brandon davis judge mathis update

He was in the navy longer than 2 years. The reasons why sent home prematurely will only be provided by Brandon when he shows his psyche exam. Linda, listen to Jameis, the man is right!!!! According to his official military records, Davis got out of the USMC as an E-2. Divorces always have 2 sides. Alex you clearly did not read through the link. Its over dude. SUBSCRIBE. Youve been outed, youre caught, and now you are in some mess you cannot get out of cause. I feel sorry for Esmerelda sort of. Youre such a weak and troubled individual. The courtroom will be packed with vested professionals. Update: Jarods mom? Ashley Landrum & Jessica vs. Constance & Almeda Gillum/Dorothea & James Cross vs. Joe Cross/David Wright vs. John Potok/Jeannie Leconte vs. Scott Wagner. Ryan Webb. Leave me out and off of your website please. He was 37 years old. I'm Brandon Davis and I'm running to be the next Governor of Nevada. Youre not the first sir. You supporting on here but youre not willing to be listed as a witness for Brandon? Judge Joe Brown is an American arbitration-based reality court show starring former Shelby County, Tennessee criminal court judge Joseph B. Brown.It premiered on September 14, 1998 and ran through the 2012-13 television season for a total of fifteen seasons. Even in a stolen valor environment people are innocent until proven guilty. During that time I was able to examine the contents of a binder he had compiled containing copies of most of the military records several of you here claim dont exist. Why would Brandon get out after making it to E-5 Force Recon to join the Navy to become force security NEC9545 and E-3? . Feel bad for yourself. Hope to hear your response soon to the awaiting post. Viscous cycle by an evil evil person. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. I am his ex wife. My name is Brandon Davis and I am running for Governor of the State of Nevada. My extensive experience as a trial lawyer and community servant, life experiences, values and my proven commitment to equity and justice have prepared me to serve as your next Circuit Court Judge. The former Detroit-area district court judge infuses his court sessions with a generous dose of humor as he listens to diverse litigants plead their small-claims cases in his TV . He also taught courses to the MAs or anyone else that needed to get certs or recerted through the miltary. He is an actor, known for Amsterdam (2022), Undressed (1999) and First Monday (2002). Very threatening and i will speak on those specifics youve shared with me during both jury trials. Brandon Davis was born on 9 December 1980 in the USA. Learn how your comment data is processed. His uniform displayed Sergeant stripes (E-5) as well as a scuba bubble and jump wingsdesignatinghim as USMC Reconnaissance. Theres a process in hanging you thoroughly as well as a thorough process in proving youre legitimacy. Warner Bros. has canceled Judge Mathis, which will end after its current 24th season, and The People . I honor those I served with in Vietnam 3 tours, also 8th and I Marine Barracks D.C. Linda you should probably check your last post because youre accusing the ex wife having something to do with this. I dont see how you survive these circumstances youve created for yourself. SHOW # TAPE DATE CASE # CASE NAME AIR DATE; 20081R: 11/14/18: 489: Contee vs. Sullivan: 9/6/19: 8/28/18: 319: Hicks vs. Pettis: 11/13/18: 481: Webb vs. Duren: 20143R . That was filed. Lots of Judge McMaster degrading Brandons attorney for his lack of basic litigation knowledge and passively chastizing Brandons eventual fate to his face because he was lying so bad on the stand. After viewing these docs what questions did you have for him? Mathis is the longest-running Black male host on television and won a 2018 Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Legal/Courtroom Program. They will close their doors after the end of Judge Mathis' 24th season and The People's Court's 26th season. If the amount of time in the service was wrong on the dd214, what else could be wrong. The catch is his last 20 years of wage earnings list employers, dates employed and addresses of civilian companies during his alleged enlistment. Tamyra is a 16 year old junior at Mona Shores High School. Hes buried his self under lie after lie. Days After Cancellation, Judge Greg Mathis Announces Return to TV With 'Mathis Court' in Fall 2023. EverydAys. Brandon Davis. Search. Did you view these documents in the presence of his lawyer West Short? Haha Brandon received such a belittling admonishing from the judge he started fake crying in court. He loves the study and practicality of God's word, and is often described as having wisdom beyond his years. I represent the 37% of voters NOT registered as Democrat or Republican and those who feel "politically homeless". Tons of people have proof of who Brandon really is and that he is a manipulative compulsive liar. Judge Mathis and The People's Court will soon deliver their final verdicts. Who the hell gets E5 aftwr only servimg 7 months in the military????? If he joined back into the USMC to become Recon or Force Recon it would have been 2004-2008 because he was arrested in 2008 in Round Rock for writing bad check (hints the mug shot). Pre-teen? Judge Mathis: Certainly.First of all, I'm convinced after many years, that entertainment is what folks watch television for whether they want compelling entertainment because drama and love . The alerts explains everything why Brandon chooses his victims. It was only a matter of time and my family appreciates you. Dont hold your breath on those docs Mr. Smith. Who are the relatives of Brendan Anthony Moran? The popular daytime reality courtroom series have both been canceled after more than 20 years on the air, reports Deadline.They will close their doors after the end of Judge Mathis' 24th season and The People's Court's 26th season.. Judge Mathis, which premiered in 1999, centers around titular arbitrator Greg Mathis . 154 following. Its a shame Matthius chose to testify knowing this information already. but if he didnt have that when we first confronted him was provide a date. This scam has literally been up in flames for over a year. 4. Moran plunged from the balcony of his 24th floor apartment in Chicago. Plus they take great pride to help call out the phony who claim association. There is no official military documentation that supports the claim that he achieved the rank of Sergeant of Marines (E-5). We always wondered what was inside it. Would you agree that this is a far stretch? Talk soon.. Screen shots of Dr. Smiths comments have been taken, and we have reached out to Dr. Smith to verify if in fact he posted these comments. Hes not going to beat you up. Judge Greg Mathis Host of "Judge Mathis" Court TV Show #MathisFamilyMatters. Your 1st victim read your comments and called you out rather quickly. There are two simple questions ask Brandon; 1, wheres your BRC certificate? Though I havent found a solid source, it is rumored that the Judge Mathis show will pay $200 to each litigant, hotel and food costs, as well as the settlement owed. So we should all stop questioning you and the legitimacy of these alleged unnamed documents because why? Thank you for your diligence on this. to the creator of this site. Last month, it was announced that Dr. Phil is ending after a 21-year run. Im shocked that Judge Mathis is canceled. Ex wife was 13, Christy OBrien 16 and you just hand Jarods son to him? Now we know you were invested with him. Being a fake is the least of his worries. Where to Watch or Stream Judge Mathis. Allows me to enter and exit Brandons deepest and most troubled thoughts quite frequently. Hes a fake and let the shit hit the fan! Fact of the matter Brandon has a xerox copy of his phony awards alleged to have received which we will assume is the proof they allege to have. Mic Dropped You see Brandons intellectual horsepower is his biggest liability along with his credibility. Just like mom shortly before. I have seen and read copies of efficiency reports, certificates, letters from those he served with and other materials that show he was indeed a Force Reconnaissance Marine. You have been outed AGAIN!!!!!!! You just doubted someones posting and accused Brandin of making the postings. We all know the truth, and once you realize that Brandon has had you fooled, you will look like the jackass lol!!! So Brandon also found out we requested body camera footage of that alleged lobby assault. Hes so sloppy I have old texts, letters with this hood persona he likes to play. This essential work requires a systemic approach to increasing transparency, accountability, and fairness in all matters of public safety. LOL you are a joke and a fraud. Wayne State University Law School, Graduated in 2010, Bachelor of Applied Arts in Interpersonal and Public Communication, Central Michigan University, Graduated in 2007, Strategic Human Resources Leadership Certification, First-chaired over 50 Felony Jury Trials and numerous bench trials and misdemeanor cases, Served as a Muskegon County Senior Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Served as a Wayne County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Serves as an Attorney in Private Practice, Works to achieve justice by increasing accountability and transparency in public safety and criminal justice systems, Phi Beta Sigma, Fraternity, Inc., Member 2009 - Current, Michigan State Bar, Member 2010 - Current, Muskegon County Bar Association, Member (Past Board of Directors Member) 2013 - Current, Read Muskegon, Board of Directors (Immediate Past Chair) 2013 - Current, Victory In Praise Gospel Choir, Founder/Director 2014 - Current, Men of Color Read, Volunteer 2015 - Current, Muskegon Young Black Professionals, Sgt.-at-Arms 2018 - Current, National Association for the Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement, Member 2019 - Current, Muskegon Civic Theater, Board of Directors and Diversity Committee Member 2021 - Current, Floyd Skinner Bar Association, Board of Directors, 2021 - Current, Brandon is a proud father of two beautiful daughters, Dezi and Tamyra. And not just they said but the actual paperwork. This is a decade plus of lies by this man. Days after it was revealed that Judge Mathis would end its long run in daytime syndication, Byron Allen 's Allen Media Group has . This is bigger than fraud. McMaster was not happy to say the least. Former member of the Shannon Rovers Bagpipe Band of Chicago. Watch fullscreen . TVPG. BMD out of sickness or in pure rage threatened to kill or have killed Judge McMaster, ex wife, myself and our attorney by the time he has to turn himself over Friday. Ive been speaking with many of your once closest confidants about your scam. Almost a pleading to come to court to denounce the allegations against you and show support for you as a father and military career. Jealous? The hit program returned with Judge Marilyn Milian as its star in 1997. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Anonymous? WARNER BROS. TV (2) Judge Greg Mathis of 'Judge Mathis'; Judge Marilyn Milian of 'The People's Court'. The Navy requited for the lower Force Protection jobs and also had a special NEC called 9545 that is the Force protection NEC not Law enforcement. Let me figure, you got E5 cause you had E2 in the Marines, E3 in the Navy, so you added E2+E3=E5?????? At your convenience. No infringement of previously copyrighted material is intended on this site. Not the first time you did it Linda Felton aka Barbara Dolores aka BRANDON MICHAEL DAVIS AKA MARINE PHONY!!!!! Linda have your attorneys contact me @ As of now they are hush because they feel youre deserving of this type retribution. It does." - William James #Quote Theres no more running for BMD. web search. The Certified transcript of that hearing 11/24/15 details Brandons continued harassment of his ex and spouse. Linda Fenton, how much did Brandon pay you and Jarrod Rhodes to make people believe his lies?? A couple of days back I spent several hours in person with Brandon Michael Davis. 8 weeks of Recruit training at Great Lakes. Im not talking about you Brandon. top of page. No assault footage found. After college, Dezi plans to follow in Brandon's footsteps by going to law school and pursuing a career as an attorney. Brandon this whole pretending to be women thing is telling. Due you been exposed, have a good evening. Another lie. Totally understand why they cant find everything. Otherwise, What you claim to have seen is just hearsay ~ Scotty. Privacy Policy. Or made rank fast and then was let in. If you really earned them BRANDON MICHAEL DAVIS, show it!!!!!! @Jameis EtherIm stopping over in Gallup on my way back home from Texas, so just now catching up with the latest silly rants in this ongoing thread. And we should believe that youre thorough? Dezi and Tamyra often say that since they went to college and law school with Brandon they should automatically get their degrees. Paid for bytheCommittee to Elect Brandon Davis. Your wife will leave you and your relationship with your children will be greatly affected. Or authorities can view this call me 512-925-3392 and Ill direct them to the neighbors who witnessed it all and told me. By the way his wife is not crazy. Youre the only supporter left. Linda, Smith, justice, Barbara Delores, E, and Brandonmichael Davis he pronounces as Da-veees. Judge Greg Mathis, the youngest elected judge in Michigans history, was born on April 5, 1960, in Detroit, Michigan. Since these are not standard lengths for enlistments, there would have been circumstances that would have cut them short. The only 2 suits on file for Brandon in Wilco, TX was a failed application for A Protective Order against his ex wife and her husband. Volunteer reader for KRIS radio. Draw as many names in as possible. I am not your typical candidate. Signed docs signed by who? He knows I know the truth. Just remember, you have no chance in court in January 2017 when we all testify against you. You filed the lawsuit of slander/defamation against your ex wife and hoping her husband is seen as an agent for your legal judgement. He went in the US Navy and got out as an E-3. Brandon Michael Davis; Phony Recon Marine : This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here,,,, Richard Elmer Johnson US Army, US Marine SNCO, Purple Heart, POW, Blog of Shame, Theodore James Kosin US Army SGT, Purple Heart, DSM, Two Tours in Afghanistan, Blog of Shame, Leslie R. Coward U.S. Navy SEAL, U.S. Army CIB, Blog of Shame, Jose Carlos Montanez Navy Chief, U.S. Navy SEAL, BUD/S Class 176, Panama 1990, Blog of Shame, Thomas William Cole US Army SGT, Two Purple Hearts, Operation Urgent Fury, Blog of Shame. What again did you view and be advised all attorneys creep this site regularly so was West Short or William A James at this sit down? Yo imma domestically violence your ass! A woman has filed a lawsuit against her former roommate for rent, a security deposit, and a termination fee, but the Defendant claims that the Plaintiff continued to make advances towards her boyfriend and would confide in him about her problems. Speaking directly with the ex-wifes family attorney, the unscheduled suit was filed merely as intimidation with an additional $100k rewarded in punitive damages. The police reports have her lying about shes seen your credentials but she has a child with you now. Bad news is I requested your records-FOIA and are identical to whats posted here. I will be trashing any more comments pertaining to that subject. Judge Mathis and The People's Court will soon deliver their final verdicts.. You said relevant to the case? Your downfall doesnt begin and end with me or your victims. Men of integrity and who operate with supreme intellectual horsepower do not talk like barely HS educated 2nd generation removed Orleans trash. Tamara Davis vs. Lisa Khun-Ivory & Anthony Ivory Defendants for $1,175 - rent money/Counter for $1,780 - rent, bills & food. Zero motions. Ill be there on the 24th and so will many of those hes stole from. He would have been there long enough for training in his classification & uniform change. Even found out he forged his own marriage certificate to cover up more lies. . So you wouldnt know up from down even if you had a compass. Fraser Gouert vs. Nathan Posso Former friend for $4,217 - car damage/Counter for $700 - defamation & property. Therefore your credibility in judge again has taken on scrutiny. Linda I you believe him then ask for the proof he refuses to provide. COVID-19 Update. Judge Judy Calling -Plaintiff Latoya McNatt suing defendant Robert Goodson for money she paid for Jeep Grand Cherokee, defendant had the title, and donated the car (or so he claims). 2024 State judge elections; 2024 Local elections; 2024 Ballot measures; Ballotpedia's 2022 . Brandon pled no contest to the battery charge -- a misdemeanor, and the judge sentenced him to a drug diversion program. More bad news for you Davis. Following his release from the UFC in 2019, Brandon Davis clawed his way back to the big leagues all while competing with just one knee. Explains the unsolicited statement 5 min in. Member Actors Union. Tired of this pissing match between the Ex and a bunch of his supporters. Multiple documents that have him claiming combat income and benefits from being injured in combat. Correction. Hello, Log in. And you dont publish your identities as investigators. Also, you claim to be a proud marine, BUT, there was an incident in 1996 at a military ball where you insulted the marines to a group of cadets with the Marine Corps JROTC from Round Rock High School. That guy is a huge asshole. You look stupid defending a psycho in public space. Tyler Perry? And not finger pointing, slandering and accusations. 60 min. The stars of HGTV's "Home Town" are mourning a former camera operator and assistant on the show. I dont know about the pedophile specifics but you as a 19-20yo man acknowledging you were sexually involved with a 14-15yo child is criminal no matter how you splice it. You can do whatever you want with this information, but if I were in your shoes I would seriously rethink what you are saying here. The incident took place at the ball where you got into a fight and you were flipping over a table and throwing plates and glasses at those cadets and you were reprimanded when you got back to school. Im not looking at this ridiculous stuff any longer. I will be speaking with them this week but would love to speak with Austin Talley and KBW83 first. Victims voices will be heard! Great! I am so thankful for your work with this. Unfortunately I am the ex wife. Judge Mathis: With Greg Mathis, Doyle Devereux, Debbi Burns, Maureen Mendoza. Andre Bernard Mathis (born 1980) is an American lawyer who is serving as a United States circuit judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. They recently contacted me again to get me to produce evidence for your defense. It matters nothing to me whether you believe me. People get on the Internet and no one can see them so it sets them free to say things they would never say in public. Please email me Paul Smith, you are really Brandon Michael Davis aka Linda Fenton aka Barbara Dolores aka Justice. Experience he believes he couldn't have found. Michael Floore said 23-year-old Brandon Davis was pronounced dead around 6 p.m. today. Just another reminder. Who are you and what do you have to do with this case? Events. His testimony was weak and irrelevant but none the less used as more deflection. To see others have figured you were a scam too is a relief. Skip To Navigation; Skip To Content; Skip To Footer Morans death has been officially ruled a suicide; he passed away after falling off a balcony. Nobody likes to ever think their personal super hero is a complete fraud and phony. I know this because ive seen the efforts first hand. Paul Smith please explain your experience with evaluating military documents? Strangely thats yet to be done in a calendar year. The walls are caving in. HHV Exclusive: Judge Mathis talks "Grow House," marijuana, Snoop Dogg, Donald Trump, taxes, the bombing, and more with @ And the administrator should make this more than just a point and accuse page. I dont know this guy, never met him to my knowledge. I graduated and enrolled at Wayne State Law School and later began my career as an attorney in 2010. Seeing you squirm again and look like a delusional sociopath was priceless. The way I see it they wanted to give him credit for his Marine training and he would therefore be qualified for some of the schools to go through the MA pipe line. None of that was true and neither is your background fortunately. You exposing your incompetence to the situation here does absolutely ZERO for his credibility. Today I viewed a binder full of documents from Brandons sons school file all placed inside by BMD himself. This is just speculation, but would explain all of the inconsistencies. His son knows his father is not who he says he is but just like his father hes embarrassed and ashamed of the situation. Sorry try again. Vaso-occlusive crises precipitate all kinds of problems, strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary emboli, and severe pain. You came on here to defend and project your credibility as cover or an umbrella to Brandons own credibility issues. Send me an email and Ill send you the transcript/report/deposition. But his decisions were made and now innocent lives are affected forever. SD. Because he is using his Navy and Marine experience to work in the force protection or home land security world. In the below photo, which shows a clearer picture of his medals, Davishas a Bronze Star with what appears to be a V for valor, a Combat Action Ribbon (CAR) with a Star to designate two awards (i.e. Well damn.. Haha this sure did escalate in a hurry. Mathis and the judge sentenced him to my knowledge there on the dd214 what! Am so thankful for your legal judgement and neither is your background fortunately identical to whats posted here Dropped. That have him claiming combat income and benefits from being injured in combat tamyra say... Sons school file all placed inside by BMD himself Jarrod Rhodes to make People believe lies... Mathis, which will end after its current 24th season, and fairness all... Went to college and law school and pursuing a career as an E-3 horsepower do not talk barely. 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brandon davis judge mathis update


brandon davis judge mathis update