breslau ship passenger lists

Upon closer inspection one can see it says Pomerantz. Photograph of the BULGARIA leaving the harbor at Genoa. She has built a family tree of 1,164 people and can trace her family back to William Brewster, who traveled to the Plymouth Colony on the Mayflower in 1620. 8 December 1900 , maiden voyage, Antwerp- Southampton- New York (British flag). In 1932 the Aquitania was used as a cruise ship for the first time. 1927, scrapped at Genoa . Without any mishaps, the Russia stayed within the Cunard Line until 1880, when she was sold to the Red Star Line, who renamed her Waesland. In an attempt to convince the public that the propeller actually was more efficient than paddle wheels, a test was carried out in 1845 between two almost identical frigates Rattler and Alecto, both 880 tons. As BASCHA-CHAYIE DUBINERS death certificate (1930) states she had been in the US for 28 years, we assume she immigrated in 1902. The ship manifest lists him as "Jacob Welles", age 20, from London. They eventually repurchased her from Sloman in 1907 and she continued North Atlantic voyages until 16/5/1914 when she started her last Hamburg - Baltimore sailing. 7 ,116 gross tons, length 437ft x beam 51.2ft, clipper stem, one funnel, four masts (rigged for sail), steel hull, single screw and a speed of 15 knots. 330 nominal horsepower. WebGildart Scottish prisoners leaving Liverpool arriving Port North, Potomack, Maryland 1747. He had paid her passage and she had $25 with her. The Russia was equipped with the distinctive clipper bow and the sleek and streamlined look made the Russia appear a very powerful vessel. There was capacity for 20-1st and 1,100-3rd class passengers. If the propeller shaft snapped in the middle of the Atlantic , the ship would still be able to continue the voyage without too much delay thanks to the sails. We believe he arrived August 13, 1895 on The Berlin that sailed from Southhampton. With expectations high, the Carmania was ready for her awaited maiden voyage between Liverpool and New York on December 2nd, 1905. The UNITED STATES was built by A.Stephen & Sons, Glasgow in 1903 for the Scandinavia-American Line of Denmark. Pacific, Empress of After trials north of Scotland , it made its next voyage from Liverpool to New York on 17 July. Launched on 18/5/1870, she sailed from Hamburg on her maiden voyage to New York on 27/10/1870. On 9 January 1950 Messrs Hampton & Sons Ltd were employed to auction the vessels furnishings and equipment. The Breslau passenger manifest provides a wealth of genealogical information, indicating that Johann, a shoemaker, was headed for Cincinnati, Ohio, to join Adam Lanhard, who also hailed from his Hungarian village. Imperator Nicolai II 1898, Russian East Asiatic Co. Jura Allan Line (ex-Cunard Line) 1854-1864, Kursk 1910, Russian East Asiatic Co. / Russian America Line, "Lady Boats" 1928-1929, Canadian National SS, Lake Champlain 1900, Renamed "Sovjetskaja Rossija" in 1921 and used as a depot ship and workshop. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.3,p.913]. In 1923 she again had a refit during which her passenger accommodations were reduced to 1,440 people, mainly to make her suitable as a winter-month cruise ship. MED or medical reasons. All public rooms were renovated and a theatre was added. CHAVA SPELKE immigrated from Kobryn, Poland at the age of 35 with three of her children SARAH SPELKE ( age 10), SAM SPELKE (age 5) and ANNA SPELKE (age 1) and arrived in the US on June 30, 1907. 10th Sep.1903 first Bremen - Baltimore - Galveston voyage, 24th Mar.1910 first Bremen - Philadelphia and 6th May 1914 first Bremen - Boston - New Orleans sailing. In 1922 she went to the Irish American Line and later the same year to the United Transatlantic Line. Broken up at Genoa 1927. At age 20, LEIBL (Louis) BERESNIAK immigrated with his wife-to-be, Pesche Raisel (Rose) EPSTEIN, on the SS Statendam from Rotterdam arriving in NYC on 13 FEB 1906. The Homeric had the distinguishment of representing Cunard-White Star during King George V's Silver Jubilee fleet review in 1935. Nathan is listed separately from the others as Nochem Pumerantz, age 21 (although we believe he was really 23) on the last line of the page. She commenced her last Genoa - Naples - New York voyage on 3/7/1921 (12 round voyages) and subsequently sailed between Genoa, Naples and South America. 1896, reacquired by the Hamburg-America Line, and reverted to original name DANIA. He claimed to be going to his brother, Sam Streltsky on 90 [ Madison?] 389ft x 46ft, clipper stem, one funnel, three masts, iron hull, single screw, 12 knots. After returning from this the ship was to operate on the Southampton - Cherbourg - New York route, along with the Mauretania and Berengaria. 10,237 tons; 152,4 (157,4) x 18,9 meters (length x breadth); straight stem, 1 funnel, 2 masts; steel construction, twin-screw propulsion, quadruple-expansion engines, service speed 12 knots; accommodation for 300 passengers in 2nd class, and 2,400 in steerage; crew of 150. NOTE: Zelig appears to be traveling with two other people from Pruzhany (1) Chaim Friedman who is traveling to his brother, Avrum Friedman. 12 October 1895 , last voyage, Hamburg - New York . 1897, reacquired by Cia Trasatlantica, and reverted to MONTSERRAT ; passenger accommodation altered to 121 in 1st class, 36 in 2nd class, and 1,000 in steerage. The Carmania was now old, and there were many newer and more modern ships to take her place. Summarized from Norddeutschr Lloyd, Bremen vol.1 by Edwin Drechsel. April 1913, first voyage, Trieste - Quebec - Montreal. Because of the harsh weather, the Carmania was forced to stand by during the night, but as the dawn came, the Volturno's survivors could be picked up. At the time, the use of steam turbines was becoming popular in smaller vessels. We are reminded by this It is assumed that Frumas husband, Abraham Streleckaja, died prior to their departure. Chiam is also 21, listed as a shoemaker (? Sophie is listed as 5'3". courtesy of Malcolm Cooper. These pages may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without It left New York on 3 February and cruised around the Mediterranean . Passenger sailings from Libau to New York started in 1906 and continued until 1908 when the service was discontinued. Taube, who was already widowed, is listed as being 4'10.5" tall with brown hair while Schame was 5'4" tall with brown hair and gray eyes. Even though the Great Britain had entered service in 1845 with a screw propeller, Cunard gave their Persia of 1856 paddle wheels. diameter respectively. Eighth and last sailing on this service May 1899. Built in 1896 by Palmers Co. Ltd in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The manifest shows he had $25 but no ticket to his final destination. Launched on 15 MAR1888, she left Liverpool on her maiden voyage for Queenstown (Cobh) and New York on 1AUG1888. She obviously returned to the US before November or December 1908 when she married JACOB WELLER in New York City. document.write("s.swig"); In 1887, she was refitted to carry 80-1st, 80-2nd and 800-3rd class passengers and was t ransferred to the Furness Line ; Dec 1887 she started on Rotterdam - New York service and was immediately sold to the Holland America Line and renamed AMSTERDAM . He is listed as being 28, married, a tailor, from Prushany, had $3 and was going to his brother Noa (?) This was one of his four trips. These travel records can reveal vivid moments in your ancestors' lives as they traveled by sea on passenger ships to America and pioneered the new frontier. The ship served in the Mediterranean for the rest of the year and was then anchored in the Solent for the whole of 1917. document.write("

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breslau ship passenger lists


breslau ship passenger lists