which of the following statements about menopause is true?

This is a form of identity theft and is considered a crime. c) Single people are viewed as more stable than married people. b) Disagreements between adolescents and their parents tend to be rare. a) The senses become less acute, especially the sense of touch. In some cases, your doctor may suggest a blood test to check your follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol (E2) levels to rule out any other causes for the changes you're experiencing. a) People in reasonably good health can expect to remain sexually active throughout their lives. a. Zestra, a topical formulation that contains botanical oils and extracts D) A self-directing coping style is linked more closely to improved psychological adjustment than turning to religious groups. b. vardenafil \text { Derby Auto Repair } & \text { June 23 } & 3,900 \\ Solve any question of Human Reproduction with:-. Hormone therapy has also been proved to prevent bone loss and reduce fracture in postmenopausal women. Which of the following statements about menopause is true? Compounded bioidentical hormones are non-FDA approved prescription hormones prepared by a compounding pharmacy. c) role diffusion. 16 a) The empty nest syndrome b) Bereavement c) Generativity d) Male menopause e) A midlife crisis, According to Levinson, what begins at about age forty? Name two macroeconomic variables that decline when the economy goes into a recession. a. additional reproductive therapy C). d) initiative crisis. Which one of the following statements about menopause is FALSE? b) lowering the incidence of depression. Hassam appears to have attained a sense of a) role diffusion. Your waist could get larger. This would be an example of _______grief. She's excited to be starting a new phase of her life as her children leave home and she has more spare time for her other interests. b) Americans placed more emphasis on interpersonal responsibilities, whereas Indians placed more emphasis on justice. d. Comparison and categorization. c) there is a trend for adult children to set up house close to where their parents live. Which of the following statements is true about Alzheimer's disease? e) Suicide rates among older adults are lower than they are for other age groups. Non-hormonal pharmacological options for managing menopausal symptoms include all of the following but: Among the midlife health issues of women, the number one cause of mortality in the US is: What factors have been associated with affecting the age at menopause? a. young-old. b) early twenties. a) The odds are 1 in 10. b) The odds are 2 in 10. c) The odds are 4 in 10. d) The odds are 6 in 10. e) The odds are 8 in 10. True or False: Self-esteem tends to decline significantly in the 70s and 80s. C. The majority of women experience serious psychological problems related to menopause. c) Kohlberg. Which of the following statements is true about sexual reproduction? A. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) B. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) C. Luteinizing hormone (LH) D. Both B and C. 2. d. 21, Which of the following hormones cause weight gain, cramping, swelling, acne, and anxiety in women during the last two weeks of the menstrual cycle? In a cross-cultural study of moral reasoning in Americans and Indians reported in the text, which of the following was found? b) asking people to respond to moral dilemmas. Name the three most distinct human qualities that are important in middle adulthood. _________ adulthood is the developmental period that begins from 40-45 to about 60-65 yrs old. a) Both types of intelligence generally increase throughout the adult lifespan. a. b. Transdermal preparation are frequently used in women, though dosing is difficult because they are packaged in doses appropriate for men a) Imaginary audience b) Formal operations c) Deductive reasoning d) Personal fable e) Role diffusion, Imaginary audience and personal fable are components of which aspect of adolescent thinking? e) personal fable. C) 60s. e) menopause. Office onWomen's Health A. This is called encryption; a closed padlock image will often appear on a website that uses encryption, or a pop-up window will indicate added security features. Regarding social attitudes about single people in society today, which of the following is true? B. diabetes The typical order of the stages in death and dying is a) anger, denial, depression, bargaining, acceptance. a) Significant weight gain is a normal, inevitable consequence of aging. c. ED b) women. c. the fourth week should be patch free b) Both types of intelligence generally decrease throughout the adult lifespan. Which of the following alpha-blockers target prostate tissue and are not used for hypertension? e) eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. d) cutting down on alcohol and giving up smoking. O c. At maturity, men have a lower bone density than women. Meredith's answer reflects which of Kohlberg's levels of moral reasoning? $17.71155 (nearest cent). c) anger. Your periods resume after no bleeding for more than a year. Joan's grandparent style would be _____. https:// d. With menopause, the ovaries no longer produce ripened egg cells. e) Performance on tasks requiring crystallized intelligence tends to decline. b. \text{Actual factory overhead costs for June} & \$38,000 & \$52,000\\ C. Religion is associated with decreased physical health. She is focused on developing the skills, knowledge, and self-understanding to prepare for the responsibilities of adult life. D. increases in computer technology, Why do psychologists believe leisure takes on increased importance in middle adulthood? b) Within Western cultures, ethnic cultural factors have no bearing on the timing of emerging adulthood. What are the three main groups of women in middle adulthood? Regarding menopause, which of the following statements is TRUE? More than 80 percent of all deaths occur in institutions or hospitals. It is a normal part of aging. Which of the following statements about menopause is true? . They may be related to changing estrogen levels. d. Be told that they ought not to experience side effects if they follow directions, b. B. values Which of the following statements is true regarding adult crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence? Determine the number of days each account is past due as of October 31. Which of the following is NOT a physical change in middle adulthood: What are the two main causes of death in middle adulthood? c) anxiety. However, you could still be at risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as gonorrhea or HIV/AIDS. d) is either involved in an exclusive relationship or between relationships. c) doing weight-bearing exercise. The greatest decline in cognitive abilities occurs in which of the following areas? b. Menopause involves the cessation of menstruation. For that reason, a woman who does not want to get pregnant should continue to use birth control for at least a full 12 months after her last period. Read about options for addressing vaginal pain during sex in Sex and Menopause: Treatment for Symptoms. Calvin has just turned 90 years old. a. Larissa is experiencing the menopausal transition, a normal part of aging for women. In a collateralized loan obligation, how is protection afforded to the most senior bond class? a) Women can expect to experience severe hot flashes during menopause b) Women normally become depressed or anxious during menopause as a result of hormonal changes c) A woman's body no longer produces estrogen after menopause d) Menopause is a physical and psychological event e) Menopause brings an end to women's sexual drive. The stressful time of soul searching and self-examination that many adolescents experience is the a) identity crisis. b. He is grappling with the loss of his youth and feels "trapped," perceiving a lack of future options. e) the elderly. b) single. b) inferiority. What is the first sign of puberty that Jorge will experience? c) Once ego identity emerges in adolescence, it remains stable for the rest of the person's life. c. C-IV c) case studies of people with infamous deaths. d) graduated from college. d) feelings of being detached from their surroundings. a. menopause usually occurs between the ages of 50 and 60 b. All of the following statements are true about benign prostatic hypertrophy except: To purchase Plan B without a prescription, a person must be at least _____ years of age. d) bereavement. Marietta, who is terminally ill, promises to go to church every Sunday if God will let her live to see the birth of her first grandchild. c) The brain shrinks in volume and weight. e) bargaining. C) Inductive reasoning a) Verbal comprehension b) Numerical ability c) Vocabulary size d) Ability to apply knowledge e) Mental flexibility. Mary Jo has strong feelings of grief and loss. Perhaps he should go back and offer to pay the druggist back with free labor." d. Later menopause is linked with increased risk of breast cancer. Menstruation is considered by two terms; its start is known as Menarche and its cessation is termed as menopause. e) Young people of today are emerging into adulthood earlier than in years past. b. Bladder infections also can occur in midlife. a) Conventional b) Preconventional c) Postconventional d) Unconventional e) Preoperational, Eddie sees the two boys sitting in front of him in geometry class cheating on the final exam by sharing their results. a) Postconventional b) Preconventional c) Conventional d) Unconventional e) Formal operational. c) difficulty regulating one's emotions. 5% over the 5-year period C. About 20% over 5 to 7 years D. 1% to 2% a year. In the MacArthur Study of Midlife Development (published in 1999), which percentage of middle-aged adult Americans considered religion or spirituality a major part of their lives? The age at which menopause occurs has increased dramatically in recent years. The first step in treating incontinence is to see a doctor. b) preserving the social order and ensuring harmonious relationships among people. d) bereavement. b) find adequate time to rest. The ability to solve abstract problems is characteristic of someone in which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development? a. Menopause is a normal physiological process. c. symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats are effectively treated with HRT d) stagnation. a) From age 40 through 60 or 65 b) From age 30 through 50 or 55 c) From age 50 through 65 or 70 d) From age 35 through retirement e) Beginning with the age when one can no longer recognize the names of new musical groups and ending with retirement. c) doing the "right thing" in the eyes of others. 1. b) Both girls and boys seem to benefit from late maturation. A) Middle adults need to begin preparing psychologically for retirement. Bargaining a) been rising steadily; remain steady b) remained steady; remain steady c) been rising steadily; decline steadily d) been declining steadily; continue declining e) been rising steadily; continue rising, What is the most recent estimate for life expectancy in the United States? _____ is a program committed to making the end of life as free from pain, anxiety, and depression as possible. Which of the following health concerns are considered fatal chronic conditions? Which of the following statements is true about the effects of divorce on children? Family-oriented, career-oriented, or neither. What was the finding? 800-994-9662www.womenshealth.gov, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Because he has worked from his home for the past twenty years, Victor has spent a great deal of time with his daughter Michelle. ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. a) The old adage "use it or lose it" is a myth. c) Cohabiting couples who eventually marry have higher divorce rates than married couples who did not cohabit. d. the testes are responsible for the production of testosterone, Which of the following statements is not true of HRT in postmenopausal women? e) generativity versus stagnation. . & \textbf{Factory 1} & \textbf{Factory 2}\\ b) industry versus inferiority. D) 70s. Sex and Menopause: Treatment for Symptoms. Seventeen-year-old Hassam has spent a lot of time this past year thinking about his personal values and life goals. c. viagra may not work Mary presents in your office and is having menopausal hot flashes affecting her QOL. Japanese women experience less extreme menopausal symptoms than those in other ethnic groups. e) improving sexual functioning in males. Your risk for an STD increases if you have sex with more than one person or with someone who has sex with others. Which of the following is true about menopause? a. Women's hormone levels remain unchanged until menopause, at which point they drop dramatically. Since Michelle left home for college two years ago, Victor has struggled with a lot of negative emotions. 2. c. all sperm are present at birth Anger C) It is quite common for adult siblings to develop closeness for the first time in adulthood. D. responsibility, An individual who states "I know that I can make a difference if I try" is demonstrating a need for __________. C. Anxiety and depression are typical responses in women in menopause. a. severe hypertension D. all of these, Which researcher(s) argue(s) that crystallized intelligence increases in middle age, while fluid intelligence decreases? The period of life beginning at puberty and ending with early adulthood is called a) moratorium b) the teenage years c) the pubertal period d) menarche e) adolescence, Which pioneer of psychology characterized adolescence as a period of "storm and stress"? Hot flashes can be very mild or strong enough to wake you up (called night sweats). C) freedom After menopause, the vagina may become drier, which can make sexual intercourse uncomfortable. d) following an underlying set of self-chosen, abstract ethical principles. You may experience changes in your bone or heart health, your body shape and composition, or your physical function. b. b) Rates of adolescent sexual intercourse have increased over the past decade. Which of the following is the leading cause of death in middle adulthood? She has started drinking and hanging around whoever has some alcohol. a. Menopause is a normal physiological process. Scientists dont know why this happens. Regarding physical changes in middle adulthood, which of the following statements is TRUE? Hard Solution Verified by Toppr Correct option is D) d) divorced. C) Nancy Denney b) Ignore Pablo's depressive state, and make efforts to cheer him up. Kohlberg's theory of moral development has _______ levels, and they are called ________. According to the cdc, what is the obesity rate of individuals without a high school degree versus college graduates? Twenty-five-year-old Allison is predicted to be in which stage of psychological development? Estrogen is used by many parts of a womans body. b. severe hypotension will produce an important pain reliever. d. Both are easily managed with medication. Active Lifestyle d) identity journey. Fifteen-year-old Erica is predicted to experience which psychosocial crisis next? a) The different outlooks had no significant effect on lifespan. a) Heinz should steal the drug because he needs his wife and she might die without it. A. hypertension c) Income level and social contacts are unrelated to better psychological well-being in late adulthood. Genes influence the mechanisms for absorbing and employing vitamin D. O b. b) ego identity. In the years before and during menopause, the levels of female hormones can go up and down. a) "Good boy--good girl" and authority orientations b) Law-and-order and social contract orientations c) Ethical principle and instrumental purpose orientations d) Obedience and punishment and instrumental purpose orientations e) Social contract and universal ethical principle orientations, Dr. Kevorkian believes that terminally ill people have the right to control the time and circumstances of their death. c) anger, depression, denial, bargaining, acceptance. B. spirituality Mourning is a) the first step in Kbler-Ross's model of death and dying. An influential theory of death and dying was developed by a) Erikson. a) Emerging adulthood b) Post-adolescence c) Midlife crisis d) Intimacy versus isolation e) Genital stage. D. 90%. a) Industry versus inferiority b) Identity versus role diffusion c) Generatively versus stagnation d) Integrity versus despair e) Intimacy versus isolation, According to Erik Erikson, people who forge a strong sense of ego identify earlier in development are more likely to achieve what in early adulthood? a. Correlations between testosterone levels and sexual dysfunction have been found to be consistent across numerous studies small amount of the poison can paralyze or kill an animal. \hline \text { Avalanche Auto } & \text { August 8 } & \$ 12,000 \\ c) ethnic minorities. e) The optimists tended to live more than 7.5 years longer. Your review of symptoms should be especially focus on: d. How many grams of epibatidine would be given to a Hormone therapy eases some of the negative effects of menopause. A variety of non-hormonal and hormonal interventions can help alleviate perimenopausal symptoms. b. menstrual abnormalities These cycles occur concurrently and are coordinated over a 22-32 day cycle, with an average length of 28 days. Mary Jo's husband just died after being in a car accident. e) depression, denial, bargaining, anger, acceptance. \end{array} a) There are fewer cohabiting couples today than there were in 1990. b) Cohabiting couples are more likely to get married than to break up. Natives of the rainforest prepare poison darts by rubbing the He feels that his life has no purpose. a) 1 in 2; 2 in 3 b) 2 in 3; 1 in 4 c) 3 in 4; 2 in 5 d) 4 in 5; 3 in 4 e) 5 in 6; 1 in 2, In the United States today, the average age of first marriage is ________ for males and ________ for females. c. Perimenopause can take up to 10 years. d) Landlords prefer to rent to single people rather than to married people. There are treatments available to help. Osteoporosis is present when the bone mineral density measurement reports a T-score of: First line treatment to manage vaginal symptoms of vaginal dryness and dyspareunia in menopause include: a. Non-hormonal water-based vaginal lubricants and moisturizers. D) responsibility, Week 9 Physical and cognitive development in, Piaget's Fourth stage formal operational stage, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Accumulated Depreciation - Laundry Equipment. B) ova develop from stem cells called oogonia. b) Gilligan. Under donor's name, Dylan wrote "anonymous," whereas Meredith carefully filled in her full name. \text { Bales Auto } & \text { October 11 } & 2,400 \\ c) About 4 in 10 first marriages end in divorce. Headaches, seeing blue, and blackouts are potential downfalls of the drug __________. Which of the following refers to the ability of the eye to maintain an image on the retina? c) the culturally prescribed manner of displaying grief. An official website of the National Institutes of Health, Division of Behavioral and Social Research, Division of Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology, Training Opportunities for Special Populations, Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Funding Announcements, Alzheimers & Related Dementias Press Kit, National Advisory Council on Aging (NACA), Advances in Aging and Alzheimer's Research, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). Talk with your primary care provider or a mental health professional about what youre experiencing. a) Midlife transition b) Intellectual decline c) Midlife crisis d) Midlife mourning e) Empty nest syndrome. increases slightly. a) delayed; better health b) delayed; dieting trends c) earlier; better health d) earlier; dieting trends e) earlier; overweight tendencies, Compared to late-maturing female adolescent, early-maturing female adolescents are more likely to a) have high self esteem b) have a positive body image c) be happy d) experience unwanted sexual attention e) have an advantage in athletics. a) Abstract operations b) Moral operations c) Concrete operations d) Formal operations e) Preoperational, Mareek believes that other people are as interested in him as he is. Perhaps he should go back and offer to pay the druggist back with free.... Down on alcohol and giving up smoking an important pain reliever, denial, bargaining, anger, denial bargaining. 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Stages of cognitive development the brain shrinks in volume and weight following to... Your risk for sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ), such as gonorrhea or HIV/AIDS loss! ) Unconventional e ) Young people of today are emerging into adulthood earlier than in years past qualities! Longer produce ripened egg cells parents live no Significant effect on lifespan cycles occur concurrently and not. Responsible for the production of testosterone, which of the following statements is true of... Directions, b isolation e ) depression, denial, bargaining, acceptance hospitals... Of being detached from their surroundings free b ) Within Western cultures ethnic... And reduce fracture in postmenopausal women the production of testosterone, which of the following was found at. Do psychologists believe leisure takes on increased importance in middle adulthood a cross-cultural study of moral reasoning about 20 over! Bone or heart health, your body shape and composition, or your function! Being detached from their surroundings loss and reduce fracture in postmenopausal women option is )...

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which of the following statements about menopause is true?


which of the following statements about menopause is true?