the hire by discovering that her place of birth was Turkey, a Muslim country, although she is a practicing Greek Orthodox Christian. rcel.async = true; But I don't get that instant feeling of recognition and "wow, these guys are obviously the same person! The FBI is keeping close tabs on them and, realizing they have nothing on its founder, open an investigation into the man known as Wallace Fard Muhammad, considered by the Nation of Islam's followers to be an actual incarnation of God. The Caucasians are the colored people, since they have lost their original color. Before arriving in Detroit in 1930, under the alias of David Ford, he attained a high rank in the Moorish Science Temple, a vaguely Islam-like religion that disbanded that same year. He wrote two books for the movement, The Secret Ritual of the Nation of Islam, which is transmitted orally to members; and Teaching for the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in a Mathematical Way, which is written in symbolic language and requires special interpretation. Submissions should outline a mystery and provide a link to a more detailed review of the case such as a Wiki article or news report. "Fard, W. D. (c. 1877-1934), Religious and Political Leader He was drawn to return to the United States in order to liberate the African-Americans from their half-slave and half-free condition. He also stated that his father was born in Pennsylvania and his mother was born in Illinois. He founded the religious movement in Detroit, Michigan, U.S., in 1930, and was its leader until 1934, his disappearance. This fits with Ford's former professions. Karriem was found to be legally insane and was committed. He disappeared in 1934 after several arrests in Detroit and Elijah Muhammad took over as leader of the Nation of Islam. By 1930 a permanent split developed in the movement. He founded the religious movement in Detroit, Michigan, U.S., in 1930, and was its leader until 1934, his disappearance. "Fard, W. D. (c. 1877-1934), Religious and Political Leader ." Encyclopedia.com. Black Nationalism: A Search for Identity in America. Fard as being Allah (God) and claims that Fard is the source of all of his teachings, it is suggested that an exhaustive effort be made to fully identify and locate W. D. Fard and/or members of his family. Fard had an East Indian appearance, and was a dapper dresser with perfect white teeth and dark eyes. I am your brother. It's strange that he never attempted further contact with his followers, however. Fard by A. K. Arian studies the origin of the Nation of Islam founder. [31], From the FBI's response to the Freedom of Information Act request, Evanzz claimed that Fard, using the name Fred Dodd, married Pearl Allen in Multnomah County, Oregon, on May 9, 1914, with their first child, a son, born the next year. Otherwise he would chastise us with a severe chastisement until we did submit. He returned to Chicago, was arrested on charges of disturbing the peace through his preaching, and again returned to Detroit. Replies analysing and speculating over the mystery and possible explanations are encouraged. [61], Fard wrote, in his instructions to the leaders of his community, that they should "copy the Answers of Lesson of Minister Elijah Muhammad. What seems most remarkable is that Fard seems to have utterly disappeared from the governments (especially the FBIs) radar after leaving Detroit in 1933. Whatever the case, Fard was a master at remaking himself and was apparently a very charismatic man. He appeared in Detroit in 1930 and had an obscure background and used several aliases. 1997. Wallace D. Fard, also called Walli Farrad, Farrad Mohammed, F. Mohammed Ali, or Wallace Fard Muhammad, (born c. 1877, Meccadied 1934? In 1924, Ford married Carmen Trevino in Santa Ana, California. A fully equipped kitchen is available with all of the cooking essentials including a Keurig coffee maker w/coffee and hot cocoa. Both of these tenets are contrary to the creed of orthodox or Sunni Islam. His most trusted lieutenant and chief minister of Islam, Elijah Karriem Muhammad, the former Robert Elijah Poole of Sandersville, Georgia, eventually won control and reestablished the Nation of Islam in Chicago, with Temple No. [11] In 2020, it attracted an estimated 14,000 participants. [22], Fard named his community the "Nation of Islam". He measured and weighed the earth and its water; the history of the moon; the history of the two nations, black and white, that dominate the earth. In June 1934, Fard left Detroit for Chicago and disappeared without a trace. Subscribe now to get the latest news delivered right to your inbox. [34][bettersourceneeded], As of 1920, Ford was still living in Los Angeles as 26-year-old Wallie D. Ford, with his 25-year-old wife, Hazel E. Ford. Others, however, suggest that he was killed by [Sheik Claude] Greene's partisans. [25] One such lesson concludes with the text: "This Lesson No. [55] Authors have also cited E. U. Essien-Udom for this proposition as well. [23] "Within three years the prophet not only began the movement but organized it so well that he himself was able to recede into the background, appearing almost never to his followers during the final months of his residence in Detroit."[24]. They must give up completely the use of stimulants, especially liquor. He appeared in Detroit in 1930 and made a living as a street merchant. I guess so, because if you compare their features (ears, nose, chin, mouth, eyes and eyebrows), they're very similar. While there is plenty written about Ford, not much is known about Fard. Within three years Fard had established several organizations: the "Temple of Islam," with its own worship style and rituals; the "University of Islam," to propagate his teachings; the "Muslim Girls Training," to teach female members home economics and how to be a proper Muslim woman; and the "Fruit of Islam," consisting of selected male members to provide security for the temple and Muslim leaders and to enforce the disciplinary rules. My introduction to the life of Fard came via a fascination with Malcolm X that began in high school. He founded the religious movement in Detroit, Michigan, U.S., in 1930, and was its leader until 1934, his disappearance. When nothing further was heard from him, some rumored that he had been killed by police. He declared the doom of America, for her evils to us was past due. He spoke as a guest at the NOI temples in Detroit and Chicago. https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/legal-and-political-magazines/fard-w-d-c-1877-1934-religious-and-political-leader, African American Religions: Muslim Movements, Muhammad, Elijah Karriem (18971975), Religious and Political Leader. And those who follow the Apostle would see the Light. WebMaster Fard's mysterious disappearance in 1934 led to an internal struggle for the leadership of the Nation of Islam among several contending factions. He taught us the truth of how we were made 'slaves' and how we are kept in slavery by the 'slave-masters children. He gave the exact birth of the white race; the name of their God who made them and how; and the end of their time, the judgment, how it will begin and end. If in this way they obeyed Allah, he would take them back to the Paradise from which they had been stolen the Holy City of Mecca. Black Muslims [24] He established the University of Islam, where school-age children were taught, rather than in the public schools. [67] The FBI charged that Takahashi had been an influential presence in the Nation of Islam. Pan-Islam is the ideology that calls for the unity and cooperation of Muslims worldwide on the basis of their shared Islamic identity. He lived In Los Angeles. The Nation of Islam refutes all statements that Muhammad and Dodd were the same person. [17] He came to the homes of black families who had recently migrated to Detroit from the rural South. It was an independent monarchy and other than a few missionaries and traders the population was almost entirely native Hawaiian. Updates? Hijrah Magazine (MarchApril 1985). He earned his living at various times as a restaurateur, gambler, bootlegger and traveling salesman. 44 records found for Wallace Rd, Oswego, KS 67356. The effect of both these movements upon the future members of the Nation of Islam was largely indirect. And that He was able to force the whole world into submission to his will. His very name is uncertain. In fact, some of the most mysterious individuals who have graced this Earth have left the most indelible marks upon our books and records. "[62], Fard's lessons actually state that the "traders" referenced by Beynon, came to Africa, not Mecca.[63]. April 15, 2022. The FBI then tracked down Wallie D. Ford's caucasian ex-wife, Hazel Evalsizer, living in LA. Wallace Fard came to Detroit in the early 1930s and, in-between peddling silks and perfumes, preaches a unique brand of Islam to the local black population. He drew on various sources, including Noble Drew Ali's Moorish Science Temple of America, black nationalist trends like Garveyism, and black-oriented forms of Freemasonry. A relatively short leadership struggle ended with Elijah Muhammad assuming control of the NOI. He also gave his fathers birthplace as Argentina and his mothers birthplace as Oregon. A variety of other claims emerged; that he went to Hawaii, New Zealand, and even to the Middle East. [24] He established the Moslem Girls' Training and General Civilization Class, where women were taught how to keep their houses, clean and cook. ." Of course, his relative obscurity in the annals of history has much to do with his brief time in the public eye and the numerous aliases he assumed over the course of his life. Fard taught that approximately 6,000 years ago a black scientist named Yakub conducted gene-manipulation experiments that resulted in the creation of the inferior white race. It seems that there is room for even more study into the origins of the Nation of Islam this always fascinating, sometimes controversial, organization that has exerted considerable influence on Americas thoughts and dialogue for more than 70 years. Four victories and the son will attain his reward, convinced the Detroit Police Department motivated in part by the anti-Muslim hysteria fueled by media coverage of the event to seek out Fard in conjunction with the murder. [8][9], Fard Muhammad, acting as a door-to-door travelling salesman, spread his religious teachings throughout Detroit, and within three years grew the movement to a reported 8,0009,000 members in Detroit, Chicago, and other cities. This would suggest he was, in fact, diabetic. [20], Beynon described disputes and tension that arose between the new community and the police over the group's refusal to send their children to public schools. One of the Conference Members by the name of Mr. Osman Sharrieff said to the Eleven Members of the Conference: 'The Lost-Found Nation of Islam will not return to their original Land unless they, first, have a thorough Knowledge of their own.' The Rise of the Black Internationale", "When Japan Was "Champion of the Darker Races": Satokata Takahashi and the Flowering of Black Messianic Nationalism", "The Voodoo Cult among Negro migrants in Detroit", Historical Analysis of FBI's COINTELPRO AND W. Fard Muhammad, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wallace_Fard_Muhammad&oldid=1141937668, Members of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2021, Articles lacking reliable references from May 2022, Articles with disputed statements from July 2019, Articles with trivia sections from June 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, The name Fard is a common surname in Pakistan as are other names he bestowed upon his followers such as Shabazz, Ghulam, and Kallatt, Interviews with long-time Nation figures who met him or saw original photos of him such as, Early teachings from Fard indicated a distrust and disdain for Hinduism, This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 17:20. The entire movement was placed under a Minister of Islam. He disappeared in 1934 after several arrests in Detroit and Elijah Muhammad took over as leader of the Nation of Islam. Since Mr. Fard has been deified, the Temple People raise to the rank of prophet the former Minister of Islam, Elijah Mohammed, now a resident of Chicago. The Nation of Islam list Muhammads birthday as February 26, 1877, celebrated as a holiday called Saviours Day. They would have been born back in the 1860's, long before Hawaii was a part of the United States. He began to denounce the Bible, criticizing its passages, to the shock of his followers, until eventually he phased out his Bible readings and began teaching from the Quran. [45] According to the FBI story, Fard was a "Muslim from Turkey who had come to the United States in the early 1900s. Elijah Muhammad was responsible for deifying Master Fard as Allah, or a black man as God, and declaring himself as Allah's Prophet or Messenger. 1960. However, Ford himself claimed to be from various places, including Spain and Hawaii. FBI records identified him as an unstable wanderer named Wallace Dodd Ford who came to the United States from New Zealand in 1913. The first is the expansion of Islamic statesthat is, states whose ruling elite consisted, Islam They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Officially, the NOI believes Fard departed Earth via supernatural means. They claim Wallace Dodd Ford was not Wallace Fard Muhammad. WebWallace Dodd Ford or Fard was also known as Wallace Fard Muhammad and he was the founder of the Nation of Islam in the 1930s in Detroit, MI. [47] The paper published the story in an article titled "Black Muslim Founder Exposed As White. Fard, W. D. (c. 1877-1934), Religious and Political Leader. He appeared in Detroit in 1930 and had an obscure background and used several aliases. . He declared that he would heal us and set us in heaven at once, if we would submit to Him. Clegg, a history professor at the University of Indiana at Bloomington, responded: The version of the story that characterizes Fard as being of Pakistani descent and having a criminal background seems to have some validity, though neither allegation has been conclusively proven. They say that he shall soon return in a spaceship and that then the existence of the wicked Yakubians and their rule will end, with a new utopia forged. In the 1920 United States Census, his race was reported as white, his occupation as a proprietor of a restaurant, and his place of birth as New Zealand. The local police traced the murderer's ideology back to Fard and arrested him. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). [citation needed], Efforts to trace the origins and life story of Fard have been extensive but have yielded only fragmentary results and not even his date of death is known; further complicating any efforts is the fact that only 5 pictures of Fard are known to exist, 4 being mugshots taken after various arrests and one being the official portrait by the Nation of Islam; most observers agreed they all belong to the same person which was confirmed via facial recognition analysis. But I am not the same person who taught Elijah Muhammad and I am not God. Garvey taught the Negroes that their homeland was Ethiopia. At this time, Ford was going under the name Fred Dodd, and operated a lunch wagon. To further muddy the waters, C.E. There were rumors about his whereabouts until the 1990s, when some believed he was still alive and living somewhere in California. Practically none of them had been in the North prior to the collapse of the Marcus Garvey movement. Fard appeared as a peddler "from the East," selling silks and other sundries and dispensing advice about health and spiritual development to his customers. He stated that he was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to a Black African father and a Russian Jewish mother, from the Caucasus. In 1930, W.D. [68][bettersourceneeded]. Officially, the NOI believes Fard departed Earth via supernatural means. Fard worked the streets as silk peddler, but his real sales pitches were religious beliefs and dietary restrictions. A handwritten lesson written by Fard states: "Twelve Leaders of Islam from all over the Planet have conferred in the Root of Civilization concerning the Lost-Found Nation of Islam must return to their original Land. Contemporary American Religion. [64][65] Fard wrote the following for his followers: "[T]he LESSONS that OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) gave us to Study and Learn is the Fulfillment of the Prophecies of All the Former Prophets concerning the Beginning of the Devils, and the Ending of the Civilization, and of our Enslavement by the Devils, and Present Time of our Delivery from the Devils by OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH). Thats not to say that anyone so amorphous is not capable of producing very absolute effects on history. He is not to be confused with, Beynon's account of Fard and his followers, Efforts to trace Fard's history 19141926. On a 1926 San Quentin State Prison file, a Wallie D. Ford of Los Angeles gave his birthplace as Oregon, and his age as 31. Members of the movement believe Fard to be the incarnation of Allh, and his birthday, February 26, is observed as Saviours Day. He claimed to have attended Oxford and the University of California, and then to have begun training as a diplomat for the kingdom of Hejaz (now a part of Saudi Arabia). [50], Karl Evanzz, in his book The Messenger, postulates that Fard was the son of a Pakistani Muslim, then known as East Indians. He is always referred to reverently as the 'Prophet Elijah in Chicago. Fard, also known as Wallace Fard Muhammad, had a murky past. According to the version of Elijah, he saw Fard off at the Detroit airport when Fard was being deported. [56] In his 1962 book Black Nationalism: The Search for an Identity, Essien-Udom wrote: "Noble Drew Ali was shot and stabbed in his offices at the Unity Club in Chicago on the night of March 15, 1929 He was eventually released on bond, but a few weeks later, he died under mysterious circumstances. Jeffrey Eugenides novel Middlesex, which could justly be called a Detroit epic, includes a fascinating chapter in which the matriarch of the Stephanides family, Desdemona, takes a job as a silk worker at the Nation of Islams headquarters on Hastings Street. He further reported that he was a resident alien and citizen of Afghanistan. During our colored and Negro days, he was Black. So said Jesse Jackson shortly after the H, According to accounts of the origins of the Nation of Islam (NOI), in the 1930s in "Paradise Valley" in Detroit, a silk peddler named W. D. Fard bega, The expansion of Islam historically embraces two phenomena. Murky past gave his fathers birthplace as Argentina and his mother was born in Illinois identifies the,! Via supernatural means to achieve this goal [ 22 ], Fard named his community the Nation. 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wallace fard muhammad disappearance


wallace fard muhammad disappearance