mexican slang dictionary pdf

Dar el gatazo adj For something to appear from afar, to be of very high quality or beauty, but upon closer inspection, for that assumption to be proved wrong. Dar Largas verb To continue to put something off, without ever saying no to it. Huichol noun Indigenous peoples native to western Jalisco and Nayarit states. - Ya entend. - ndale!. e.g. No le buscas chichis a las culebras expression Dont go looking for problems that you cant handle. Montado noun A dish typical to northern Mexico, particularly Chihuahua, in which beans and cheese are sandwiched between two flour tortillas, and then topped with a filling, creating what is essentially a stuffed double-tortilla taco. or, To hell with it!. noun A novice, or person without adequate experience. As in baseball; the bat something away. e.g. As in You dont need to ask permission, its your own to give. e.g. Se estan chingando la lana (They are stealing the money). 3. noun An important person or boss. Aguitado adj A sad or pensative mood. Also Fulana/o de tal. Lo llam a cagarlo (She called him up to give him a telling off). Palanca noun A friendship or contact on the inside, which facilitates ones business or activities. Chingadera: Something without value or importance. Agazaparse verb To make oneself as small as possible. To turn whatever you are eating into tacos by placing it inside a tortilla and eating it as such. - "Do it right away". Jalada noun Male masturbation. Dragon, Boy, Mexican Brown, Thunder, Skunk Hydrocodone or Dihydrocodeinone Brands: Vicodin, Lortab, Lorcet, others Vike, Watsons, Watson-387, Vics, Vicos, Hydros, Lorris, Fluff, . Literally a grey hair to the wind. The stringy form of cheese similar to mozzarella. Traer Tenis verb To take somebody by surprise, in whatever context. Comes from colonial times in which a ships yardmast (the horizontal beam from which sails were hung) was known as the verga. e.g. Simn exclam Affirmation meaning yes. To have verbal-diarrhea. Pues yo como de chile, mole y pozole. Al Gusto adj Usually referring to food, prepared in the style which the diner desires. Cabal exclam South Mexican and Guatemalan exclamation in the affirmative, as in exactly!. Dote noun A dowry paid by the grooms side of the family. Chaca noun (masculine) A gangster, or malandro from Mexico City. Named the goats horn due to its curved magazine. As in si, man. Literally to cost a testicle. The nominal baddie in a lucha libre wrestling show. 24. We've found 9 Spanish slang dictionaries that will get you familiar with informal Spanish vocabulary and phrases from around the Spanish-speaking world. Mamador adj Of the very highest class, top-dollar. Piojo noun A cheeky individual, who seeks to take personal advantage of a situation. Tends to be regional term to Chilangos. noun A task which is boring, tiresome or unenjoyable. Pipope noun Pejorative abbreviation for a native of Puebla State: Pinche Poblano Pendejo (Fucking Idiot from Puebla). En el bote (In jail) 7. Pepenador noun A waste disposal worker at a rubbish dump site, who sorts through the refuse. e.g. noun Penis, in the region of the Yucatan Peninsula. Chinga su Madre! figeater beetle, June bug (Cotinis mutabilis) (Mexico, slang) active (top) homosexual or bisexual (Chicano, slang, derogatory, ethnic slur) black person Nic Chac noun A Yucatan equivalent of escamol, but with wasp larvae rather than ants. Medio cachito adj Descriptive of something half-decent, or of middling quality. Aguantar Vara expression Meaning to Man-up, or endure. Esta tragando camote (Look at this idiot with the green light, but he isnt moving. Cuchillito de Palo expression Signifying that something is a constant annoyance, in that no corta, pero como chinga! (It doesnt cut, but it certainly bothers). Its offensive as it makes reference to Mexicos patroness saint La Virgen de Guadalupe, or La Guadalupana, Lupe being the diminutive of her name Guadalupe. Me la pelas! Hacer de pedo verb To make problems for someone, or to tell someone off. Aguanta vara! (Dont be a pussy. Te desayunaste payaso hoy? (Youre in a silly mood). Enchilar verb To annoy or anger someone. Guayabo, estar en el expression Of an enamoured individual, to be in the honeymoon or crazy love period of a romantic relationship, oftne used in connection with regular sexual activity. Man up!). Colmilludo noun A person with a great deal of experience, or wisdom. e.g. Essentially, we'll recreate the sounds with English words, so that you know how to say each word without having to mimic a native speaker! Literally, to cut someones testicles off. check out this too-lucky sex maniac and get a slang dictionary like, need I say, my own "Mexican Slang 101". As in, something which one might not want to do. El tiene un chingo de dinero (He has a lot of money), Duele un chingo (It hurts a lot). The expression comes from the Mexican-American war (1846-1848) in which the U.S. Army infantry uniforms were coloured green, giving rise to the pidgin English saying among the Mexican population Green Go Home, which was shorted to Gringo. Al Pastor noun Pork loin marinated in chili, spices and vinegar, and then stacked Shawarma or Dner-style on a vertical spit. i.e. I ate too much chilli.). To take advantage of someone, or screw someone over. It can also be used to call someone a "bro", or, in general, refer to a guy. Chicano A Mexican-American. A verb 'chingar' is also commonly used in expressions like ' No me chingues!', or 'Vete a la chingada.' = 'Don't fuck with me! Since slang is constantly changing, it can be difficult to find definitions of certain terms in a printed dictionary. e.g. A snack or food taken between meals. Auto Chocolate noun A vehicle registered in the United States, which is brought across the border without undergoing the proper import procedure, and is simply used in the border region. The term has varying connotations, including an affirmation that something is impressive, an agreement with a statement (akin to "okay"), or to signify distress. A su madre! Chancla If you've ever been hit with a flip flop by your Mexican aunt or mother, then you know the meaning of chancla. Mayalandia noun Affectionate nicknames for the southeast of Mexico, i.e. The oxford dictionary of slang. Chofer noun The driver of a vehicle, not limited to the role of chauffeur. To steal something. Buey noun Has many spellings, but this is the correct one. Chilango noun A native of Mexico City. Chupafaros noun A loser, or an inadequate individual. Coyotito noun A nap. Reverendo Pelmazo title A despective term usted to refer to President Obrador by his detractors. Me la como. (The traffic light is red, but theres no one coming. adj Descriptive of an individual who is easy-going, happy or relaxed. B Pequeo noun The letter V. Used to signify the difference between the letters B and V, which are pronounced similarly. 1. noun Derogatory term for a left-leaning political activist, who most commonly expresses their views through social media. Meterse hasta la cocina expression Descriptive of someone or something which is very invasive or imprudent. Chale exp An expression of disappointment or frustration. Con Permiso expression A polite, or good-mannered way of saying goodbye, passing by, or entering into a place where one is invited. It's not a bad word, but it almost surely comes from a bad word. e.g. se cruz al Gabacho (he crossed into the U.S.). Cargar la Cruz verb To be hungover. Que crack es ese guey. (Did you see Ronaldos goal. expression Informal and colloquial way of asking if a person will join you in your plans. Stems from the days of mounted highwaymen, who would rob carriages on horseback. (Didn't you know that Jaime had an affair with his secretary?) Jalas? Las de la casa noun The term for the final round of drinks, which in Mexican culture are often expected to be given free of charge, or on the house. Mexican slang for someone with a tacky, or poor attitude, and is considered less sophisticated than your regular member of society. Me mama jugar foutbol (I love playing football). Not applicable in the context of tipping a waiter. Cohete noun A pistol. Escuincle noun A child, or little one. 6. e.g. Concede cambio de luces A road sign commonly seen on federal highways asking motorists to be considerate of their headlights when passing oncoming vehicles. 2. exclam Colloquial term used in conversation as an affirmation that a person has understood the point the speaker was trying to make. Palapa noun A structure with a thatched palm roof, most commonly found on the countrys coasts. Also known as Aporreadillo. verb To act in an unfair or selfish manner. adj To screw up. Simple as that. Pollero noun A human trafficker who moves groups of undoucmented mgirants across Mexico and into the United States. (also used in Spain) 36. as in, I wouldnt even do it if I were drunk. 9. Greedy, or someone who cant get their fill. In Mexican slang, chamarra means jacket. People who grow up in a Mexican culture within the United States. Birote noun A crusty, french bread style Telera, most commonly found in Jalisco State. Often a pejorative term who some who is just cashing a paycheck, rather than being really committed to their career. e.g. e.g. Commonly eaten along the countrys southern Pacific Coast. Vamos al bar. Literally means a twin, but is used often in a fraternal context. Tirar Para verb To engage in sexual intercourse. llegue a las 6am y me hicieron la jarocha (I got in at six in the morning and I got a bollocking). e.g. "Terraceo" comes from "terraza" (terrace). The animals heart, lungs and liver. It comes from the Nahuatl word Alcopili, meaning crown. Check ouot Mexico Relocation Guide, shot down a federal governments helicopter, Thinking of moving to Mexico? Estribo, el del noun The final beverage of a drinking session. Also el del estribo. Me la pelas exclam Rude expression, roughly translating to suck my dick. Mentar madre verb To insult someone usually using insulting phrases regarding their mother. Also Ponerse las vergas. e.g. Joven, le encargo la cuenta, y las de la casa, por favor (Waiter, please can we have the check, and the final drinks on the house). Porra noun A chant. Puetero noun A wanker in British English. e.g. The Collins Spanish online dictionary offers you: Comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of today's language. Buena Onda adj A person who is easygoing or pleasant to be with. Commonly eaten in Mexico and the wider region. Roughly equivalent to a pub, but with a less homely feel. Though the majority of Mexicans are Amerindians (pure-bloods and mixed-bloods "mestizos"), there are a substantial number of non-Indian Mexicans, such as the Spanish whites that are effectively the ruling class of the country, blacks, Jews, Arabs (Salma Hayek, telecom . muff. Botana noun A snack, or starter course. Often with loud music and dancing. e.g. e.g. Chilangada noun A rude of discourteous action undertaken, befitting of a Chilango. The term comes from the Nahuatl language: Itacatl, meaning bag, or rucksack. Different sporting institutions often have their own specific chants, sung by the crowd at their events, but a common example of a very Mexican porra goes: X, X! Exact translation is Spit it out Lupe. Andarse Comiendo verb To be having regular, casual sex with an individual. Because of all the attention Hollywood has put on cartels. Literally to have a chickens heart. Ponerse vergas verb Rude version of ponerse trucha. But Lara shrugs off the risk of being criticized for bringing the gangland vocabulary into Mexico's own Spanish dictionary, which first appeared in 2010 to highlight the country's . Quilombo - This is a nice slang word from Argentina and Uruguay which means "scandal", "mess" or "racket". Meter un calambre verb To give someone a scare. e.g. Llevar gallo verb To bring a musical troupe to a persons home, usually in the middle of the night, to serenade them. Literally" You have a heavy hand. Padre adj Excellent, or of outstanding quality. Cantina noun A traditional, or old-fashioned, Mexican bar or drinking hole. Angelpolis noun A nickname for the city of Puebla. Se la anda comiendo (Hes been shagging her). Pido el menudo, para no quedarme con la duda. (Ill order the tripe, so Ive tried it.). Literally Dont search for tits on a snake. bag off Verb. The oxford dictionary of slang. The expression, literally to bring a rooster, comes from the fact that the object of the serenade will often be woken up by the activity. Cuete noun A pistol or gun, another way of pronouncing cohete. noun A bar, or stick, used to block a doorway in the absence of an actual lock. mi ex-novio se port muy gacho conmigo (My ex-boyfriend treated me very badly). 3. verb In the context of cagar a alguien, to yell at someone, or give them a bollocking. Que traigo? Traete un pomo. ( What shall I bring? e.g. Context involves the onga. To take more than is ones fair share. Literally with ones hands in the dough. A task which takes a great deal of effort, Chingarse algo verb To steal, shoplift or nick something. Grilla noun A vocal and forthright argument. Chicano noun A Mexican American, most often second-generation immigrant. Hijole, me enchile bien cabrn (Damn! Literally never say this water is undrinkable. This is the pronunciation guide from my "Mexican Slang 101" books, nice and brief. What a pain in the arse.). No manches exclam A polite way of saying No Mames. la fiesta estaba desangelada (the party was dead). A contestants turn at beating the piata lasts as long as it takes their friends to sing the song: Dale, dale, dale, no pierdas de tino; porque si lo pierdes, pierdes tu camino; ya le diste uno, ya le diste dos; ya le diste tres, y tu tiempo se acab!. 2. noun A good friend or personal acquaintance in whom one has confidence. Me mama, Te mama, Le mama, Nos mama, etc. chaparro Normally, you'd say someone is bajo if they're short (referring to their height), but Mexican slang calls for the word chaparro . A Spanish pronunciation of Gangs. e.g. Chinga tu Madre! noun The United States. Que choro nos ech! (What a load of bullshit he came out with! The phrase comes from the historical character La Malinche, an indigenous woman who aided Hernan Cortes in his conquest of Mexico. exclam Expression of surprise regional to the Yucatan Peninsuka. e.g. Guarura noun A bodyguard. See this report for more information on Escamoles. nasty, or bad. Pompar, pompeamos, pompeaste, do not exist). Refresco noun The tip paid to an individual for a service rendered. However, there are many more varieties to be found around the harvest season of June/August: Reina, Morada, Apastillada, Burrona, Tapona, to name a few. i.e. Its all yours.) To stir up trouble between other people. Ya Llovi exclam Signifying that a significant amount of time has passed since the last time an event occurred. Hasta la Madre adj An emotional state of frustration with someone or something. If you are afraid of heights, beware. 3. A dictionary of slang - "B" - Slang and colloquialisms of the UK. So-called for its residents, who are known as Chilangos. This expression comes from the pulquerias of Mexico, in which the dregs of the clients drinks would not be discarded, but rather collected in a separate receptacle. Hijole exclam A polite saying expressing surprise or confusion. noun A hot flush, most commonly used for the symptoms of female menopause. Has different forms across the country, but is most commonly in a salt-rimmed glass with lime juice. Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can . lets do it!, sure!. No le sube agua al tinaco expression Signfiying that an individual is not very intelligent. There are two main varieties of tuna: red and green. Chino noun Anyone of East Asian genetic origin. Lingoda's expert teachers know all the latest slang and can help you with your Spanish conversation skills. Equivalent of spill the beans. Mamalona adj Beautiful, excellent, or sexy. In this work, sexual slang words were collected from two important texts written by Mexicans: "Antologa del albur" [3], which is a collection of albures from several states of the Mexican Republic of different authors; and "El chilangonario" [4], which is a manual compilation of general slang used by Mexicans. 2. Comes from the religious candle glasses which have a crucifix at the bottom of them. A clown. e.g. Jajajaja Spanish way of writing hahahaha, the J in Castellano being soft. Why a dictionary of Spanish slang or any slang for that matter? Feria noun A quantity of money. Si no conoces a Dios, a cualquier santo que te le hincas expression A saying which says that if a person has never experienced the best quality product, then they cannot tell the difference between the poor quality to which they are accustomed. It can also be used alongside articles, but is it incorrect to use the determiner (el/la). Bonus fact: Selena sings aguas in the beginning of the . Pichicatear verb To haggle over price, usually with a miserly attitude. Briago noun & adj Relatively old-fashioned word for a drunk, or alcoholic. It can be seen here. Le carg el payaso expression An expression meaning that something or someone has either died, or come to the end of its life. Therefore, chamarra can be the safer of the two words. Ella es muy buen pedo. Adis = Goodbye. No le encuentro ni pies ni cabeza a su excusa. The most common Mexican groseria, which in colonial times meant to rape, but which now is equivalent to 'Fuck in English, given the vast quantity of derivatives and phrasal verbs that stem from it. Ballena Literal Meaning: whale Meaning: liter bottle of beer Vamos a comprar una ballena y jugar domin. e.g. Unas de Cal por las de Arenas expression Signifying that in life, misfortune is an inevitable occurrence on the road to success. Literally we have to plough with these oxen. The main purpose of the dictionary is to strengthen the means of communication between Spanish- speaking populations and the health workers serving A man whose wife cheats on him, you see, isn't exactly held in high esteem. They are also known as the Tarahumara in the Spanish language, although that word is a bastardisation of how the people refer to themselves. Literally something for a soda. Buen pedo adj A good person. Literally to rub ones loins in order to achieve something. Abuelita de Batman exclam A toned-down way of saying Ahuevo! Also Aeromosa, Sobrecarga. After a heavy drinking session, clients would buy their te-por-ocho pesos in the street in the hope of mitigating their hangovers. Cuajar verb To solidify or become firm (think of jelly setting). Chonguitos noun The term for crossing ones fingers in the hope of receiving good luck. Fusca noun A pistol, or firearm. Penultima noun The final beverage of a drinking session, the final drink being the one taken before you die. 20 Mexican Slang Words 1. Literally, to withstand a caning. e.g. A shag. A pain in the ass. Mariconada noun A man bag. A jartera is, basically, a big meal.The word comes from harto, which generally means "tired", but sometimes it's used as "satisfied" or "satiated."If you say Qu jartera!, that means that you're extremely full.Good for you! e.g. Gandalla noun A selfish or rotten individual. e.g,. El wey es un patn. (The guys an asshole). Colmillo Largo expression Denoting a persons wisdom or experience, often used in the context of business. Tepache noun A drink made from fermented pineapple skin. [1] It is also commonly used in the United States as an exclamation expressing approval or encouragement. Gayola noun The worst row of seats in the house or theater. Usually worn over the shoulder, and often called a messenger bag, its a handbag designed for men. Terrible e.g. Given that he is from Tabasco State, where the Pejelagarto (alligator gar) is an endemic species of fauna, and local delicacy. Jalas? (Were going to the bar. Chile, mole y pozole expression An expression denoting that a person is not picky when it comes to food, as in theyll eat anything. Literally, to do something with your buttocks. Chavindeca noun A dish native to the tierra caliente reigon of Michoacan State, consisting meat and cheese sandwiched between two large grilled corn tortillas,. An individual who has the tight curly hair typical to black people. An event at which one will be able to partake of food, drink, etc, without having to pay. El Chapos sons always refer to him as Mi Ap. ( Would anyone like to try my ceviche? Excellent. e.g. e.g. Darle las tres verb To take the final few puffs on a cigarette or other smokeable item, in order to finish it. V Pequeo noun The letter V. Used to signify the difference between the letters B and V, which are pronounced similarly. Koreans, Vietnamese, Mongolians, etc, are all lumped into this category. It also allows multiple sorting criteria! Trompazo noun A punch in the face, or on the nose. e.g. Hacerse de la vista gorda verb To turn a blind eye, or to ignore something. e.g. Comes from the phrase Para quien es perico, donde queda es verde. Cura noun A Baja-Californian word for something amusing. Itacate noun Food prepared to be taken away, or to-go. Poc Chuc noun A dish originating from Mayan cuisine, this is pork marinaded in lime and spices, before being grilled. Horchata noun A popular beverage made from the starchy water resulting from the boiling of rice, which is sweetened for consumption. e.g. Literally, to give them cramp. Al tiro - It is a short expression used to say "right away". Pollera noun Yucatan regional synonym of Guajolotera. From ome meaning two, and teotl meaning force, god or fire. adj Of a style pertaining to Mexican-American gang culture. Literally a dogs paw. Te mamaste expression Saying meaning that the subject has gone beyond the normal boundaries, in either a good or bad sense. Ojeto adj Equivalent descriptive version of Ojete, i.e. A rare and delicious dish, if you can find it. exclam Wow! Mi valedor! (My valued friend!). e.g. Adding some slang to your speech will make you sound like a local but make sure you use slang in the correct context and be sensitive about the foreign culture you find yourself in. Spanish is full of phrases that use the word leche, or milk. Ningn chile te embona expression Meaning theres no pleasing you. Canijo noun Lightly pejorative, or playful, way of referring to an individual, mainly highlighting their person defects. ( I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, that's for sure) 35. 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mexican slang dictionary pdf


mexican slang dictionary pdf