katie douglas degrassi

(to Marisol). Katie apologizes to Drew for leaving the party early last night, and she tells him she had a really special time at the party, referring to when they had sex. Later, Katie, Tori, and Tristan watch Maya perform and seem to enjoy it. She tells him that he won't get away with it, and watches the team board their bus. Reason: Drew lied to Katie so that she would break up with him, so that he could be with Bianca. This caused Katie to try starving herself, but she knew that wouldn't work, so she started making herself throw up. Reason: Katie was finally able to move on from Drew. Katie is talking to Drew about their issue with Marisol, as she walks up behind them. As the editor of Degrassi Daily, Katie is later on being interviewed at Degrassi Radio by Adam and Dave, where she gives details about the prom fundraiser fashion show. In 2021, she began starring as Abby on the Netflix series Ginny & Georgia . "The way has become clear, I'm finally free." However, Katie is not happy that Clare turned to Sav (on the strength of being her best friend's brother) to convince her to give Clare the job. Drew breaks up with Katie again, and tells her that he doesn't want to be with her anymore. After having sex with Drew, then being dumped by him the next day for Bianca, Katie went through a short depression causing her to cry very often. Katie (by everyone)Newspaper Chick (by Owen)Lois Lane (by Adam)Katiekins (by Marisol)Madam President (by Marisol)Soccer Star (by Mrs. Matlin)The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (by Dallas)Straight-Out-of-Rehab Matlin (By Jake) Senorita (by Jake) Princess (by Drew) Tristan and Tori seem fine with Katie sitting with them, but Maya questions Katie on why she's not sitting with her friends. Darrin directly tells her that he wants to have sex with her if she is willing. She is best friends with Marisol Lewis, and also friends with Clare Edwards, Mo Mashkour, Adam Torres before his death. She went back to university In Bitter Sweet Symphony (1), Katie's sister, Maya, has Cam over. "So are you gonna be okay without me here this summer?" Katie tells her that she is a horrible friend, and that she ruined everything just because Drew liked Katie better than her. First Episode Katlynn "Katie" Matlin is a graduate of Degrassi Community School's Class of 2013. Marisol believes the myth, and finds some weed in Jake's couch. Drew offers Katie a celebration hamburger so she can take some stress off of the election but Katie rejects it because it has a lot of calories. Last Episode She later started playing soccer again when her doctor cleared her. The next day, Adam suggests they see a movie Friday night, but Katie asks if he knows they're just friends and tells him she doesn't like him in that way. Katie is seen in the newspaper room when Clare approaches her about getting a second chance. While going through the clips, Katie comes across footage taken at Drew's party that had a drunk Drew boasting about having sex with her. The two comment that last year was crazy, and Drew earnestly tells her that he might be dead right now if it wasn't for Katie. Marisol thinks of Katie as someone who is prude, so she encourages her to start wearing tighter shirts and maybe some guys will notice her and other people will vote for her. Later, Drew and Katie are sitting at The Dot, and Drew tells Katie that they need to talk. This infuriates Katie, as she looked forward to being with Drew during her rehab. Katie tells them that she wants to sit with them and asks them if they want to do anything later. In Physics class, she talks to Marisol about Jake. Later when the three discuss Imogen's punishment, and when Fiona suggests they come clean, Katie asks why, but Marisol says it's important that they do since Fiona is important to them. Katie tells him that she won't pick between her boyfriend and best friend. Marisol tells Katie that Drew will never stay with her because she has never kissed a guy besides spin the bottle, and that she is so prude. Drew admits to Katie that he lied about the girl, so that she would break up with him, telling her that he wasn't happy in their relationship. (To Jake; " I can't believe you're actually dating him" (To Maya), (To Maya) "Maya, is this who you really wanna be? They look into each others eyes, but don't notice that sprinklers being to turn on. Drew Torres (Ex-Boyfriend)Jake Martin (Boyfriend)Darrin Howe (Hook-Up) In Doll Parts (2), Katie decides to help Maya out with the pageant after finding out she made it in the top 10. Katie climbs herself on top of a large machine to hang up decorations. The three then discuss the Paris trip and the Fefe Dobson concert. Tristan then asks her if she broke up with Jake or if Jake broke up with her and Katie tells him that she made a bad decision to get into Stanford which caused she and Jake to break up. Once they arrive, Katie and Marisol are inside the cabin, and Marisol is extremely bored as a third wheel. At lunch, Katie walks up to Clare, asking if she has experience with Jake Martin, implying that she may have a crush on him. Katie came up with a nice method to make her win, and is confident in earning a lot of money in the casino. Mr. Simpson tells her the PTA will vote, leaving her and Jake upset because of the reactions of the PTA during the meeting. Drew's a, "Does this girl look like she's ready to lose her virginity?" This cheers Katie up, and is refreshed now that she has her hobby back. When she asks him how golf will help, he explains the experiment. Marisol demands everyone to get out so she can comfort Katie, and when she does, they agree to have a post breakup sleepover that night. Katie is later seen in Tae Kwon Do class with Drew talking about what happened in the debate. Jake is worried that he did something wrong and Katie tells him that it is that she is sad about her breakup with Drew. Reason Katie and Marisol meet up with Darrin in his hotel room, and he offers to give Katie the money if she spends the afternoon with him. Production Katie appears in Young Foreverduring Adam's memorial video from one of the past scenes when Dave and Adam had interviewed her for Degrassi Radio. Hunter Imogen Jack Jake Jenna K.C. Katie makes her way to his hotel room, and she is looking off the balcony at the sites in Vegas. WebIn Shout (1), when Degrassi beats rival soccer team Bardell, Spinner Mason asks Paige Michalchuk out. The Degrassi DailyDegrassi Soccer TeamDegrassi Student Council (Fired) Drew talks her into trying to get along with her, and Katie tries, but Bianca shuts her out once Katie sees Vince's bruises on her wrist under her bracelet. understanding and flirty behavior toward him causes him much confusion. Katie and Drew are then seen standing outside watching cops talk to Bianca and they are hugging each other in shock. When the bulimia method worked for her, she continued and she lost weight. Katie is now even more upset, now that people thinks she a liar. Sav promises Clare that he'll talk to Katie about giving her a second chance. To their mom and she tells Maya that when she was fourteen she was practicing soccer and doing schoolwork and not smoking marijuana with guys past her curfew. Katie is having an amazing time, and asks him why he did everything for her. Marisol storms in and tells Drew that Katie is bulimic. At home Katie helps her mom fill her medicine container when Katie realizes her mom doesnt take her prescribed codeine pills everyday. ", "I swore to give up tattle taling in kindergarten." Both girls ran for Student Council President and became increasingly anxious as the race started to become too close for comfort (Ashley was threatened by J.T. Katie looking out the balcony of Darren's hotel. In Degrassi: Las Vegas, Katie is seen in her kitchen with Jake, Maya, and Cam, opening an acceptance letter to her dream school, Stanford University. Jake tells them about the drama going on with his family, and everyone agrees that they want an escape to get away from everything.. an end of summer cabin party. Like Ashley, she was an overachiever who was determined to succeed. After returning in episode seven, her look underwent a major overhaul. "When I started hanging out with Drew all these girls told me he was a stupid jock who only cared about se-sports" (to Maya; "You're a terrible friend when you're high." The next day, Katie taunts Bianca about her car, and the two girls almost get into a fight until they are held back by their respective friends. She is driven and thorough when it comes to academics and extracurriculars. Katie tells Drew this is not the way she thought prom would go, and Drew asks her to dance. To get away from her, Maya asks if that's "Drew and Bianca kissing" putting Katie off-guard and the two run from her. Mr. Simpson catches her, Marisol, Mo, and Jake knocking down the wall when he was going to deliver good news that the PTA voted to reopen the garden. She tells him to run and asks Maya why she's with him. Marisol doesn't let Katie speak, and she walks away with attitude telling her, "Its okay, lots of girls have eating disorders!" Katie tells Marisol to tell everyone that it isn't true, that Katie has kept her bulimia under control for a long time, but Marisol won't. Katie gets the urge to have more fun with Drew just so that he doesn't become uninterested and go to Bianca. Katie is being interviewed on Degrassi Radio. (to Maya; "Ever heard of not being a slacker? (to Marisol; "No, it means I need you out of my face! Marisol enters the room and tells Maya and Katie that they are holding a candlelight vigil for Campbell, and asks Maya if she would like to speak. Katie comforts Clare as they decide to let go of the plan, and she stays by Clare when they talk to Jennifer about how Asher also sexually assaulted her as an intern. Katie thinks that Drew will think bulimia is lame, which is why she tries to cover it up. Drew tells her it wasn't pointless, but it was just over. Katie is one of the eleven characters to appear as a main character after their graduation. Katie and Marisol arriving on their first day. She tells him that she was awful to him, and that if she was in his position, then she would have done the same thing. In Spiderwebs, Maya mentions to Tristan that Katie is away in California. Showing Editorial results for katie douglas. Katie approaches Drew at the assembly, and sits next to him, saying that he would only have to wear the sweater when having dinner with his family, upon overhearing Drew discussing it with Bianca. Clare tearfully starts telling Katie about her breakup with Eli last semester and how she needs something (like the school newspaper) to help her get over it. Drew later finds out from Dallas that he and Katie had sex the night before, which leaves him confused, as he cannot remember it. She gets annoyed and takes Marisol to the game out of spite. During the debate, Katie and Marisol are seen running against Mo. Drew says that she hopes that she can forgive him one day, though she tells him to "Dream on, Drew," and angrily storms away. She can be shown to be unstable with her emotions when things don't go her way. They get into an argument about him not being able to trust her, and Drew storms off, leaving Katie alone in the newspaper room. Adam, who is not used to girls flirting with him, asks Katie if she knows he is trans. Adam Alli Anya Becky Bianca Campbell Chantay Clare Connor Dallas Dave Declan Drew Eli Fiona Frankie Grace Holly J. Never Worn White Katy Perry. She then realizes how much she messed up and that she lost a great guy. Katie asks if she can join them, leaving Maya to believe that Katie's only going there because of Cam's suicide. "So, while I was in rehab, thinking of being with you, you were off in a hot tub with some slutty ski bunny?" Katie gets mad because she doesn't appreciate somebody telling her how to do her job. After school, she and Dallas practice swinging golf balls into a net and Dallas gives her pointers. Reason: Jake found out Katie lied to him and that she was really with Darrin. I missed you so much! That leaves Maya to believe that she's only hanging out with her, Tristan, and Tori because something must have happened in Vegas. Marisol is excited, but Jake and Mo seem very surprised. Mr. Simpson reveals to the girls that Campbell is dead after committing suicide, and Katie is shocked. Katie feels bad and wants to apologize, but Drew convinces her to stay away and not worry about itShe gets freaked out waiting for a callback because making the team is her dream. Shes disappointed, and Katie is seen staring at her mom who is filling up her pill container. This resulted in not only an indefinite hiatus from sports, but also a newly-found edginess, sharp black hairstyle, and a revamped personality. In Building a Mystery (1), she walks past Fiona and Bianca and gives them a dirty look after overhearing the two talk about Bianca's engagement to Drew. They both comfort him, and Katie uses the steps she learned in a class to save Adam's life. Drew asks Katie to leave Bianca out of it, and Katie asks why he gets to be happy when she is in so much pain. Later when they are all in Simpson's office and Fiona decides to come clean, Marisol decides to lie as an effort to get Fiona in trouble since she's friends with Imogen and said she felt bad for how she treated her and Katie says that 20 seniors were all at Marisol's house and the pair get off scotch free feeling no remorse. When Jake has to leave, she tells him that she'll happily fill out his form and watches as Mo refuses to let Marisol fill out his. -. Chloe Rose. He lit up like a kid with a cookie!" In Paper Planes (2), Katie is briefly seen with Marisol walking down the hallway and talking about the "creep who's been stealing girl's underwear," who is later to be found out as Connor DeLaurier. Affiliation(s) Gender Drew believes Katie's story, making Bianca leave in a huff. Katie asking Drew why she is the only one in pain. WebYoung Artist Award nominee for Best Performance in a TV Series as a Leading Young Actress for her role in Spooksville, she previously had a notable role in the television series Defiance as well. He tells her that her check is on the table, along with a bottle of wine for Drew and Bianca. Katie says that he made the decision to break up with her by himself, and that the two of them have been through too much for him to decide by himself instead of doing it together. She is then seen in the cafeteria with Jake as he is helping build sets for the coffee house. Drew practices breaking up with Dallas and Adam, who give him pointers on how to properly break up with Katie. Katie follows him anyway to the Fight Club in the run-down part of town, and sees Drew fighting a random opponent. Later on, Katie is seen at Degrassi, telling Drew and Bianca that her parents are taking her out of school for the rest of the semester to go into an addictions treatment program, making Katie break down. In Sabotage (2), Katie and Jake Martin were seen at Clare's birthday party in Fiona's loft. Drew initiates a kiss with her, and the two have sex. She is a no-nonsense over-achiever, tough, efficient, and capable of excelling in the She tells her it's disgusting and to take it down and not let it happen again. Katie explains that she doesn't even know if Jake likes her and she explains the golf experiment to Marisol while walking away. Dallas asks about their relationship and Katie says that there isn't one and continues to golf. Katie then meets Mrs. Torres, who seems to really like Katie. 20:00 149. so im watching the believe me movie that katie douglas is in and of course amanda arcuri shows up. Katie finds out that she doesnt make the National team and learns shell need surgery to fix her knee. However, it cuts straight to the video of Drew yelling about having sex while drunk at his party. Katie tell Drew that she is a virgin and not ready for sex. Katie tries to come across as strong until she hears Drew helping out Bianca. Katie decides not to tell Marisol about her relationship, because she knows Marisol will get jealous. Vince shows up and Bianca tells Adam, Drew, and Katie that she will handle it. Marisol leaves as Clare walks up to Katie asking to join. Drew gets way too into it, severely injuring the kid. Katie later feels overwhelmed, and gets more frustrated when she googles things about soccer knee injuries. They celebrate once they hear the news that Maya can officially go on the Paris trip again. At the game, Jake finds and sits next to them telling her that he just likes hockey. After what she has been through during her senior year, she continues to know exactly who she is, but has dimmed her rebellious attitude. Later, she catches Maya and Zig kissing and tells Maya she shouldn't turn out being a boyfriend stealer. Katie and her friends are left upset. Katie approaches the mic and tells the audience her campaign, but when Marisol goes up, she beings to insult Katie by calling her a backstabber. 40:00 0. Later, in a classroom, Katie is talking about her student council duties to Drew, while sitting on top of a desk that he sitting at. Katie quickly tries to diffuse the situation by suggesting the sisters hangout and catch-up. She is there to help Maya and be the older, more mature sister. Drew is there for her, and tells her not to let Marisol get away with this. WebKatie Douglas spoke 'Ginny & Georgia' season 2, music, and more. Drew tries to go after her, but Katie asks him to stay with her, and he agrees. She admits that she likes him and not Dallas and the two kiss, starting their relationship, but it is caught on the big screen and played throughout the stadium. He agrees to work with her and they meet in the hallway later. She was portrayed by Chloe Rose. 2. The two begin to argue with Marisol in the middle and she leaves to get some tea because they stress her out. While dancing, they and see Bianca and Adam dancing, making them happy. After detention, she is seen outside messing with Maya while playing soccer. In Say It Ain't So (1), Katie is seen back at school with a new hairstyle, emphasizing her tight face and symbolizing her transformation after Drew dumped her, preparing her college survey with Jake, Marisol, and Mo. Clare is left feeling really upset, and cries to Katie that Asher pushed her to the edge and she almost fell off. by Lauren McCarthy Jan. 9, 2023 Sara Waisglass may have graduated from the Both Matlin sisters have experimented at the Torres house. Katie is one of five athletes to be involved with drugs. WebDegrassi DEGRASSI 2016 - 2017 2010 - 2015 2001 - 2009 1989 - 1992 1987 - 1989 1980 - 1986 35+ YEARS For almost four decades, Degrassi has been the seminal voice reflecting the lives of teenagers worldwide being a source of both Drew reveals that Bianca doesn't know that they had sex, and tells her that she can't tell anyone. They scare Marisol extremely, and then Jake tells them about how the cabin is haunted. (to Drew;(, "I hate you. Later in science class they become friends with Fiona especially once she asks them to a party she's throwing. Season 12 was a pivotal season in her look. Drew tries to find the right words to break up with her, and as she catches on, she asks him what she did. In Can't Tell Me Nothing (2), Katie is seen in her kitchen looking through her moms drawer of pain medication. Her fear is that she will be like hermom(who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at a young age), soDrewhelps her get an appointment with a sports doctor. However, when Katie shows up to Drew's party, he goes outside to meet her, using Mike Dallas to distract Bianca. Katie is pissed at Drew, and will seek near revenge on him. Katie then continues to play but she loses all her money. Katie and Drew decide to play a prank on her where Katie is bloody in a closet. Marisol enters the bathroom, and hears her and ask if she was okay. Katie is seen in the student council room with the student council, and Mo mentions something about Drew to Katie, which causes her to break down into tears. With nothing but money on her mind, she comes up with a plan: go to Vegas and win her tuition. He gives her a forgiveness coffee and begs to join the newspaper team in order to find a new hobby. Drew approaches Katie and asks if she will pair him up with Bianca, so that he can keep an eye out on her and see why she is hanging out with Vince. Katie goes on the radio show to prove its a lie. Drew goes into the newspaper room after he finds out from Mr. Simpson that they can't fight in the weight room anymore. Katie realizes that her plan has backfired on her, and she tells Drew that she would like to have sex with him, even though she still feels very uncomfortable about the idea. In Hollaback Girl (2), Maya reveals that Katie overdosed on oxy after Bianca left their house the night before. Dot, and Katie tells them that she has her hobby back Bianca Adam..., now that people thinks she a liar party she 's throwing something wrong and Katie one! The middle and she leaves to get some tea because they stress her out Marisol Lewis and. A closet asks about their issue with Marisol katie douglas degrassi as she walks up to asking. ( 2 ), when Katie katie douglas degrassi her mom fill her medicine when! Extremely, and gets more frustrated when she asks him to run and them..., Jake finds and sits next to them telling her that her check is on the radio show to its. 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katie douglas degrassi


katie douglas degrassi