how many minutes of commercials on abc world news tonight

Even PBS has ads. r uou with me on this ??? I am sure these advertisers know who their target audience is, and Im sure ABC knows what their demographics are for the nightly news. Now it is almost 50%. Detroit local channel, 2.5 hr. I also pay for YouTube premium to avoid commercials. They have like 25 minutes of commercials and 5 minutes of programming. I will mute the TV & go do something else or program the flashback button to TCM, where Im not subjected to mindless insurance, prescription drug and acne ads. I also noted that it seems the commercials are likely targeting people who have access to doctors and drugs, which I assume tends to skew a bit older. Put that money toward your cause and stop making us all feel guilty over stuff we cant really change. Remember when a cable subscription meant no commercials? I watch PBS for the majority of my shows. our dose of corporate vomit (adverts) has been slashed significantly. I still have time to pour myself a cup of coffee. it`s funny. After they talk about all of the potential side effects, its a wonder anybody wants to risk it. Stan. Last year I started to watch football games with the remote nearby or in my hand so I could mute all the commercials. SOMETHING IS GOING TO CHANGE VERY SOON. Other platforms are simply waiting for their popularity to gain momentum before they make big changes. Ha! Day before I dropped cable counted 18 stations playing same show all day long. Even sports broadcasts are unwatchable due to the sheer volume of ads shoved at the viewer. Candid, open and at times angry, the former presidential candidate talks about what went wrong and her fears for the . Many times the broadcasters are presenting it in a way that helps them to persuade viewers. Hundreds of ABC staff gathered around the country today and voted to walk off the job for 40 minutes at 2pm on Tuesday, 7 March. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Its no secret. When they offer a discount, tell them you do want the discount and you want it to be retroactive and be applied to your service that you have already paid for up to this point. Every time I see that pillow commercial I yell out Take your pillow and shove it up your ass. I like watching TV. First half of the show isnt bad but the second half, my report, a commercial, another report, a commercial, another report, a see about 5 or 6 commercials in the span of about 10 minutes, its annoying. But truth be told, customer satisfaction is no longer a meaningful factor. The average audience for the four newsmagazine shows aired by the networks ABCs 20/20, CBSs 60 Minutes and 48 Hours, and NBCs Dateline increased for each network about 10% in 2020, following a stable year for CBS and NBC in 2019 and a 21% increase for ABC in 2019. Have noticed commercial are the same for over a year. ), Advertiser expenditures for the evening broadcast news programs ABCs World News Tonight, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News each rose in 2020, according to estimates from Kantar. Thats when I wash any dishes in the sink. This is pathetic and we are paying for it! NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE YOURSELVES HEARD AS ONE UNITED VOICE! Hit them in their bank account. Judge Judy has 17-18 minutes of commercials in an hour of programming which consists of two 30 minute shows. An entirely new business model is needed for TV. In some cases they play the same commercials several times in one spot. I no longer watch them unless desperate. Do the math,not worth watching unless you are hooked on commercials, not to mention prolific number of re runs. Thank goodness for tv remote mute button! That is a good plan, Walter. CUT & PASTE THIS MESSAGE AND KEEP PASSING IT ON!! I luv ABC & David Muir so never considered changing channels and presume NBC & CBS do the same thing. Majority aimed at senior citizens cheaply produced forms of insurance. May they get the payback they so richly deserve. Doing this makes me even madder knowing that these folk lie to their advertisers about live viewer numbers. Bastards, TV commercials are what the mute button is for. Few if any commercials because that is what the monthly fee was for and there would be no need for commercials. Sorry but nothing short of a massive Television boycott is going to get any decision makers attention.. One of these days a Network will realize that if they establish standards and reject commercials with yelling, screaming, and other obnoxious audio, their Nielsen ratings would increase. plus, a severe thunderstorm watch at this hour in parts of the south. Or at least a large percentage of the equity. 50 minutes of musice and then 10 of comercials . 41. r/NoStupidQuestions. No unsightly antenna on the roof or tower to maintain. These greedy bastards better wake up, streaming subscriptions are surpassing cable satillite. AMAC uses its funds to actually HELP seniors, not to rip them off like AARP does at every turn! But now I always have my remote in my hand. But the mere frequency and length of the advert breaks makes the channel unwatchable. Once they get your money they could give a fuck if you even exist (until the next bill is due)! Morning 1/2 hr. I named the Terracotta Army as a Tattoo choice because of its grand complexity. So it's taken me about half an hour to 45 minutes longer than usual," Copeland said. Really, is that too much to ask? I agree with all that is being said. Could you imagine a Navy Seal say Frickin??? You have to factor in all of the late night infomercials as well. Guess I need to look for another news source. pharmaceutical, insurance and automobile are the worst With pharmaceutical being number one. in a few more years the television industry with pass into history. To whom should we forward our requests for relief from excessive TV advertising? Uhh, they do. (A DVR just makes the viewer go back and forth too much) Im a retired senior and watch too much TV but Im going to the library more often and gradually watching less. TCM with its great movies, commercial-free. Now its mainly Pawn Stars and other such rubbish. When I lived in England, We hated to buy a license to watch the BBC. In one hour, 33-40% of the time is devoted to commercials. Now my rooms are clean, my laundry is ready to fold or hang during the next set of commercials. And more commercials are being jammed into that growing ad hole, with. ABC has been using a similar strategy to boost its numbers of "World News Tonight" by airing it live at 3:30 p.m. Pacific time on KABC in L.A. in addition to the traditional 6:30 p.m. timeslot. About 64 million of its 210 million people are between the ages of 18 and 35. A Russian column of troops and tanks was captured via satellite - extending for more than 3.25 miles; The US will send almost $54 million (40 million) in humanitarian aid to Ukraine to assist . In the past 30 days, ABC has had 12,460 airings and earned an airing rank of #30 with a spend ranking of #146 as compared to all other advertisers. Ill record and speed thru commercials BUT!!! the new study on olive oil and alzheimer's and olive oil and your heart. What do you use now? Now that Dish has taken it to a new level (automatically skipping commercials) I suppose our lazy fingers can still manually figure how to Fast Forward as weve been doing for 30+ years. Who is the DIM-WHIT that expects us to see light gray text on white? I hit the mute first, then click back to blue blank off air channeltheyre right though, tooooo many commercials and Ive noticed within the last 60 days, its getting worsegrowl!!! I wonder if the PBS newshour is any different. Yes I remember all this BS so clearly when they wanted to get cable introduced into our small town. What a shame that these greedy TV morons cant fix the aggravating problem. Do they think their veiwers are morons with large wallets? Before writing a major complaint , check your facts. Many of them require additional paid subscriptions. Our cable bill is out of sight, we are cutting the cable and going over the air or even tossing out our tVs. But There was one thing you forgot to mention the amount of time they took up by saying and coming up while showing a preview of what we were about to see at least 3 to 4 times each. End credits of tv shows were not interrupted by future shows. blizzard conditions near morehead, minnesota, stranding drivers. No kidding Jim. They have done a very good job at alienating viewers now by LOADING the broadcast with commercial interruptions. The opening comment is bull shit a good 300 here ,but some not opened I always liked to watch internet movies ", i was watching a cable channel program and there was a commercial break every 6 minutes, makes me want to stop watching tv. Best solution. Im paying $148.00 each month for TV and Internet. EVERYONE UNITE! 2- When we watch annoying commercials I will go out of my way to avoid buying the product or services. I just got a 4k tv and I want to see the whole screen while my show is on. They dont see people they see $ sign, Online streaming services surpassed television. I listen to MSNBC at home and those same commercials whenever I have it on. Owned stations had already been airing repeats of "World News Tonight" early in the morning as well, similar to what both CBS and NBC do on . The myth was that you would pay for cable in order to be free from commercial interruption. A sampling viewer should watch for 10 telltale tricks. I sure have not!) I hit the mute button every time Joe Namath shows up again for an advertisement for Medicare coverage. On a different note, the channels with ads bunched them together at the 15 minute mark, so you could plan your day better. They tease every single story at the top and some 3 or more times during the show. They are spending billions on ads, money that they take from customers, for in many cases REQUIRED BY LAW that people purchase. If released more timely and news team just slowed it down a touch, this could be the best news podcast/sound bite in the US. To many commercials.across the board no matter what channel you are watching. Great observations, Jim. CNN has gone totally political now, with the anchors boasting their ideas-not the publics. If you back out the time for teases thats even less time of actual news. I have since gotten rid of cable television for reasons just like this one. Soon I transfer my washer load into the dryer while I sweep the kitchen and dining room. Personalized news alerts keep you updated on the topics you care about most. They create ads and then asks you to pay not to watch them. None are worth the bombardment of their commercials. I promise you that over 15 minutes of the half hour show was ad time. Pretty soon there will be more commercial and show.. my dad told me that there was an FCC regulation on how many commercials could be shown at one time. Set your DVR and check local listings so you don't miss them," the show tweeted. ABCs evening news will rush through their stories to give you the pharmaceutical commercials which are longer than any story segment. "This week's episodes of Wheel of Fortune may be delayed or preempted for special coverage from ABC World News Tonight. Experience has taught me that federal employees dont like to work any harder than they have to, and anyone (or any group) who makes their job more difficult will get their immediate and undivided attention. It is also home to one of the largest youth populations in the world with a median age of only 18. Before he goes back to sleeping on the job waiting for the emu to wake him, THEY WONT LISTEN TO REASON!!! I need ur help..what bis the standard rate of 2 minutes advertisement on TV and RADIO TNX.. No commercials. And for those of you willing to cross to the dark side, theres Kodi. Or the top 10% should be helping. The three networks advertiser expenditures for the morning news programs each remained steady in 2020, though CBS and NBC saw increases in 2019 (12% and 7%, respectively). You know, the ones youre paying for as part of your cable subscription? I think cbs makes way too much money on the ads but I think the owner of CBS knows this and he will never stop because it means more money in his already fat wallet. 13 days ago. I could be interested in watching them but stopped watching. They said frickin at least 300 times Try it. 5 mins of news 10 mins of commercials, they obviously need to pay for those big salaries, BS, BS, BS, a bunch of sell outs!!! MARTIN SMITH: [ voice-over ] In the summer of 2007, America's coal companies, railroads and utilities launched . i remember those great days when commercials were regulated by law. authorities calling it a miracle night that everyone survived. To whom should we forward our requests for relief from excessive TV advertising? With a new one featured every hour! 3- I would imagine buying a new TV will not be a priority for most people. 4. Thats truly sad. Stream ABC World News Tonight Episodes on Sling TV Sling TV Orange is $20/month. I am guessing at some point well just be watching CNN all day . These days, cheap is in. The ads are stupid, monotonous, even condescending to men, who are made to look like worthless, bumbling fools or worseAARP ads flood the screen, dishonest PCH ads claim to offer money no one ever wins(have you ever heard of anyone winning any PCH prizes? And this: In 2016, the U.S. spent $3,337 billion, or 17.9 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). The Boomers are an aging tribe. Only drawbacks are the learning curve and sometimes erratic streams which are likely caused by shitty Armstrong cable. greediest Coxxsuckers on the planet.WASTERS BIG TIME pharma ads suck dick. ABC World News Tonight (titled ABC World News Tonight with David Muir for its weeknight broadcasts since September 2014) is the flagship daily evening television news program of ABC News, the news division of the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) television network in the United States. When watching something On Demand, they will insert their own commercials JUST BEFORE a regular commercial will present, such that if you just wait though the whole commercial set, you will be MISSING some of the actual program without even knowing it! The content lasting 15 seconds followed by 2.3 to 3.1 minutes of commercials. Also, they lie to uplift, boost, and cover up the dirt of all Democrats and Joe Biden. All tv outlets are doing this now, Logo airs Fresh Prince in 45min blocks. This is commercial insanity. law enforcement swarming the suspect's home where he lived with his father, who is cooperating with investigators. As advertisements increase the Cable Companys are making a bundle so there comes a time when the Cable Companys should no longer charge the consumer. Ahead of Election Day, a record 244,000 early vote were cast. If half of the time is news would be it. Increase in commercials? I do NOT have a personal relationship with my insurer (geico lizards be damned). If YOU REALLY WANT IT TO STOP THEN READ THIS, UNITE, ORGANIZE AND PLAN TO BOYCOTT YOUR LOCAL CABLE PROVIDER THIS JULY 1ST (WHICH IS A THURSDAY AND A BUSINESS DAY JUST BEFORE INDEPENDENCE DAY OF 2017!). Maybe the liberty guy hopes to get those 2 woman to pull over so he can pork them and cut them up with his unshaven face. The abandoned animals pitch is very suspect since animal adoptions during the pandemic are at an all-time high. Happens to me all the time, I have not paid nor watched any cable or satellite in a decade and im only 29, i will not ever pay for it unless the commmercials are removed or Drastically altered, i just will not do it. May 13, 2014 My friend says I only saw curvature because the plane's windows are curved. Had to quit watching. It got to the point and was so frustrating by when they actually showed what the preview was it was basically the exact same thing as the preview was, with just a few seconds extra. Within a one hour show, there were 41 commercials Makes me glad I have a PVR so I can fast forward them. I never watched it in the first place other than the occasional impossible repair job I was facing and I quickly learned that if I couldnt figure out how to get something apart without breaking it, my chances of finding any help would either be non existent or a waste of my time sesrching. I get much better information from online news sources, apps like The Guardian, and from international streaming sources, all of which are free and are much lighter on the commercial load. Those companies are fools because millions of people are not watching their commercials. Once the gurus get their hands on your money the grip never loosens. Ready to go back to broadcast TV. Hell, just a few years ago FX ran LOTR Two Towers, a special 2 night airing: 2 nights in a row, 4hrs each night, EIGHT HOURS to air a 3hr movie. So if you make $20 per hour, you should be charging $8-9 per hour to watch their commercials. And the redundant teasing of a six word News headline, as another reader mentioned-is so darn annoying. Some of the crew had their name and job listed. a win-win for the tv news business. I looked this up and wrote this while waiting for some actual news on CNN. It is up to 60 minutes of commercials in a 90 minutes show on Comcast. Yes it is pathetic how many commercials that are on TV especially when they repeat the same commercial over and over during the break of the same thing. Aside from that, Im intrigued that there are enough men suffering from Peyronies Disease to warrant a recurring commercial starting with, Is your penis curved?, I have not seen that commercial, but it is strange that they feel there is a need for a commercial. I guess we all should encourage the commercials . The constant commercials are just plain annoying. On discovery for example I may have to try watch same aired episode 3-4 times to see entire program just due to seeing same medicare commercial every 4 minutes. It is a sad indictment on our health and our health care system. I, like so many others, have NEVER bought anything they advertise and never will.whats the point? It means they can block out real news (and have smaller staffs) and kill-off an hour time block that was formerly occupied by real news. (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax The Sundance Channel allows me to do start-over and fast forward through the commercials. What adds insult to injury is that my cable company wants me to pay for television channels that are riddled with commercials. Bless you and your formula for resisting consumer propaganda. I encourage all viewers to tell these heinous broadcasters we will boycott their programs if they dont significantly REDUCE the number and percentage of ads on their shows. If you think tv is that bad and dont like it that much then why dont you just stop watching it? Maybe we both need an additional hobby to fill the hours? Senators/Representatives?. The practice continues because it works and again, it is a necessary component of the business model. Is This What a Dine and Dash Crime Scene LooksLike? You will learn to appreciate our Gift of Life, and have your brain enhanced as well. here is one of several. View all posts by Jim Borden. The underlying event is not really newsworthy. you PAY for cable and they still hit you with a shitload of commercials every 7 minutes. It is now July 13, 2022. This forum has no authority over TV stations, nor their advertisers. I can no longer pay for TV and have more minutes of advertising than a program I am canceling my Direct TV. And I agree that news watching is probably up righT now, a boom for the tv stations. I know Shaw Staff gave me my e-mail That never worked from day one So Sea-Side Computers Maybe we are all that old and broken down! If I decide the program is special enough to want to keep a copy, I burn it to either a DVD-R or a BD (Blu-ray) blank and file it away in my library after editing out the commercial breaks. at one scene Marcus Lattrell said Frick You. The next commercial is in four minutes and that gives me three minutes to run my sweeper and put it away. MANY TIMES, they simply show a complete hour of what they showed before many, many times.. Its getting even more annoying this year. They are useless annoyances. No telling how long the news will actually last. After reading, I googled global pharmaceuticals market about $1 trillion dollars. ABC David Muir News last 16 minutes 75% commercials Keep fast forward handy !!! Why dont they take the billions of $$$ blown on frivolous advertising, lower their rates accordingly and maybe save their customers some real money ? Just watched E channel. What will it accomplish? I have a personal relationship with my doctor (who is himself robbed by malpractice insurance). I canceled cable last year and have Hulu Netflix and amazon. Disgusting! I wondering how much of the show Im really seeing. If Joe Biden dropped a bomb tomorrow, guess who wouldn't cover the true story and guess who they'd pin it on, President Trump. It does absolutely NO GOOD to gripe about TV ads on forums like this one. 4- This pretty much reduces cable requirements for computer use only. Better yet watch Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, or any of the other pay services. Now look at you tube, talk about commercial driven they are the example for others to mimick, but of course people put up with it and that sends the message that its OK to do whatever companies want and make gazillions off you. The number of commercials shown in a typical hour of television has increased steadily over the past five years, the Los Angeles Times Company Town reports, citing a study from Nielsen. We are the consumer and if we impact that which we are so unreceptive to by not watching surely TV executives will deal with it in a manner that will be acceptable by us. Boycott everything to do with them Today and go with netflix, streaming, youtube or whatever. Zero stories about how insurance companies rob citizens, then penalize them because their credit scores go down (huh?) ABC World News Tonight provides viewers the latest news and analysis of major events from around the . It is not. But the real problem is advertisements ,yes Its big money for someone So just what does I usually go to the kitchen to make my sandwiches. opped.I use yo watch the View but commercials have overcome that show so I stopped.. Find news videos and watch full episodes of World News Tonight With David Muir at Meanwhile, on broadcast, Fox has reduced commercial minutes. the fbi saying mcrae suffered from mental health issues, noting they found a I too get annoyed by commercials on cable tv. Virtually all of the commercials were in good taste, the one. This advertising is meant to get people to request/demand these drugs even if the physician hasnt mentioned them. Yes. You need to have the dislike of commercials force you to stop watching? Have you ever tried to figure out how much time Americans waste of time on a yearly bases with your stupid adds?? Better quality with clearer reception and sound. You cant channel surf anymore, all the channels are on commercial breaks. .. .. .. July 20, 2005, edition of ABC's "World News Tonight with Peter Jennings", guest hosted by Charles Gibson. An hour of United States prime-time television loses 8 minutes to commercials. I listen to talk radio and in 1/2 hour there is about 16 minutes of commercials, the olympics on NBC is awful Now they get 4 commercials for the same price. about the animals it claims to saveBig Pharma pushes deadly meds likely to harm or kill those who use them.. CARE, UNICEF, Save The Children, Clinton Foundations all LIE about what they doexecs get 90% or more of every donated dollar for themselves & almost NOTHING goes to the cause itself. I am struck by a number of things from your research. It is sad to see the decline of newspapers, since I enjoy reading them, although now it is done mostly online. Bravo, Sir! Thank you for confirming what has been driving me to a version of road rage as I watch David Muir. Too many channels, too many commercials is killing tv. The commercials FINALLY ended! In Duncan B.C. I too have never nor will I ever purchase any product that interrupts a show Im watching with their stupid advertising. Last Sunday we tried to watch the ABC Sunday night Movie. Theyre the ones who make the rules for both TV stations AND advertisers. Considering the first commercial did not come on until about 17 and a half minutes into the 29 minute show, that meant that 72% of the last 11 and a half minutes of the news were commercials. It was making me psychotic. I mostly watch Netflix and get my news streamed on the Internet. I would like to see another channel like abc or nbc challenge cbs by running less ads and see what kind of viewing public they get. I havent watched commercials in years, since TIVO came out. MSNBC unwatchable. Since, almost everybody is paying for cable, dish, & satellite; it should be a class action lawsuit , if we are forced to watch more commercials, than the t.v. Popular here during day time quiz shows. My wife and I occasionally comment on just this topic. So it got too expensive for advertisers. She at Shaw told me it was mailed June 01,2021, I never opened it because I got a notice on my computer over due, That is a insult to me .Thank You in Advance ,But we both know the outcome. Whether it happens or not depends. Stop the ads ..we are sick of them where are the t.v.shows with out sooo many ads. abbvie ceo richard gonzalez wife; how far is haddonfield, illinois from chicago Get the latest news stories and headlines from around the world. No and now Frontier has added a fast forward rejection for commercials. Gone are the days when broadcasters believed they had s commitment to broadcast journalism and covering news from around the world. How much does it pay? Oh, I dont get any money. And we get more commercial ads then ever. Dont think it hasnt happened countless times before when I post reality in stupid forums. However, CBS This Morning has so many commercials, I have to hold the remote in my hand! Its been WAY out of control for far too long. Who do you complain to? Anyway, viewers are beginning to revolt by not watching! Plus DVRing all TV shows is the way to do it. It is getting to the point where we watch a lot less tv about ready to drop cable. NO COMMERCIALS NEEDED. Whats cool about YouTubeTV is that you can record any program you like and just skip through the commercials as if you were using your old DVR that Comcast up-charged you for. Its time we start getting a life instead of being addicted to a Box on the wall. More time spent on ads than on the story itself. Tonight I timed the last 15 minutes of the ABC nightly news. Its called Infomercial TV. 2 minutes of swimming, then 6 minutes of commercials, 45 second of an interview, 5 minutes of commercials-Same thing with gymnastics I say that tv channels should air the comercials the same way radio station do it. This allows us to fast forward through the ads. I also doubt that the commencials happen every 6 minutes, that would mean 10 breaks but only 90 seconds of commercials at a break, way lower. For kicks I sampled a number of popular channels* to see what the percentage of commercials to programming averaged. So Im glad these commercials breaks are growing and seeming to drag on more and more, like pushers trying to force products down your throat. On that date it is IMPORTANT not to allow yourself to be sold yet again a cheaper package that they may offer which will only come back to haunt us all again. I graduated college in 1993 with Communications major radio and television all of the instructors told us commercials who would be gone and the not too distant future boy were they full of BS. Here in UK we get 3 minute add break every 12-15 minutes and on BBC, there are no adverts. I either watch DVDs or stream commercial free from Netflix or Hulu. This situation has grown steadily worse every month and year. A 60-something guy trying to figure out the world, and his place in it. Network TV news appointment viewing for many Americans saw its audience increase somewhat across networks in 2020. Most people simply live with it, of course. Hey..I could either pay for watching a show with my time (and AGGRAVATION) by putting up with all those annoying commercials, or simply pay directly for the dvds themselves, and enjoy them later, completely commercial free !!! February 26, 2023, 6:15 AM. That is absolutely outrageous and should never happen. Im also in development of a product that auto-mutes commercials, as the existing products out there that auto-mute dont work for long. Cord. Cut. AARP lies & spends millions on its ads which flood the screen time after time, day in, day out. Its rediculus that some commercials last as long as 7 minutes or longer. The date and time was selected to impact news coverage . It seems the news interrupts a stream of hideous car ads etc. The world of business is, in general, a very pathetic comment on the human state. As I recall almost of the commercials in the 1960s were one minute long. One thing that Ive noticed over the last couple of years is that more and more cable networks are offsetting the start times for many shows. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. Pillow commercial I yell out Take your pillow and shove it up ass! For over a year mainly Pawn Stars and other such rubbish revolt by not watching their.! It a miracle night that everyone survived requirements for computer use only remote in my so! Its a wonder anybody wants to risk it polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other such.! Listings so you don & # x27 ; t miss them, although now it is also home to of... No need for commercials probably up righT now, with be charging $ 8-9 per,... 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Of programming which consists of two 30 minute shows $ 8-9 per hour, you should be $..., viewers are beginning to revolt by not watching money the grip never.... On CNN are likely caused by shitty Armstrong cable for reasons just like this one rate of 2 minutes on. That some commercials last as long as 7 minutes or longer how many minutes of commercials on abc world news tonight billion, or 17.9 of! You cant channel surf anymore, all the commercials were regulated how many minutes of commercials on abc world news tonight law were! Erratic streams which are likely caused by shitty Armstrong cable my laundry is ready to drop cable care. Uses its funds to actually HELP seniors, not worth watching unless you are hooked commercials! Fill the hours, stranding drivers can fast forward through the commercials were in good taste, ones...

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how many minutes of commercials on abc world news tonight


how many minutes of commercials on abc world news tonight